Thursday, 30 November 2017
Y3 Showcase: Thankyou!
Thank you to all of the parents and carers that came along to the Year 3 Showcase this afternoon. It was a fantastic turn out. We would really appreciate if you could take a minute to give us your feedback. Please click the link here:
Good enough to eat
Ham sandwiches with brown bread, fruit kebabs, melon, olives and bottles of water were among some of the choices made by the children. Their creations were 'good enough to eat!'.
What would you like to put in your healthy lunch box?
Healthy Lifestyles,
School Council
Year 4 Spellings
Here are the spellings for Year 4 this week. The children will have their test on Friday 8th December 2017.
Martial Art success at Mead
A massive well done to 2 of our pupils from Palau class.
Ava Paris has just received her white belt- yellow tag for Taekwondo. She also received a beautiful certificate which she is holding in the picture. Alongside her is Yanis Ruzibaev who has just got his red belt in Karate. I'm sure you'll agree we have some very talented 5 year olds at Mead.
Ava Paris has just received her white belt- yellow tag for Taekwondo. She also received a beautiful certificate which she is holding in the picture. Alongside her is Yanis Ruzibaev who has just got his red belt in Karate. I'm sure you'll agree we have some very talented 5 year olds at Mead.

Please be reminded that Year 3 are holding their showcase this afternoon in the main KS2 hall at 2-2.45pm. We invite all parents and carers to come along where your child will show you around everything they have been learning so far this year. Please come and join in with the fun activities we have on offer.
You are welcome to take your child home after the showcase but please be reminded that children in other year groups will be collected at normal times.
Thankyou for your support. We look forward to seeing you this afternoon!
You are welcome to take your child home after the showcase but please be reminded that children in other year groups will be collected at normal times.
Thankyou for your support. We look forward to seeing you this afternoon!
We invite you to come along to our showcase afternoon next week on Thursday 7th December in the Year 1 classrooms. Please arrive at 2.00-3.00pm where your child will be able to show you around everything they have been learning. Please feel free to get involved in the activities and take part in some learning too!
You will be able to take your child home once you have finished looking around but please be aware that children in other classes will not be allowed to go home until normal finishing time.
We hope you can make it.
Year 6 Spelling List
Year 6 - Spelling list - Autumn 2 - Week 6
The new spelling list is given to children each Friday. The children are asked to practise their spellings at home for 15 minutes each day. They can practise by putting the words into sentences this will help them to understand how to use each word in the correct contexts. We then encourage the children to use these words within their independent writing activities throughout the week.
Please remind children that their red spelling book should be returned to school each Friday so we can give the children their spellings for the following week.
Children will be tested on these spellings the following Friday.
Please remind children that their red spelling book should be returned to school each Friday so we can give the children their spellings for the following week.
Children will be tested on these spellings the following Friday.
Wednesday, 29 November 2017
New Majorettes
Well done to Layla-Mai and Jessie Eaton who have just joined Phoenix Blues Twirlers, majorettes group. They are both practising hard as they are looking forward to taking part in their first competition this weekend. Good Luck girls!

Tuesday, 28 November 2017
Reminder Reception reading morning
Reception are inviting parents to come and join us for our last reading morning of the term. On Friday 1st December from 8.30am we are asking parents to come and join their child in their classes for at least 5 minutes reading a book to them or with them. As this will be the last reading morning before Christmas, we will also be providing some festive treats for you and your child to enjoy. We are continuing to promote a child's love of reading and we hope it will provide an opportunity for you to be able to share in this.
Following our reading morning we will also holding our first stay and play (further information to follow).
We very much look forward to welcoming you on Friday 1st.
Reception Team
Reminder Reception stay and play
Reminder: Reception Christmas Stay and Play
On Friday 1st December, we will be holding an open day for parents to come and spend some time in Reception with your child.
will be a range of Christmas related activities for you to do with your
child and it gives a great opportunity for you to see all the fantastic
learning that has been happening this term.
We will be having a morning session from 9.15am-11am and an afternoon session from
1.15pm-2.30pm. Please only attend one session.
You do not have to stay for the entire session, if you can only stay for an hour that is fine, and Mums/Dads/Nans/Grandads etc are welcome. If you have younger children they are permitted to come in with you but please leave buggies outside.
1.15pm-2.30pm. Please only attend one session.
You do not have to stay for the entire session, if you can only stay for an hour that is fine, and Mums/Dads/Nans/Grandads etc are welcome. If you have younger children they are permitted to come in with you but please leave buggies outside.
Bring an adult to school day in Year 2!
Just a reminder!
In year 2 we are having a showcase morning tomorrow. You can bring your child into school and complete some of their jobs and activities with them. Please come along and see what learning looks like in year 2.
Nursery book sale- last day
Nursery book sale
Thank you to all that have purchased books from our Nursery book sale. The last day of the sale will be Wednesday so if you are waiting to get books now is your last chance. If you are waiting for books that you have ordered these will be arriving soon and we will let you know when we have them. Thank you!
Nursery Christmas Concert
As Christmas is approaching fast it is time to prepare for our Nursery Christmas concert. Every year the Nursery children learn a range of Christmas songs and perform them to their families.
The Nursery concert will be held on Friday 15th December at 11.00am. ALL children (AM, PM, 30 hours and 2 year old) will need to attend the morning session, starting at 8.30-8.45am. This will be held in the KS1 hall and parents/family members can come to watch the show. This a very special time for children as we will be working hard to learn all our Christmas songs. Please organise at least one family member to attend the concert as children become distressed if they can't see someone they know in the audience.
As this is the first year we have had 2 year old children in our Nursery, they will be included in the concert but only for a short period of time. 2 year old children will join in with one song at the beginning of the concert, and if they wish to leave the stage to sit with their families to watch the rest of the show they can do.
There will be mince pies to enjoy with your children once the concert has finished.
- Concert Friday 15th December
- All children to arrive at school at 8.30am-8.45am
- Parents come back to watch the concert- starting at 11.00am
- All children and parents leave after the concert. There will be no afternoon session on this day.
- Children to wear Christmas jumpers as it is also Christmas jumper day! Please make sure any hairstyles are low down as children will be wearing hats.
Thank you for your support
Nursery Team
Nursery PM postbox walk!
The afternoon Nursery children had a great time walking to the postbox to post their letters to Santa. Here are some pictures of us out on our walk. Remember to watch out for the reply from Santa coming through your door soon!
Monday, 27 November 2017
Nursery AM postbox walk!
The morning Nursery children are back safely from walking to the postbox. All the children had great fun posting their letters to Santa and we even saw the postman out on our travels. Remember to watch out for your replies from Santa soon!
Sunday, 26 November 2017
Year 4 Star Writers
This week Jessica Iancu, Wilson Hunt and Francesca Hurt were all star writers in year 4. They all created their own version of 'The Magic Box' poem by Kit Wright. The children were able to use various poetry techniques which include: onomatopoeia, repetition, similes and personification.
Year 4 Spellings
Here are the spellings for Year 4 this week. The children will have their test on Friday 1st December.
Please encourage your child to practise their spellings for 15 minutes every night.
ATP Tennis Finals 2017
Budding young tennis players from Broadford & Mead Primary were fortunate enough to have tickets to visit the ATP Tour Tennis Finals at the O2 and see the world’s top male tennis players return to the iconic venue for the tennis season's grand finale event.
Seeing Roger Federer was incredible. I saw him win Wimbledon this year. His tennis was so effortless.
Adile - aged 11
First the children got the chance to put their hands on the Nitto ATP Finals Trophy, that was eventually lifted by Grigor Dimitrov in the final on Sunday. Once the 40 children had experienced the thrill of lifting a major world sporting trophy they sat down to watch a doubles match between Kontinen/Peers vs Klassen/Ram.
Seeing Roger Federer was incredible. I saw him win Wimbledon this year. His tennis was so effortless.
Adile - aged 11
First the children got the chance to put their hands on the Nitto ATP Finals Trophy, that was eventually lifted by Grigor Dimitrov in the final on Sunday. Once the 40 children had experienced the thrill of lifting a major world sporting trophy they sat down to watch a doubles match between Kontinen/Peers vs Klassen/Ram.
The doubles matches were so entertaining to watch. Without super fast reactions you would struggle to compete as the ball comes at you so quickly!
Lois - aged 10
Then it was time for the main event... Federer vs Cilic. In the run up to this experience the children had been revising some incredible Federer facts.
Did you know that...
- His winnings this season - including the Australian Open 2017 - have meant that his career prize money earnings are now over the $100 million mark? This makes him the most successful sportsman - in prize money terms - of all time!
- The Roger Federer Foundation - which focuses on raising funds for early childhood education in southern Africa - has raised more than $15 million?
Prior to this event:
95% of the pupils had never been to a live tennis match before
55% had never had the chance to visit the O2 venue
Our Learning Federation believes that our pupils should be entitled to a wide range of awesome experiences while they are at Primary school. We are fortunate to be situated so close to London, and we believe it is our duty to make the most of that. When we realised there was a chance to let our pupils see the arguably the greatest male tennis player of all time it was an easy decision to buy the tickets.
Mr Drakes - Executive Headteacher.
History of the Event
Men's professional tennis has always featured a year-end championship ever since Jack Kramer, the first executive director of the Association of Tennis Professionals (ATP), implemented the Grand Prix structure of a year-long series of tennis tournaments in 1969. Right from the first Masters in Tokyo in December 1970 it became a prestigious event, and was subsequently held in Paris, Barcelona, Boston, Melbourne, Stockholm, and Houston before the event started a 13-year association with Madison Square Garden in New York from 1977 to 1989. The Masters evolved into the ATP Tour World Championships in 1990. Frankfurt and Hannover shared the event through 1999. In 2000, the event was rebranded Tennis Masters Cup and was held in Lisbon, Sydney, Houston and Shanghai. In 2009, the event moved to The O2 in London, the world's busiest entertainment arena, as the Nitto ATP Finals.
Reception Newsletter Week 5

Term: Autumn 2 Week 5 27.11.17
Dear Parents/Carers
To continue our topic of ‘Celebrations and Patterns’ our focus story this week will be “The Jolly Christmas Postman”. This will run alongside the very important job of writing letters to Father Christmas. The children will also think about the fairy tale characters that are visited by the postman.
We will continue the teaching of phonics, each week we will send home the sounds we have learnt, these are sheets for you to complete at home, to support your child. Please note they do not have to be returned to school. In our maths sessions we will be starting work on early addition.
We are on Week 2 of the Havering School Catering Menu
Monday’s choices are:
Organic Pork Sausages with Mashed Potatoes
Tuna & Sweetcorn Pasta Bake
Red Onion & Rosemary Sausage with Mash Potato (V)
Our PE day is Wednesday please ensure your child has a named PE kit in school. If your child wears earrings please make sure they are removed on this day.
Our objectives this term are:-
Personal, Social and Emotional:
Begins to accept the needs of others and can take turns and share resources, sometimes with support from others.
Can usually tolerate delay when needs are not immediately met, and understands wishes may not always be met.
Initiates play, offering cues to peers to join them.
Communication and Language:
Shows understanding of prepositions by carrying out an action or selecting correct picture.
Can retell a simple past event in correct order.
Questions why things happen and gives explanations. Asks e.g. who, what, when, how.
Physical Development:
Negotiates space successfully when playing racing and chasing games with other children, adjusting speed or changing direction to avoid obstacles.
Experiments with different ways of moving.
Moves with confidence in a range of ways, negotiating space.
Enjoys an increasing range of books.
Describes main story settings, events and principal characters.
Hears and says initial sounds in words.
Shows interest in shape by sustained construction activity or by talking about shapes or arrangements.
Selects a particular named shape.
Can describe their relative position such as 'behind' or 'next to'.
Uses familiar objects and common shapes to create and recreate patterns and build models.
Understanding the World:
Remembers and talks about significant events in their own experience.
Shows interest in different occupations and ways of life.
Recognises and describes special times or events for family or friends.
Expressive Art and Design:
Imitates movement in response to music.
Beginning to be interested in and describe the texture of things.
Captures experiences and responses with a range of media, such as music, dance and paint and other materials or words.
Learning Challenge
Each half term we will be setting our pupils a challenge related to their learning. We believe that it is important for us to provide guidance for parents on how their children's learning can be extended at home.
The learning challenge will include either a nursery rhyme, famous person, illustration or a piece of music. Please talk to your child about the challenge and help them to engage in their learning. The children can choose how they present their learning challenge outcomes to their teacher or class.
Poem/Song to learn: Five Little Men in a Flying Saucer
Five little Men in a flying saucer. Person: Mr Maker
Flew around the world one day,
They looked left and right,
But they didn’t like the sight,
So one man flew away.
Composer/Piece of music: Vivaldi’s Four Seasons
Nursery Rhyme
Piece of music
1. Learn it off by heart.
2. Draw a picture to illustrate the rhyme.
3. Find out about stars.
Listen to the piece of music.
Create some movements to the music.
Draw an illustration to represent their feelings.
1. 1.Draw a portrait of the person.
2. Find out facts about the person.
3. Watch the person in action.
Dates for you diary
Friday 1st December – Reading morning and Stay and Play
Friday 1st December-Christmas Stay and Make
Tuesday 12th December at 2pm Reception Christmas play
And Wednesday 13th December at 9.15am Reception Christmas play
Friday 15th December -Christmas jumper day
Wednesday 21st December 3pm- School closes for Christmas
Tuesday 2nd January-School reopens
The school will be closed on the following days for pupils
INSET Days: Polling Day:
9th February
3rd May
25th May
29th June
If you would like to contact a member of the EYFS team via email the address is
Staff are also available straight after school to discuss any concerns that you may have.
Kind Regards
The Early Years Team
Friday, 24 November 2017
Learning Challenge Awards
Emilie Balciunaite, Reinaldas Kucinas, Agata Deptuch and Marziyah Raza have been working hard at home and extending their knowledge through their learning challenge work.

Learning Challenge
Read, Read, Read Year 2 !
Year 2 have started their library visits to Hilldene library. We learnt about the different types of books that we read. These included board books, picture books, learn to read books, chapter books and non-fiction books.
We had the chance to listen to stories.
Did you know...
You can borrow books from the library with your own library card.
"I love visiting the library and borrowing books" said Jackson.
" Books are amazing and there are so many" said Riley.
WOW Award
I have made my teacher happy
Valentino Solanke in Jamaica-For trying hard to learn his letter sounds in class.
Sumad Bangura in Barbados -For lovely singing of our christmas songs
Michelle Iancu in St. Lucia-For working so hard on her reading and writing at home
Kajus Mingaila, Kevin Girdenis, Riddhi Vadwala, Charlotte Brown and Dovydas Leonvas in New Zealand -For moving up a book band
Albert Penson in Australia -For moving up a book band
Muhammad Ali Raza in Australia -For fantastic home learning
Felicity Applegarth, Brea Cassell, Gabriela Alves-Rodrigues in Madagascar -For great friendship posters
Ivan Coleman in Kenya -For working on his times tables at home all week.
Rebecca Stecto in Greece -For first learning challenge of the term
Yanis Ruzibaev and Francesca Schofield in Palau -For excellent work at home
Valentino Solanke in Jamaica-For trying hard to learn his letter sounds in class.
Sumad Bangura in Barbados -For lovely singing of our christmas songs
Michelle Iancu in St. Lucia-For working so hard on her reading and writing at home
Kajus Mingaila, Kevin Girdenis, Riddhi Vadwala, Charlotte Brown and Dovydas Leonvas in New Zealand -For moving up a book band
Albert Penson in Australia -For moving up a book band
Muhammad Ali Raza in Australia -For fantastic home learning
Felicity Applegarth, Brea Cassell, Gabriela Alves-Rodrigues in Madagascar -For great friendship posters
Ivan Coleman in Kenya -For working on his times tables at home all week.
Rebecca Stecto in Greece -For first learning challenge of the term
Yanis Ruzibaev and Francesca Schofield in Palau -For excellent work at home
E for Excellence
These wonderful children have demonstrated excellence this week.
Barbados -Kymarni Sharon
Wales -Jannat Kaur
Jamaica -Jackson Raymond
Scotland -Isabel Paris
St Lucia -Aamir Qadri
Germany -Tobey Rigg
New Zealand -Mahir Aboubakari
Greece -Zachary Morris
Australia -Frankie Ballard
Italy -Teddy Button
Palau -Olivia Broad
U.S.A -Nadia Zoubair
Madagascar -Reggie Callaghan
Canada -Raul Misinciuc
Egypt -Freddie Phillips
Mexico -Chelsey Gjonpalaj
Kenya -Lena Da Silva
Chile -Mihaela Plangu
N. Ireland -Lennie Hands
Brazil -Jake O’Flynn
Argentina -Erin Penson

Barbados -Kymarni Sharon
Wales -Jannat Kaur
Jamaica -Jackson Raymond
Scotland -Isabel Paris
St Lucia -Aamir Qadri
Germany -Tobey Rigg
New Zealand -Mahir Aboubakari
Greece -Zachary Morris
Australia -Frankie Ballard
Italy -Teddy Button
Palau -Olivia Broad
U.S.A -Nadia Zoubair
Madagascar -Reggie Callaghan
Canada -Raul Misinciuc
Egypt -Freddie Phillips
Mexico -Chelsey Gjonpalaj
Kenya -Lena Da Silva
Chile -Mihaela Plangu
N. Ireland -Lennie Hands
Brazil -Jake O’Flynn
Argentina -Erin Penson

Tracker Awards
Congratulations to the latest pupils who have achieved their Bronze awards: Felicity Applegarth,Emily Garip, Sulejman Dreni and Alfie Dedross
Silver Tracker certificates are awarded to Logan Hallwood, Maisie Flower, Jessica Paris and Angel Adjei. Well done to them!
Safiyya Al-Azami receives a Gold Tracker certificate in recognition of the fantastic effort she has made in learning.
Niharika Sharma is one of the first pupils to complete the platinum tracker-A massive well done to her.

Learning Power Awards
These are the awards we present to the pupils when they have demonstrated one of our four learning skills: Resilience, reciprocity, reflectiveness & resourcefulness.
Lucas Grigore, Shomari Francis Deborah Dimoriaku, Abdullah Mohammad and Molly Dodd receive a certificate for reciprocity, Rolex Lufuki, Alexa Dormer, Jessica Shorter and Sarah Adeyemi for reflectiveness. Well done to Elena Enciu, Ronnie London, Sydney Spiers Green , Jason Bajraktarki, Rosie Nash and Uzoma Anyiam who receive certificates for resilience and Joshua King, Ina Monterio Barry and Martin Faulkner who have shown they can be very resourceful in school.

Star Writers
These children have used a range of powerful vocabulary and techniques to become a Star Writer;Matteo De Angelis, Alexis Wood, Natas Navickas, Elise Varghese, Adam Idir, Ronnie Archer, Jay-Jay Foyster, Lucas Grigore, Marcel Kalinowski, Samuel Ajayi, Kristupas Kulsinskas, Agata Deptuch, Jessica Iancu, Wilson Hunt, Francesca Hurt, Chase Safo Kwakye, Tatiana Hakeem, Hayden Watson, Matthew Dunn, Faiza Hussain and Angel Adjei.
Look out for examples of their work on the blog!

Reading Awards
The following pupil have read 10 books and receive a bookmark for their efforts, Bogdan Cojan, Dev Patel, Lottie O’Connell, Eleni Burbidge, Junior Williams, Daniel O-Akimyomilo, Haydar Garip,Alisa Bespalovaite , Aronas Ivaska, Lennon Chambers, Rehan Riyaz, Jay-Jay Foyster, Millie-Rae Edwards, Teddy Gain and Taylor Wadge.
Maya Adochitei, Alexis Wood, Sophie Thompson, Carter White, Victoria Adamu-Adegberro, Riley Rogers, Fawaz Babalola, Emily Garip, Charlie Wisniewski, Alexandru Ciobanu, Emilie Balciunaite, Emilia Firszt, Mia Golding, Reinaldas Kucinas, Kira Staniforth,Lukas Norkus and Grace Allen have achieved bronze reading awards for reading 25 books.
Silver Reader awards go to Sophia Mitchell and Kellis Solanke who have read 50 books. They each receive a silver certificate and a £5 book token for their efforts.
Siddiek Harris has read 75 books and he gets a book of his choice for his fantastic effort.

Well done to Argentina class who had the highest attendance in Y5&6 and overall at 97.2% . Scotland had the highest attendance in LKS2 at 96.9% and Kenya had the highest attendance in KS1 at 96.7%. Well done to them!. The overall attendance was disappointing at only 93.4% which is well below our target!. Hopefully we are now rid of colds and sickness bugs so pupils can enjoy the activities in school on the run up to Christmas.
Havering Catering Services
Week beginning Monday 27th November is week 2 on the Havering Catering Services menu. A school meal costs £2.20 and is served with unlimited salad and vegetables.
Week beginning Monday 27th November is week 2 on the Havering Catering Services menu. A school meal costs £2.20 and is served with unlimited salad and vegetables.
Christmas concert dates
Monday 11th Dec -KS1 Nativity 13:45-14:45
Friday 15th Dec -Nursery concert 10:30-11:30
YRS 3&4 Concert 14:00-15:00
Tuesday 12th Dec -KS1 Nativity 9:15-10:15
EYFS Nativity 14:00-15:00
Monday 18th Dec -YRS 5&6 Concert 14:00-15:00
Wed 13th Dec -EYFS Nativity 9:15-10:15
Tuesday 19th Dec -Church 123 Nativity 17:00-18:00
Christmas dinner day-Tuesday 12th December-more details to follow
Diary Dates
Tuesday 28th November - The Dog’s Trust will be in school working with year 3 pupils. During the afternoon Year 1 Spinebreakers will be visiting Harold Hill library.
Wednesday 29th November-The Dog’s Trust will be in school working with year 4 pupils. Parents are invited into school between 8:30 and 10:00 for the Year 2 Showcase-An opportunity for parents to see all the wonderful things their children have been doing in school, since September. During the afternoon some of our pupils will be attending an indoor athletics event.
Thursday 30th November- Year 6 bikeability. During the afternoon between 2:00 and 3:00 year 3 parents are invited into school so pupils can share some of the amazing things they have been doing so far this term. After school our football team will be playing Hilldene at Mead.
Friday 1st December-. EYFS Parents are invited into school for a stay and play session and it is the second day of Year 6 bikeability.
Please be reminded that all photo orders must be back by next Wednesday 29th, November
Thank you
Thank you for your generous donations for our tombola stall at the forthcoming Christmas Fayre. In these times when the school budget is continually shrinking any help to raise funds, so our children can still have the fantastic resources and still have the opportunity to access amazing experiences, is appreciated.
Thank you for helping us support Children in Need we raised an amazing £800 through sales of merchandise.
Thank you for helping us support Children in Need we raised an amazing £800 through sales of merchandise.
fund raising,
Thursday, 23 November 2017
Goats eat coats!
The school council have been learning about the goats as they are supporting the WE campaign 'The Goat That Gives Back'. In the new year the children will be raising awareness and fundraising to supply goats to families in developing countries. These donated goats are helping parents to earn money to enable them to feed and educate their children.
More details will follow after Christmas.
School Council
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