The following pupils were voted by their classmates to receive the Pupil Choice Award
St Lucia -Carter White
New Zealand -Ava Rowley
N.Ireland -Pritika Maheswari
Barbados -Lilly Sayers
Australia -Bella Trevarthen
Wales -Vyte Dziugyte
Jamaica -Charlotte Brown
Palau -Aaliyah Nicholas
Scotland -Ryan Mutumbo
Madagascar -Kaylin Nachwa Muwenda
Greece -Dominika Tulinska
Kenya -Grace Rowley
Italy-Jan Labedzki
Egypt -Lexie Brame
Germany-Maisie Flower
U.S.A-Rolvier Lufuki
Canada-Sean Rider
Mexico-Aaron Livingstone
Chile-Rosie Bonnett
Brazil-Lia Augustin