Thank you to everyone that attended our Graduation ceremony today. The children sang so beautifully and really enjoyed performing to you. It is lovely to have support from our parents on days like this and it means alot that many of you took time out of work to support us.
Friday 14th
Friday is a normal day at Nursery. The children need to attend school normal times in their school uniform. If you did not hand in your trip form this will be your child's last day!
Monday 17th
Barleylands trip- If you have handed your form in your child will be attending the trip. All children (morning and afternoon) need to be at Nursery by 8.30am at the latest. The coach will be leaving as soon as we have organised the children. If you are not here on time and the coach leaves your child will have to be taken home.
Please come to school in school uniform and children need a packed lunch in a plastic bag with their name on. This will be thrown away once children have eaten lunch so they are not carrying lunch boxes all day. Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately for the weather and the farm. If the weather is warm please make sure children have sun cream applied before school. Sensible shoes and socks must be worn as there is play equipment on site. Children may only bring what they can carry for the day. Please do not give children money for gifts.