For the last 2 weeks, Reception have been practising our Nativity play! All the children are getting ready to show their grown-ups their fantastic acting and singing, and we hope to see as many of you there as possible.
We have some 'behind-the-scenes' photos to get you ready for the show itself - we look forward to seeing you in the Key Stage 1 Hall on Monday 12th December at 9.15am and Wednesday 14th December at 9.30am.
Please can parents make sure that their child has a black top (long or short sleeved) and black trousers by Wednesday 7th December (parents who need to provide a white top and white tights for their child have already been informed by teachers)
Performance Dates!
Monday 12th December - 9.15am (Key Stage 1 Hall)
Wednesday 14th December - 9.30am (Key Stage 1 Hall)