For todays science lesson, year 6 were able to explore refraction. They discovered light travels at different speeds through different mediums and light can change direction when it passes through water.
Tuesday, 30 January 2024
Refraction in Year 6
For todays science lesson, year 6 were able to explore refraction. They discovered light travels at different speeds through different mediums and light can change direction when it passes through water.
England Class reading
England class enjoyed the book called 'Street Beneath my Feet' that we were using for our writing this week.
Year 5 science experiment
In science, Year 5 conducted an experiment to test which material would be the best thermal insulator out of felt, aluminium foil and bubble wrap. Year 5 tested the difference in temperature over time and found out that aluminium foil was the best thermal insulator!
Monday, 29 January 2024
Year 5's Brazil visit Tower of London!
On Friday, Brazil were the last Year 5 class to visit the Tower of London. We had so much fun discovering the different towers and the history that the Tower of London holds. We spent our morning visiting the crown jewels, learning all about the two missing princes and even saw the spot where Henry VIII's second wife Anne Boleyn was executed! We then finished the day off with a fantastic pirate workshop and a few of us even got involved!
Friday, 26 January 2024
Dedicated Dads event Thursday 1st of February
The next Dedicated Dads event with CAMHS is on Thursday 1st February 2024 in Hornchurch Fire Station (RM11 1SH) at 6-7pm. This would be a great opportunity for Dads speak to HEST and CAMHS about their children’s emotional health and wellbeing. It would also be a good place to socialise with fellow Dads from schools across Havering. We have received feedback about the helpfulness of this event and hope that more Dads will join in the upcoming event.
If any Dads are interested in attending, please kindly let them know by emailing this address ( Thank you as always for your support.
Celebration Awards
105 Books to Read Before You Leave Mead
Gracie- Mae (New Zealand) Flora (Palau), Sophia-Rose and Millie M (Fiji), David, Daniel K, Majus and Eneyla (Mexico).
Malta Star of the Week
Congratulations to Lina who has received Malta Star of the Week for completing her workstation completely independently every day!
Star Writer Certificates
These children have excelled with their writing this week. Well done to Amelia (England), Chloe (Kenya), Leo and Maxim (Barbados), Eve E (New Zealand), Ella and Nevaeh (Egypt), Amari, Georgia & Mollie (Wales), Maddison (Australia), Nubian (Scotland), Millie (Brazil), Sky (Northern Ireland), David (Palau), Taylor (Germany), Milena (Madagascar), Jack (USA), Zakariya (Fiji), Millie (China), David (Greece), Elena (Malaysia), Taha (Italy), Ellie (India), Jacob (Mexico), Keyaan (Antigua) and Scarlett-Mae (Jamaica).
Star Reader Certificates
These children have worked really hard on their reading this week. Well done Harvey (England), Noura (Kenya), Amelia (Barbados), Zara (New Zealand), Callum (Egypt), Manha & Kyrah (Wales), Evie G (Australia), Amelia H (Scotland), David T, Nancy, Nathan K, Sai and Stephanie (Northern Ireland), Ellie (Palau), Esther (Germany), Aiman, Jakub (Madagascar), Ugo (USA), David (Brazil) Olley (Fiji),Eleni (China), Ria (Greece), Angelo (Italy), Alfie (Malaysia), Aiden (India), Theodora (Mexico), Aren & Yazmin (Antigua), and Tyler (Jamaica).
Star Mathematician Certificates
These children have enjoyed a fantastic week with their maths. Well done to Emilia (England), Tillie (Kenya), Kaiyan (Barbados), Kian (New Zealand), Sydney (Egypt), Oscar & Skyla (Wales), Poppy (Australia), Evelyn (Scotland), Vilte (Brazil), Blessing (Northern Ireland), Emily (Palau), Grace (Germany), Sapphire (Madagascar), Lewis (USA), Millie M (Fiji), David (China), William (Greece), Luka (Malaysia), Lenny (India), Lara (Mexico) and Kaisan and Freya (Antigua) and Sofia (Jamaica).
Achievement Certificates
These children have earned 20 Achievement points and are on their way to the Mead Roll of Honour- Well done to Maddison-Rose and Parisha (Kenya), Aliyah and David (Egypt), Leo B (Scotland), Tommy, Mahir and Kavi (Northern Ireland), Nvar, Marnie and Harper (Palau), Leo, Haider and Visha (Germany),
Chelsea, Ava, Jake, Milena, Umer, Ivan, Naomi (Madagascar), Roqaya, Izampela and Tyler (USA) Ronnie and Millie M (Fiji), Kelvin (Italy), Bella, James, Tehzeeb, Maxim (India), Daniel K, Lara and Cristian (Mexico).
Mathletics Award
Bronze certificate | Aaliyah and Denizhan (New Zealand), Skyla (Wales), Katy (Kenya), Max and Aisosa (Madagascar), Evelyn and Roens (Scotland),Reggie and Mahir (Northern Ireland), Avyukt (Germany), Izabel (Fiji), Kajus (Italy) Darius, Gabriel, Sandra (Greece), Dev (China), Aayan (Brazil) and Muhammed (Mexico). |
Silver certificate | Zara, Leon and Eve A (New Zealand), Jacob (Wales), David, Azrah and Sydney (Egypt), Parisha (Kenya), David, Umer and Alessia (Madagascar), Charlotte, Callum, Violet, Leo J and Tadei (Scotland), Gabriel (Northern Ireland), Sophie (Palau), Leo (Germany), Finn (Fiji), Taha (Italy) Sidrah & Ella (Greece), Olivia (China) and Eduard (Brazil). |
Gold certificate | Olivia, Domas, Zelda & Emilia (England), Zachary, Sara & Victoria (Wales), Sara and Daniel (Egypt), Parisha (Kenya), Justas, Amelia D, Cat and Akhila (Scotland), Amelia (Northern Ireland), Andrey (Germany), Ava (Madagascar), David (Greece), Michelle (Malaysia), Bogdan, Sophia & Zachary (China), Kaden and Zadyh (Brazil). |
Platinum | Rayan & Elena (Wales), Stefan and Ethan (Egypt), Amy (Kenya), Jake and Eric (Madagascar), Rayan and Lenny M (Scotland), Jessica, David T and Kavi (Northern Ireland) Logan, Isla, Aum and Shay (Germany), Sebastian (Fiji), Moksha, Nuhaa (Italy), Amy, Ustym, Zuzanna (Greece), Michael N and David (Malaysia). Cristian and Daniel K (Mexico). |
Emerald | Sebastian (England),Ahmet (Scotland), Nathan K and Adriana (Northern Ireland), Amber (Greece) and Max (China). |
Golden Certificate
Congratulations to these children who have been awarded a Golden Certificate as they have made exceptionally good choices linked to The Mead Creed. These certificates are not easy to get so very well done to this week’s winners!
Barbados | Antigua | Teddy | |
Palau (Y1) | Indi | New Zealand (Y1) | Nifemi |
Fiji (Y1) | Izabel | ||
Australia | Oscar and Tommy H | Madagascar (Y2) | |
Kenya (Y2) | Talula and Ja’c | Egypt (Y2) | Sara, Azrah and Blake |
Scotland (Y3) | Henry | Wales (Y3) | Lillie, Kelsie & Sethika |
Northern Ireland (Y3) | Whole Class | England (Y3) | Sebastian |
Italy (Y4) | Stanley | Greece (Y4) | Zuzanna |
Germany (Y4) | Aum | USA (Y5) | Connie |
Brazil (Y5) | Keeley | Mexico (Y5) | Daniel K, Lara |
Malaysia (Y6) | Tommy | India (Y6) | Samson |
China (Y6) | Sophia | Jamaica (R) |
Weekly Newsletter - 26/1/24

Dear Parents and Carers,
Pupils in Key Stage 2 represented Mead at the O2 Young Voices concert last Friday. The children spent a very long day in rehearsals before performing to the audience in the evening. The children had worked incredibly hard learning the songs in readiness for the concert and gave it their all. A huge thank you to Mrs Kumszczynska for organising and preparing the choir and also to Mrs Bodle, Mrs Tull and Mrs Porter for supporting the children and making it possible for them to participate. Well done Mead Choir!
Parents Evening
You should have started to receive invitations to make appointments for Parents Evening which will take place on Tuesday 6th February and Wednesday 7th February. Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and 2 will be in the infant hall and Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 will take place in the Dining Hall.
Communication Survey
Thank you to those who completed the communication survey. We will be using this information to improve our communication with you throughout this half term. This will include curriculum letters and dates being shared well in advance of events taking place.
End of day collections
If your child is being collected by a different person at the end of the day, please inform the school. If we have not been informed, we will not be able to let your child go until we have spoken to you and have verbal permission, This is part of our safeguarding procedures. Thank you for your understanding.
Please be aware that as we continue to improve our attendance and punctuality in school you will be asked for proof of appointments when collecting early or arriving late. This is to allow us to authorise the absence. Proof of appointments can be in the form of a text message or appointment card that can be shown to the office team which will inform the pupils attendance record. Thank you in advance for your support. If you have any queries please speak to Mrs Corless, Attendance Officer.
Friends of Mead Primary School
Last week I met with the Friends of Mead to discuss future events that will be taking place in school. The Friends of Mead will share further details about each event closer to the time but we are pleased to confirm that we will continue hosting the Mothers and Fathers Day gift sale as well as adding in an Easter event held in school for the children to enjoy. We have also agreed lots of plans for the end of the year, including a Summer Fayre, End of Year Disco and special Year 6 Leavers event. The Friends of Mead is reliant on help and support from our school community, if you are able to offer help and support, please contact
Key Information and dates
School Ping
Squid login
Havering Catering Lunch Menu
Dates for the Diary
Tuesday 6th February Parents Evening
Wednesday 7th January Parents Evening
Monday 19th -Friday 23rd February Half Term
Thursday 8th February Attendance Hub Parent Drop in from 8:45am
Thursday 28th March Last Day of Spring 1
Thursday 7th March World Book Day
Friday 29th March School closed- Good Friday
Monday 15th April INSET DAY
Tuesday 16th April Children return to school
Thursday 2nd May Polling Station-School closed to children
Tuesday 23rd July Last Day of Summer term
Wednesday 24th July INSET DAY-School closed
Yours sincerely,
Ms A Holmes
USA visit the Tower of London!
USA visit the Tower of London!
Yesterday USA class visited the Tower of London. They have been learning about the Tudors as part of their history topic and enjoyed exploring the tower and learning all about the famous explorer (or as we found out- pirate) Sir Walter Raleigh! They has a really enjoyable day and a fantastic experience!