Friday, 7 October 2022

Weekly Newsletter - 07/10/22


Dear Parents and Carers,

Wear Blue to support Alopecia UK

We have raised £544.99 in support of Alopecia UK and on behalf of the great work and awareness raised by Tommy! Thank you for your support. Well done Tommy, we are very proud of what you have accomplished.

Parents Evening

Parents evening will take place next week. Appointments should be made via School Ping. If you haven’t been able to book your slot, please speak to your child's class teacher or contact the office and an appointment can be arranged.

Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and 2 Parents evening will take place in the KS1 Hall (Gate 3)

Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 will take place in the KS2 Hall (Gate 1)

Flu Immunisations

The Flu vaccination team will be in school on Thursday 13th October, with a follow up on Thursday 3rd November to administer the flu immunisation to children whose parents have given permission to receive this. If you would like your child to be immunised against the flu virus please follow the link below and complete the permission paperwork before Monday 10th October.

If you DO NOT wish your child to be vaccinated, please complete the online form as a NO.


Please remember to label your child’s uniform with their name and class. Due to the size of the school and number of children it isn’t always possible to reunite the lost uniform to the right child if it is labelled.

Movie Night

If you would like your child/ren to attend Movie Night on Wednesday 19th October please complete the google form below. Payment must be made through sQuid. Please be aware that there are 150 spaces for KS1 and 200 spaces for KS2 due to limits on how many children can be in each hall at one time.

Booking form

Please be aware that the films will start promptly at 3:15pm and children will need to be collected in the KS2 playground at:

4:50pm for the KS1 film

5:10pm for the KS2 film

Key Information and dates

School Ping

Squid login

Havering Catering Lunch Menu

Monday 3rd October Wear Blue for Alopecia Awareness Day

Tuesday 4th October Year 2 Welcome Meeting @9am KS1 Hall

Tuesday 4th October Year 4 Welcome Meeting@9am KS2 Hall

Wednesday 5th October Individual School Photos

Thursday 6th October Year 1 Welcome Meeting @9am KS1 Hall

Wednesday 5th October Year 3 Welcome Meeting @9am KS2 Hall

Monday 10th October Parents Evening 3:15pm-6:30pm

Tuesday 11th October Parents Evening 3:15pm-6:30pm

Wednesday 19th October KS1 and KS2 Movie Night

Friday 21st October Half Term

Monday 31st October INSET Day

Tuesday 1st November Return to school

Monday 20th February INSET Day

Monday 5th June INSET Day

Yours sincerely,

Ms A Holmes

Head of School