Monday 23 May 2022

Questions you would ask our Queen.

This week, we are celebrating the Queen's Platinum Jubilee. We have lots of fun activities planned throughout the week. 

When the children of Singapore class came into school this morning I posed the question: What questions would you ask our queen? They thought of some really interesting ideas which they then added to our display. 

Here are some of the questions that they would like to know the answers to:

Jesse wants to know "Did you ever want to become queen?" and "What special qualities do you need to be a queen?"

Zahi asked "What is your most favourite moment you have had within your reign?"

Julia wants to know "What has been your favourite speech that you have given?"

Mya asked "What is your favourite charity and why?"

Georgia would ask "If you could change things in Britain, what would you change?"


If you could ask her majesty one question, what would you ask?