Nuhaa, D’arcy, Lucille, Stanley, Layla, Angelo and Emilia in Barbados -For completing additional learning at home
Avyukt in Jamaica -For moving up a book band
Hollie, Lorena, Lyra, Grace, Isla, Ralph and Aisha in Jamaica -For completing extra maths learning at home
Aamir in Jamaica -For completing his bingo homework
Michael T in Kenya class -Even though he was off he managed to finish his jobs.
Jake and Charlotte in Wales - For moving up a book band.
Tyler, Zahi, Matvejs, Sonny, Jake, Emily,Kali, Brooke D, Destiny, Ben in Greece Class -For swimming 1 width
Joe, Lenny, Sonny, Taylor, Harry, Emilly, Zahi in Greece Class -For swimming 1 length
Jessica in Greece Class -For becoming a free reader
Muhammad, Janisha in New Zealand -For completing extra work at home.
Kaycie-Jo in New Zealand -For doing lots of reading at home this week!
Muhammad in New Zealand -For moving up a book band.
Oghomwen in Madagascar - For completing Bingo homework.
Anmona, George in U.S.A -For receiving Lunchtime Awards
Sandra and Zuzanna in St Lucia -For moving up a book band
Antony and Marvellous in Palau -For completing Bingo homework
Samuel, Nicolas, Aayan, Elda, Matthew and Marvellous in Palau -For moving up a book band.
Lilly in Northern Ireland -For reading 10 books or more
Sadie and Charlotte F from Australia -For completing their homework bingo
Maathumai from Australia -For moving up a book band