Dear parents
We hope you had a lovely weekend and are enjoying the sunnier weather. It was so lovely to see our children really enjoying their activities last week and reenacting the story of the 3 little pigs.
This week our focus story will be Goldilocks and the three bears. The children will be eating porridge,making bears and acting out the story in the home corner.

During the Winter months please make sure your child attends Nursery with a waterproof jacket each day. Additional hats/scarfs etc may be needed if the weather is cold. We do believe in the children having some outdoor time each day but on particularly bad days we will keep them under the canape.
Please be aware children may finish Nursery slightly messy or slightly damp from playing outside. We believe that children learn a great deal from playing in different weather conditions and please be assured that your children will not be left in soaking wet clothing for the whole session. If you would like to send spare clothes in to keep at Nursery incase of accidents please hand them to one of the Nursery staff in a named bag.We now have the opportunity for our morning children to attend additional afternoon sessions if you have an appointment. These will cost 15 pounds for the extra lunchtime and afternoon session.
Bookings must be made by 12p.m on the previous Friday. Please talk to Nursery staff if you need some advice with this.
You all did so brilliantly with working with your child to learn to put their coat on that we have decided to put a weekly parent activity on this newsletter.
Thank you to Zelda`s family who sent in beautiful pictures of Zelda reading her bedtime story.We have printed off her pictures and displayed them in the Nursery.Thanks also to Evelyn`s family who sent a wonderful picture in.We would appreciate some more photos this week so will continue with the same activity.If your child could borrow a book from our class lending library and then if you could send us a photo and a short comment about your child and how much they enjoyed sharing their book.
We will then print the pictures off and share them in the Nursery.
Please send the photos by email to

The Newsletter will also be published on the EYFS blog. You can view this from the school website: http://www.mead.havering.sch.uk or by following the school facebook page.
Please email staff if you have any queries on eyfs@mead.havering.sch.uk or feel free to pop in and see us if you have any concerns.
Kind regards,
The Nursery Team
Here are some photos of the children enjoying cosmic yoga.
The children enjoying the 3 little pigs activity
and our new Nursery children
Welcome to DavidWelcome to Keira