It was lovely to welcome you all back and we have been greeted by lots of smiley faces this week eager to share their holiday news.
We have started a new topic "traditional tales" and the children thoroughly
enjoyed making and then tasting their bread following our "Little red hen story". This week we continue with another familiar story, "The Gingerbread Man". Our provision will be enhanced with lots of opportunities for the children to retell and act out the story, creating their own alternative ending and they will even become scientists designing a waterproof coat for the gingerbread man.
We understand how busy it can be in the morning and that sometimes for ease it is quicker for us to do something. We are kindly asking you to actively encourage your child to become more independent in their morning routines - hanging their coat on their peg, putting their book bag away and finding their cupcake.
As we enter our Spring term, we know this is the term that we really see the children's early skills start to develop. The children begin to start decoding words and early writing starts to emerge, please support your child by ensuring you hear your child read at least 3 times a week. This really will make a big difference in their progress. Well done to Barbados class who won the reading award this week.
School Uniform Reminder -
Please be reminded that children are expected to continue to wear the appropriate uniform of:
- Black or grey trousers (Joggers in Nursery)
- White polo shirt with a bottle green jumper or cardigan
- Black shoes or plain black trainers (no boots)
- Black or grey skirt/dress
- Plain tights
Children will not be permitted to wear Hoodies.
Only plain school coloured head bands can be worn- no oversized bows.
Only studs can we worn in school, please make sure these are removed for PE.
Please ensure children do not have makeup on or acrylic/painted nails.
will be given to those children who do not wear the correct uniform in
the morning and will need to be returned before the end of school.
Polite reminder - If your child has had a change of clothes from school, could you please ensure these are washed and returned back to us.
Polite reminder - If your child has had a change of clothes from school, could you please ensure these are washed and returned back to us.
We will be using the Havering school menu which the children bought home. This week we are on Week 1 of the menu. Monday’s choices are:
Red - Pork Sausages with Mash Potato
Blue - Ravioli Pasta (VE)
Green - Vegetable Fingers with Mash Potato
On Thursday (16th) it is census day, please note there is a special menu on this day:
Red - Chicken korma
Blue - Fish fingers
Green - Cheese and tomato pizza
Here is a
link to the menu choices htps://
In maths the children will be continuing with their learning on teen numbers, in particular looking at numbers 15-19.
In Read,write inc
the children have now begun working in smaller groups according to where they are up to
with learning to blend. This will help the children to progress at their own
Thank you to all those parents who have returned their child's PE kits. A little reminder we have our PE sessions every Thursday. Could you please ensure your child has their P.E kits back
in school ready for their lesson. Please could you also check that your child has
the right P.E clothes in their bag as we do have some missing items and we would appreciate you checking
at home for us.
Thank you.
INSET Dates for 2019-20
4th September
3rd April
20th July
22nd July
Last day
of the summer term will be Friday 17th July 2020.
You can
access Havering term dates for 2019-2010 here:
Dates for your diary
Spring 1
14th January
Wilson storyteller in school for Reception children
16th January
and Read session 8.30-9.00am
23rd January
Friday 14th
up for half Term
Our learning objectives this term will be listed under these
Personal, Social and
Confident to speak to others
about own needs, wants, interests and opinions.
Can describe self in positive
terms and talk about abilities
Can usually adapt behaviour to
different events, social situations and changes in routine.
Communication and Language:
Joins in with repeated
Can retell a simple story.
Builds up vocabulary that
reflects the breadth of their experiences.
Describes main story settings,
events and principal characters.
Beginning to be aware of the
way stories are structured.
Joins in with repeated refrains
and anticipated key events and phrases in rhymes and stories.
Physical Development:
Forms recognisable letters.
Can usually manage washing and
drying hands.
Runs skillfully and negotiates
spaces successfully.
To recap number recognition
To recap number formation 0-10.
To confidently count to 20 and
beyond demonstrating place value.
Understanding the World:
Remembers and talks about
significant events in their own experiences.
Shows an interest in different
ways of life.
Can talk about some of the
things they have observed.
Expressive arts and design:
Constructs with a purpose in
Manipulates material to achieve
a planned effect.
Explores colour and how colour
can be changed
If you would like to contact a
member of the EYFS team via email the address is:
We look forward to seeing you
all tomorrow.
Reception Team