Monday, 13 January 2020

A Story-Teller Visits Reception

Reception had a wonderful start to their week as they were visited by a wonderful story-teller! 
Oral story-telling is a unique opportunity to challenge the children's ability to follow the story, testing their listening and concentration skills. Charlie used voice, actions, instruments and songs to support the children to do this successfully.

The children took part wonderfully and joined in with rhythmic games, chants and songs, which they enjoyed very much! Some even went up onto the stage themselves to act out small roles from the story, helping to develop their self-confidence and demonstrate their understanding to others. 

The exciting story included a variety of woodland animals which intrigued the children and required them to actively use their imaginations. As the hungry mongoose hunted for frogs to eat, Avyukt exclaimed that we would have to "squash and squeeze" to get the frogs into the small burrow in the riverbank.

The story ended with friends sharing food with one another. The hungry mongoose was offered eggs from a weasel at which point Maisy explained "You crack it in a pan, cook it and then eat it on toast".

The experience left a lasting impression, with Moksha saying later "I liked when he said I was a bad frog. It was too silly!" and Angelo remembering "I liked the shakers".

Thank you to Charlie for his wonderful storytelling and visiting us today.