Friday, 10 January 2020

Newsletter 10th January 2020

Dear Parents,

Happy New Year
I would like to wish a happy New Year and new decade to you all!! I hope that you all enjoyed a relaxing and restful break. This year we want all of our children to be stronger, braver and kinder. If they achieve all this they will be unstoppable and this will be their best year yet! Together we can help our pupils achieve this. I am very excited about, what I am sure will be an amazing 2020.

School Census
In the month of January we complete the school census which determines the amount of funding the school receives.
For every pupil who is eligible for Free School Meals, our school receives funding of £1,300 per year for six years. Even KS1 children who receive Universal Free School Meals may still be eligible for this funding. If your child is eligible for this funding you would also receive:

£40 voucher per child, per year to assist with the cost of school uniform redeemable at Premier Schoolwear.

Assistance with contributions towards school trips and residential visits.

After school clubs can continue to be free of charge.

If you are in receipt of one of the following you are eligible. Please visit the school office and see Mrs Parker.

Income Support

Income based Jobseeker’s Allowance

Income related employment and support allowance

Support under part VI of the Immigration & Asylum Act 1999

Child Tax Credit ( provided you are not entitled to Working Tax Credit and whose annual income (as assessed by the Revenue and Customs) does not exceed £16,190.

Havering Catering Services are putting on a special menu on 16th January (Census Day) as our funding is also determined by the uptake of school meals on that day-See below


Red - Chicken Korma
Blue - Fish Fingers
Green - Cheese and tomato pizza

Curly fries or rice
Sweetcorn and peas or baked beans

Ring doughnut

Shared mailboxes and communication
Don’t forget that you can contact staff using the shared mailboxes. They are checked daily and can be used to ask questions, pass on information or check details:

We are always happy to answer any questions you may have. I will be on the gate every morning for you to speak to in person. Most mornings you will also be able to find Mrs Pidgeon, Miss Calitz or Mrs Kinchella to help you with any enquiries. If you would prefer an appointment please call into the office to arrange a time.

Diary Dates
Monday 13th January- Charlie wilson (Storyteller) in school for our Reception classes

Tuesday 14th January- Greece class are visiting MOD pizza in Romford this morning

Wednesday 15th January-Guest in school in school to lead year 5 assembly to present our new JTAs with their badges. This afternoon some of our year 3 pupils will attend a forest school session

Thursday 16th January-Between 8;30 and 9;00 parents/carers of our reception children are invited their classrooms for a stay and read session. After school our football team have an away match at Broadford..

INSET Dates for 2019-20
Please note the school closure dates for this academic year.
INSET day 1- 4th September
INSET day 2- 3rd April
INSET day 3- 20th July
INSET day 4-21st July
INSET day 5- 22nd July
Please note that the final day of the summer term for pupils will be on Friday 17th July, 2020.

Term Dates 2019-20

Havering Catering Services
Week beginning Monday 13th January is week 1 on the Havering catering services menu. All meals are served with unlimited salad and vegetables and cost £2.25.

Please be reminded to top up your child’s catering account as we cannot provide dinners for pupils whose accounts exceed a debt of £10.

Havering catering Service now provide a breakfast club for Mead pupils. For £1.50 your child can have a bacon or sausage sandwich or beans on toast with cereal or toast or fresh fruit or yoghurt plus a drink.

We will also have speciality days when other items such as pancakes and muffins will be available.

In order for you to book a place you will need to deposit the money in advance in your Squid account.

Please do not send your child to school to attend breakfast club if there are no funds in your account as they will not be admitted.

Key Diary Dates for this term
Monday 3rd February -Last swimming session this half term

Monday 17th -Friday 21st February -Half term-School closed

Monday 24th February -Back to school-Swimming starts

Monday 23rd March -Last swimming session this half term

Monday 30th/Tuesday31st March -Parent afternoon/evenings

Friday 3rd April -Inset Day-school closed

Monday 6th-Friday 17th April -Easter holidays-School closed

Monday 20th April -Back to school

Attendance Update
Well done to U.S.A class who had the highest attendance in Y5&6 at 98.1% . Italy had the highest attendance in LKS2 at 98.2% and Kenya had the highest attendance in KS1 and overall at 99%. Well done to them! The overall attendance was a little below our target at 95%. Let’s hope we can do better next week.

Have a wonderful weekend

Mrs L. Smith