Welcome to our Nursery Newsletter. We hope you have had a weekend.It was lovely to see the children back at Nursery and we are thrilled with how settled the Nursery has become.
This half term we will be looking at colour. This week we will have some activities based around fireworks and in particularly we will be looking at the colours red and yellow We will give the children the opportunity to make fireworks using kitchen rolls and boxes. If you have any junk materials we would be grateful for them.
The children will also be preparing their own snack and decorating apples with chocolate.
We will encourage the children to talk through all activities that they do and the changes that occur.

Thank you to those parents that have signed up for a parent meeting.
Our parent meetings will be on Tuesday 12th November and Thursday 14th November.It would be lovely to talk to you about how your child is doing.
Pudsey Bear will be in school on Wednesday to sell Children in Need merchandise.Please send money into school in a marked envelope.

We are also selling poppies in aid of the Royal British Legion.Once again please send poppy money into school in an envelope.

Some of our parents have been asking us about applying for a Reception place.
Even though your child is attending Mead nursery you must apply for a place through Havering Admissions. You must apply for a primary school place by 15 January.
We will be running open school sessions, an opportunity to ask questions about Reception and have a look at the school environment. The next sessions are Wednesday 6th November 1.30-2.30 and Thursday 7th November at 4.00.
Thank you for those parents who have already completed their appication. Feel free to ask Nursery staff if you need support with this.
Thank you so much to those parents that have been working on their child`s independance with putting their coat on.This was much improved during the week before half term so we really do appreciate your support.
We hope you have been able to find a family picture .Please send these in and we will display these in our home corner.This is a really nice way of maintaining the connection between home and school.
.INSET Dates and Polling day for 2019-20
Please note that there will now be a general election on Thursday 12th December.School will be closed to all pupils on this day.
4th September
3rd April
20th July
21st July
22nd July
Other Dates
Tuesday 12th November-Odd sock day in aid of friendship awareness.
Nursery Christmas concert day-Tuesday 10th December
Christmas jumper day-13th December
You can access Havering term dates for 2019-2010 here: https://www.havering.gov.uk/download/downloads/id/2023/term_dates_2019-2020.pdf
Here are some photos from last week in Nursery.
Here are some photos from last week in Nursery.
Welcome to Ellis .We are thrilled to have you in Nursery.
Congratulations to Marc for being our Star of the week /Marc`s confidence has just grown so much it is a pleasure to see him flourish.