Thursday 12 September 2019

Year 4 Learning Challenge

13th September 2019

Dear Parents and Carers,

We are delighted to provide you with a new Year 4 Learning Challenge for the first half of the Summer Term, based on our topic ‘Who are our European Neighbours?’

This new learning challenge works the same way as the last one, with children choosing which of the activities they would like to complete, but it is more project based and will compliment learning in class.

Although the Learning Challenge is entirely optional, and is in addition to the daily expectation of 15 minutes reading, 15 minutes times tables rehearsal and 15 minutes spelling practice, we have found that a large proportion of children have voluntarily taken up the challenges in the past and have gained a great deal from it. We would therefore greatly appreciate your encouragement to participate. The children will receive a special Learning Challenge certificate at the end of the half term on completion of a project that shows a significant level of effort and challenge undertaken.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support, and look forward to working with you this academic year.

Yours faithfully,
Miss Spinks
Year 4 Lead

Our topic is all about  ‘Who are our European Neighbours?’
Choose from the following projects below:

Project 1
Project 2
Project 3
Project 4
Using an atlas or the
Internet, make a list of 10 European countries and their capital cities.

Use the Internet or books to create a fact file about any European country.
Design and write a postcard, imagining that you have visited a
European city of your choice. Tell the reader what you liked and disliked about the city.

Make a set of Top
Trump cards for
different countries in Europe giving points for different attribute. E.G. population, weather etc. 
Project 5
Project 6
Project 7
Project 8
Design and draw a poster persuading people to visit a European city of your

Research and display in a bar chart, the population of 6 different countries in Europe.

Create a PowerPoint giving the class 10 fun
facts about Europe. 
Write a non-chronological
report about the European country of your choice. Don’t forget to include all the features of a non-chronological
report: introduction and conclusion; headings and
subheadings; topic sentences; technical vocabulary; pictures and captions.