Monday, 16 September 2019

Crisp Packet Recycling Update

Firstly, I would like to thank all pupils, parents and carers for your continued support with this recycling scheme.

I am amazed with the enthusiasm that our pupils have towards this scheme. Helping to keep our environment clean, and recycling crisp packets to avoid unnecessary landfill is very important to our pupils and they feel strongly that they want to do their part for the environment. I am regularly sought out by children that have been collecting at home and brought in bags and boxes full of empty packets.

So far we have sent over 15kg of empty crisp packets (about 7500) to Terracycle. This is worth 3,044 points which has been converted into £30.44 for a charity of our choice. We are able to choose which charity we would like to send our money in December. 

Remember, we have two recycling boxes: one inside in the main KS2 corridor and one by the dinner hall. 

Keep recycling!

Miss Galpin