Friday 13 September 2019

Reception have been having fun......

What a fun packed first week the children in Reception have had! They are all beginning to settle into their new surroundings, making friends and showing their individual personalities.

The children have been busy exploring their new environment and engaging in all areas of their classroom. They are beginning to adjust to their new routines and have thoroughly enjoyed starting our sessions with our 5-a-day programme. There has been a range of models built from houses to ships in the construction area. The creative area has proven very popular with children making members of their families and their very own self-portraits. Even the snack table has been very busy with lots of children eager to eat their healthy snack “I like strawberries” said D'arcy.

The children have also been busy exploring our outside area, India said "I am looking for bugs". Children have been demonstrating their tennis skills; taking on a role within their play and using their imaginations to drive themselves to Legoland!

Lots of children were eager to see our farm animals and on Wednesday they got the opportunity to get up close to them, stroking and patting them. We met the goats, ducks, rabbits, sheep and Bobby the pony. "That was so much fun seeing the animals at the farm" Layla exclaimed to an adult.

 It has been lovely getting to know the children so far and watching them embark on their reception journey.
We look forward to welcoming everyone back on Monday.