Wednesday, 27 February 2019
Amazing opportunity for our Year 3 children!
Every Year 3 class across the capital has been invited to take part in a very special learning project. This project is led by globally renowned artist, Steve McQueen, with the Tate gallery, who is attempting to create one of the largest group portraits ever made.
Our school is delighted to be a part of this and is excited about seeing our Year 3 class photographs become part of one of the most compelling British artworks of our time. As part of the project, a photographer from Tate is coming to the school to take a class photograph of our Year 3 classes in June. We want to include all children in Year 3 in the photograph as well as the teachers and support staff. After the class photograph has been taken, the children will be able to see their class photograph among thousands of others from primary schools in London in a vast exhibition at the prestigious Tate Britain in central London. It will appear as part of a free public exhibition from November 2019 until May 2020. You will have the opportunity to visit the exhibition and our school will keep you informed of our involvement in the project and how you can take part.
The class photograph that appears in the exhibition will not name any pupils. Once the exhibition is over, the photograph will be returned to the school as a souvenir for our reception area and Tate will keep a copy in its archives, as they do with all the artworks in their national collection, so that they can show the artwork again should there be a future exhibition.
A letter will be going home again tonight for any pupils that have not returned it. Please sign and return this letter as soon as possible if you agree to your child participating in the class photograph and for this to be displayed and stored at Tate as part of this national artwork.
More information about the project can be found here: