Dear Parents/Carers
What a fantastic start we have had to school life with the children settling into Mead really well. All children managed brilliantly with their longer days and despite lunchtime being challenging for a few of the children by the end of the week they were enjoying their lunchtimes together. As a reminder the school day begins at 8.30 and for safety reasons the gates need to be shut by 8.55am. In the mornings the children need to walk through the main gate and enter through the Reception area doors. At 3.00pm Gate 3 is also open for parents and the children will be released through the Reception area doors.
Please note we are asking parents not to bring buggies into the corridors as they become overcrowded at peak times and pose a health and safety risk. Please be assured a member of staff will be on hand to provide assistance in looking after buggies and little ones in the morning.
Thank you to everybody who has left their buggies this week.
We will continue our topic “All about me” by reading the story `We are going on a bear hunt` by Michael Rosen.The children will be reading the story and acting out each stage in our lovely outside environment.The children will get to make edible bears and do some bear arts and crafts.
If you have not yet returned your child’s ‘all about me’ sheet could you please return to their class teachers this week .

The children will be beginning our phonics programme Read,write inc this week by learning the sounds m,a,s,d.The children will bring some practise formation sheets home at the weekend. For more information on how we run this programme please attend the phonics workshop on Wednesday at 9.00am.
We will also be starting our Maths programme Ten Town this week. The programme teaches number formation,ordering,patterns ,measuring in a very animated way. So do not be suprised if you find yourself singing the songs by the end of the week!
Your child will continue to bring home a reading book (which is changed weekly) and a set of sight words this week. The expectation is your child reads at least 3 times or more each week. As we are promoting a love of reading we encourage your child to read a range of books and is not limited to the one we send home with them.
On Wednesdays we have our weekly P.E session.Please ensure your child has a P.E kit in school as we have started changing the children for this session.As you can imagine this is currently taking quite a while so all you can do to help your child be independent in dressing is greatly appreciated.
The Learning Federation parents association are running a firework night on Friday 2nd November.
Tickets are availablr now.
We are on Week 3 of the Havering school menu. Monday’s choices are:
Hot Dog with Wedges
Cheesy Tomato Pasta Pot
Veggie Hot Dog with Wedges
Messages –
- PLEASE NAME all items of clothing. This will help when returning lost items, particularly jumpers and cardigans with the right child.
- Our PE days are Wednesday. Please ensure your child has a named PE kit in school. If they wear earrings they need to be removed on this day.
- Thank you to all those parents who have sent in a named set of spare clothes. If you haven’t yet could you please ensure your child has a named set of spare clothes and underwear on their peg as soon as possible. Please note this does not need to be school uniform.
- Children can also bring in a pair of named wellies to leave in school. This would be great for use in the mud kitchen and on rainy days.
- If your child suffers with asthma please ensure their pump is in school and you have completed the relevant paperwork at the main office.
Thank you to all the parents who ateended the Macmillan coffee morning on Friday.It was so nice to see so many of you there and we are so grateful for the kind donations of cakes.
We are hoping for a new baby announcement in this section next week.
Important dates:
Autumn 1 | |
Wednesday 3rd October | Reading morning and Read, Write Inc workshop |
Tuesday 9th October | Rainbow fish workshop |
Monday 15th October | Parents Evening 1 Please sign up online |
Tuesday 16th October | Parents Evening 2-Please sign up online |
Friday 19th October | Last day of half term |
Autumn 2 | |
Monday 29th October | Pupil return to school |
Friday 7th December | Stay and Play |
Monday 10th December | Visit to St Paul’s church |
Wednesday 12th December | Reception Christmas play at 2.15pm |
Thursday 13th December | Reception Christmas play at 9.15am |
Thursday 13th December | Christmas jumper day |
Wednesday 19th December | Last day of the Autumn term |
INSET Dates and Polling day for 2018-19
3rd September | 4th September | 7th January | 29th April | 5th June |
Our learning objectives this term will be listed under these headings:
Personal, Social and Emotional
Can select and use activities and resources with help
Shows confidence in asking adults for help
Communication and Language
To follow directions
To use talk to connect ideas
To sometimes give meanings to the marks they draw and paint
Listens to and joins in with stories
Physical Development:
Runs skilfully and negotiates space
Mounts stairs, steps or climbing equipment
Beginning to recite numbers in order to 10
Knows that numbers identify how many objects are in a set
If you would like to contact a member of the EYFS team via email the address is:
We look forward to seeing you all tomorrow.
Reception Team