Tuesday, 31 October 2017
Remembrance Day
Poppies will be on sale in school from tomorrow until 10th November. Your child/children will have the opportunity to purchase a poppy during the afternoons with all proceeds going to the Royal British Legion. It is advisable money is sent in to school in an envelope with your child's name clearly written on it and given to the class teacher/TA so that it doesn't get lost.
Monday, 30 October 2017
Well Done Rosie
A massive well done to Rosie Thorne who is in Northern Ireland class. Rosie took part in the Havering Riding School Show on Friday, riding a pony called Lulu. Rosie won the speed jumping competition and got a special award for her Halloween costume-she dressed up as a witch.
As you can see she received 2 beautiful trophies and 2 rosettes for her efforts. Well done Rosie!
As you can see she received 2 beautiful trophies and 2 rosettes for her efforts. Well done Rosie!

Year 1 Learning Challenge
Significant Person: Guy Fawkes
Poem: I’m a snowflake
I’m a snowflake.
I’m a snowflake.
In the air.
In the air.
Whirling, twirling
Whirling, twirling
Here and there.
Here and there.
Claude Monet “Snow
Scene at Argenteuil”
the poem aloud to an adult
and say the poem aloud with rhythm and actions
your own poem about a snowflake.
a copy of one of Monet’s famous paintings.
5 facts about the artist
your own Winter picture in the style of Monet
out who this is and what he is famous for – tell an adult.
pictures to tell his story.
the story of Guy Fawkes.
We are creating a winter wonderland role play area in Year 1. If you have any old gloves, scarves, etc that you would like to donate please send them in with your child.
Thank you.
Year 4 Swimming
This is just to remind you that swimming for year 4 will resume today. Please ensure your child brings in their full swimming kit which includes a swimming hat. If your child has lost their swimming hat, you may purchase a new one for £1.
Sunday, 29 October 2017
Year 1 Improvements
We have been working hard to ensure that the Y1 classes match the quality of the other Y2 and Reception teaching areas. Following the move along the corridor this year we have:
- replaced the windows
- refreshed the floors
- updated the ICT equipment - interactive screens and PCs
- installed new boards
- created a new messy/art area
We know that the children will really benefit from the improved facilities as we continue to ensure that all Mead pupils have a world class environment!
Final Coop Installed
This is the final coop being installed into the farm area.
- Left - for the chickens
- Middle - for the rabbits
- Right - for the ducks
Thank you to the Thames Chase Conservation Volunteers who have helped to construct all of the coops and get the area ready for the animals!
Thames Chase Conservation Volunteers - Thank you!
Thank you so much to the Thames Chase Conservation Volunteers. Their help and manpower has been instrumental in helping us to get the farm project close to completion. Without their labour we wouldn't have been able to have achieved so much in such a short time.
They have managed to move 30+ tonnes of Type 1, construct chicken and duck enclosures, install benching, trim the undergrowth and shrubs and lay the pathway for us.
The TCCV Team have also helped us to create the duck pond and the planting around it.
A great job - thank you very much!
They have managed to move 30+ tonnes of Type 1, construct chicken and duck enclosures, install benching, trim the undergrowth and shrubs and lay the pathway for us.
The TCCV Team have also helped us to create the duck pond and the planting around it.
A great job - thank you very much!
Farm Pathways Excavated
A huge thank you to Mr Kupriene - the husband of one of our Teaching Assistants - who gave up his Saturday to carve out the path around the farm.
We want the children to have access to the different enclosures in all weathers, and the pathway will make the whole area much more accessible. Next we have the membrane to lay and then about 45 tonnes of Type 1 - and all of the timber edging.
The path is expected to be complete by half term.
We want the children to have access to the different enclosures in all weathers, and the pathway will make the whole area much more accessible. Next we have the membrane to lay and then about 45 tonnes of Type 1 - and all of the timber edging.
The path is expected to be complete by half term.
Ducks To Water
We have been delighted to see how well the ducks have taken to their new environment. Having spent 7 days acclimatising to the new surroundings, they made a direct line to the pond as soon as the coop door opened. All of them were straight under the fountain, plucking and preening themselves in the water.
They certainly have bags of personality - especially the lead duck with the fuzzy feathered head! He has already established himself as the leader of the pack.
They certainly have bags of personality - especially the lead duck with the fuzzy feathered head! He has already established himself as the leader of the pack.
We're In The Paper: First day at school!
We were delighted to see our Reception pupils featured in the Yellow Advertiser. They have all settled in really well and are already making the most of the outdoor environment!
Mr Gower's 30th Celebrations
We were delighted ti have the chance to celebrate Mr Gower's 30 years of service at Mead Primary. It is a great - and all too rare achievement - for one teacher to invest so much of their career in one school.
Countless children have benefitted from Mr Gower's passion for music. The response from pupils past and present has been quite overwhelming - which is fantastic to see.
Thank you to all of the parents and past pupils who have made contact to express their best wished for Mr Gowers. The staff celebration with him was very special and we look forward to a few more years of Mr Gowers yet!
Countless children have benefitted from Mr Gower's passion for music. The response from pupils past and present has been quite overwhelming - which is fantastic to see.
Thank you to all of the parents and past pupils who have made contact to express their best wished for Mr Gowers. The staff celebration with him was very special and we look forward to a few more years of Mr Gowers yet!
Farm Update: Container Installed
Now we have the container installed, we are able to take delivery of all the products and resources we need for the care of the animals. This specially modified container will allow us to store food, hay, medicine, cleaning products and all the other equipment required for the farm area.
With this installed we expect the goats to follow in a matter of days with the horse and donkey coming by half term!
With this installed we expect the goats to follow in a matter of days with the horse and donkey coming by half term!
Tamara's Mud Run
Well done to Tamara who braved the mud to complete a Charity Event at the weekend. Clambering through muddy puddles, climbing over mounds of dirt and jogging along a slippery path... Tamara absolutely smashed it!
A great effort - we are very proud of you Tamara!
A great effort - we are very proud of you Tamara!
Healthy Lifestyles,
Farm Update: Outdoor Classroom Installed
We have now seen the outdoor classroom installed in the farm area. Now this is complete we can have the astroturf surface installed so there is a great all weather area for the children to go outside and spend time with the animals.
Next up we have the pathways being installed and the final coops for the rabbits and ducks.
Next up we have the pathways being installed and the final coops for the rabbits and ducks.
outdoor learning
Get Caught Reading: Alex
Alex has been extremely busy with his reading this holiday. Thank you for submitting so many different pictures!
Alex has been extremely busy with his reading this holiday. Thank you for submitting so many different pictures!
Get Caught Reading: Ricardas
Ricardas travelling by train to Germany. Thank you for sending in your pictures Ricardas and well done for remembering to take your book with you!
Ricardas travelling by train to Germany. Thank you for sending in your pictures Ricardas and well done for remembering to take your book with you!
Reception Newsletter Autumn 2 Week 1
Dear Parents,
Welcome back
we hope you are all well rested and had an enjoyable half term. We will
be starting a new topic this half term of Celebrations and Pattern, this is an
amazing topic and the children usually thoroughly enjoy learning about the way
different religions celebrate. We will
start this term off by learning about Diwali this week followed by Guy Fawkes
night next week. Later in the week we
will be tasting some Indian food creating a diwali lamp and making rangoli
We will continue the teaching of phonics, each week we will send home
the sounds we have learnt, these are sheets for you to complete at home, to
support your child. Please note they do
not have to be returned to school.
Personal, Social and Emotional:
Begins to accept the needs of others and can take turns and share
resources, sometimes with support from others.
Can usually tolerate delay when needs are not
immediately met, and understands wishes may not always be met.
Initiates play, offering cues to peers to join them.
Communication and Language:
Shows understanding of prepositions by carrying out an action or
selecting correct picture.
Can retell a simple past event in correct order.
Questions why things happen and gives explanations. Asks e.g. who, what,
when, how.
Physical Development:
Negotiates space successfully when playing racing and chasing games with
other children, adjusting speed or changing direction to avoid obstacles.
Experiments with different ways of moving.
Moves with confidence in a range of ways, negotiating space.
Enjoys an increasing range of books.
Describes main story settings, events and principal characters.
Hears and says initial sounds in words.
Shows interest in shape by sustained construction
activity or by talking about shapes or arrangements.
Selects a particular named shape.
Can describe their relative position such as
'behind' or 'next to'.
Understanding the
Remembers and talks about significant events in
their own experience.
Shows interest in different occupations and ways
of life.
Recognises and describes special times or events
for family or friends.
Expressive Art and Design:
Imitates movement in
response to music.
Beginning to
be interested in and describe the texture of things.
Captures experiences and responses with a range of
media, such as music, dance and paint and other materials or words.
Learning Challenge
Each half term we will be
setting our pupils a challenge related to their learning. We believe that it is
important for us to provide guidance for parents on how their children's
learning can be extended at home.
The learning challenge will include either a nursery rhyme, famous
person, illustration or a piece of
music. Please talk to your child about the challenge and help them to engage in
their learning. The children can choose how they present their learning
challenge outcomes to their teacher or class.
Poem/Song to learn: Five Little Men in a Flying Saucer
little Men in a flying saucer.
Person: Mr
Flew around the world one day,
They looked left and right,
But they didn’t like the sight,
So one man flew away.
Nursery Rhyme
Piece of music
1. Learn it off by heart.
2. Draw a picture to illustrate the rhyme.
3. Find out about stars.
1. 1.Draw a portrait of the person.
2. Find
out facts about the person.
3. Watch the person in action.
Lamb & Mint Grills with Potato Wedges
Fish & Tomato Bake with 50/50 Pasta
Please remember to send in P.E kits if you haven`t already done so as we will be starting to change the children for P.E.
Dates for you diary
Thursday 9th November - Stay and Read
The school will be closed on the following days for pupils
INSET Days: Polling Day:
9th February 3rd May
25th May
29th June
If you would like to contact a member of the EYFS team via email the address is eyfs@mead.havering.sch.uk
Staff are also available straight after school to discuss any concerns that you may have.
Kind Regards
The Reception Team
Sunday, 22 October 2017
Happy half term
We would like to wish all our Reception children and their families a happy half term holiday. Please remember to save tickets, draw pictures and take photos of the wonderful things that you do together this week and stick them into your Special Moments book.Your child can then share their experiences with their class friends when they return to school.
Have a lovely break and we will see you back at school on Monday 30th October.
Best Regards
The Reception Team
Have a lovely break and we will see you back at school on Monday 30th October.
Best Regards
The Reception Team
Friday, 20 October 2017
Year 5 celebrate reading!
This morning year 5 celebrated reading! We held a 'book buffet' - getting a taster of many book genres and talked about our favourite authors and books. The children were engrossed in their books and thoroughly enjoyed getting a chance to enjoy a range of stories. They are excited to continue reading their favourite new finds over half term!
'When I read I can identify with particular characters in books' Daniele, Mexico
The children wore their favourite hats as the theme was 'hats off to reading', in the words of Dr Seuss!
'When I read I can identify with particular characters in books' Daniele, Mexico
The children wore their favourite hats as the theme was 'hats off to reading', in the words of Dr Seuss!
Fire! Fire!
Yesterday Year 2 had fun at the local Fire Station. It was an opportunity for them to see what it is like to be a firefighter. During our recent topic work about The Great Fire of London we looked at the role of the fire service in the past and how the Great Fire prompted improvements to the service. We also learned that Fire Fighters are not just called out to fires. The Fire fighters spoke to us about keeping safe and what to do if there was a fire in our home. They told us how important it is to have a smoke detector. There is a number below to ring if you do not have a smoke detector and the fire service will visit you and fit one free of charge. We also looked around the station and watched how quickly the fire fighters slide down the pole to get to the emergency quickly and had the opportunity to use the hose!
Perfect Pizzas and Tasty Bread!
Do you know how much of each food group you should be eating daily? Year 2 students have been investigating how healthy pizza is. We had the option to look at our favourite pizzas before creating our own healthy version. Our pupils got to try different foods for the first time.
Year 2 spent the part of their week making delicious cheesy pizzas. they also completed a food tasting session where they enjoyed trying a variety of different breads provided by ASDA. "My pizza tasted delicious" said Lena
Healthy Lifestyles,
Star Writers
These children have used a range of powerful vocabulary and techniques to become a Star Writer: Neve Smart, Maximilian Kondracki, Michelle Iancu, Tommy Croker, Harley Hallwood, Mariama Fati, Ayan Zahid, Alexa Dormer, Alishba Hussain, Grace Rowley, Vanesa Meskauskaite, Kira Staniforth, Aiden Wardell, Karla Nightingill, Bobby Perfect, Adedeji Okunoren, Joseph Wane, Jan Labedzki, Abigail Bradfield, Jack Whitehurst and Jack Stokes.
Look out for examples of their work on the blog!

Learning Challenge Awards
Lucas Grigore, Ajus Kulsinskas, Hamit Colak, Logan Hallwood, Lexie Smart, Chloe Wooster, Mihaela Bordei, Amelia Nauthoo, Zehra Raza, Alexandru Ciobanu, Maya-Victoria Moliki, Agata Deptuch, Amelia Dang Nam, Giovann Alves Rodrigues, Alexandra Winjobi, Wahab Mudashiru, Amara Coleman, Courtney Wingrove, Alynniea Joyce, Nura Aboubakari, Hollie Hockley, Briana Grigore, Harvey Wettner, Aleena Seleka, Sophie Andreetti-Brown, Riana Dumitru, Raul Misinciuc, Kimarni Castleman-Creary, Franklin Burbridge, Biddy Clarke, Taha Hassani, Yakoub Idir, Luke Gurler, Jack Carter, Mihaela Plangu, Jessica Shorter, Ronnie Thomas, Rianne Bowers and Sumaiyah Shafique have been working hard at home and extending their knowledge through their learning challenge work.

Learning Challenge
Learning Power Awards
These are the awards we present to the pupils when they have demonstrated one of our four learning skills: Resilience, reciprocity, reflectiveness & resourcefulness.
Well done to Aniyah Jackson, Fizzah Mohammed, Dylan Kennard who receive certificates for resilience and Charly Perfect, Lois Robinson who have shown they can be very resourceful in school.

Well done to Aniyah Jackson, Fizzah Mohammed, Dylan Kennard who receive certificates for resilience and Charly Perfect, Lois Robinson who have shown they can be very resourceful in school.

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