Friday, 9 February 2024

Weekly Newsletter - 09/02/24


Dear Parents and Carers,

This week started as none of us expected and we would like to thank you all for your kindness, compassion and understanding. You also had a very difficult task in preparing the children to receive such sad news on Tuesday and in doing so you helped to make a very difficult message much easier to share. Thank you. The children have been incredible all week, they have expressed their feelings, asked questions and shared their wonderful memories of Ms Wolf. We have been gathering ideas and thoughts about a long standing memorial and we know that many of you would also like the opportunity to pay your respects to Ms Wolf and her family and we will make sure that you are able to. We are happy to receive any cards and pass them onto the family.

We have decided that Friday 16th February will be a day of colour to remember Ms Wolf. We think a colour day will be the perfect tribute to Ms Wolf, who was always so bold and bright! This is how we will remember her. We would like all children and staff to dress as bright and bold as possible and we will come together for a moment of reflection. We understand that not all children may want to join in and that will be entirely their decision.

Once again, thank you for your support.

Parents Evening

Parents evening will take place the first week back after half term on Tuesday 27th February and Wednesday 28th February. The days and times that you have already booked will stay the same. If you cannot make those dates and times then please speak to the class teacher directly.

Havering Catering Service

Havering Catering services have assured us that the menu will be back to normal by Monday and they will provide hot meals again. We have asked that they keep us updated about any changes so that we can make you aware as soon as possible.

Safer Internet Day

This week we celebrated safer internet day. We had a virtual assembly which sent us on missions to keep ourselves safe online. We learned how to make sure we were safe online and what to do if we are not sure about information or something we saw online. We spoke about the importance of speaking to an adult we trust.

Parent Governor elections

Following on from the Parent Governor Nominations I am pleased to announce that Eliza Avram (Broadford) and Karen Howell (Mead) have been appointed as Parent Governors for the Learning Federation. It was not necessary to hold a vote as we had only one nomination from each school.

World Book Day

As part of our drive to maintain, promote and engage pupil interest in reading, the school is taking part in WORLD BOOK day on Thursday 7th March. Children are asked to come into school dressed as their favourite book character. You can join us in building your child’s enthusiasm for books well beyond World Book Day by reading together regularly and joining your local library if you are not yet a member. For more information about World Book Day, ideas for World Book Day costumes and ideas on sharing books at home, visit

Our School Curriculum

Please take a look at our school website to see what your children are learning here you will find all of the information about each subject and information for each year group. You will also find lots of photographs of the children participating in different lessons on our facebook page and our school blog in the latest news section of our website.

Key Information and dates

School Ping

Squid login

Havering Catering Lunch Menu

Dates for the Diary

Thursday 8th February Attendance Hub Parent Drop in from 8:45am

Friday 16th February COLOUR DAY Last Day of School (Half Term)

Monday 19th -Friday 23rd February Half Term

Tuesday 27th February Rescheduled Parents Evening

Wednesday 28th February Rescheduled Parents Evening

Thursday 7th March World Book Day

Thursday 28th March Last Day of School (Half Term)

Friday 29th March School closed- Good Friday

Monday 15th April INSET DAY

Tuesday 16th April Children return to school

Thursday 2nd May Polling Station-School closed to children

Tuesday 23rd July Last Day of Summer term

Wednesday 24th July INSET DAY-School closed

Yours sincerely,

Ms A Holmes
