Friday 10 June 2022

Celebration Awards


Achievement Certificates

Well done to this week’s Achievement Certificate winners who are Angelo (Kenya), Blessing, Jessica, Emaan and Mahir (Australia), Samir, Isla and Taylor(Madagascar).

Malta’s Star of the Week

Many congratulations to Joseph who has been awarded Malta’s Star of the Week for joining in with the Year 4 PE lesson.

Star Writer Certificates

These children have excelled with their writing this week. Well done to Aryian (Barbados), Saim (Northern Ireland), Charley (Kenya), Adam (Mexico), Jenson (Australia), David (Italy), Nevaeh (St Lucia), Kane (Fiji), Blake (Antigua), Logan(Madagascar), Freddie (Egypt), Zion-Elijah (Palau), Natas (Greece), Jack (Singapore), Ugo (Wales), Lenny M and Nubian (New Zealand), Alishba (India), Sofia (Germany),Daniel (China), Katie (USA) Alex (Scotland) and Yazmina (Brazil).

Star Reader Certificates

These children have worked really hard on their reading this week. Well done to Anete, Ignacy (Egypt), Zion (Barbados), Joni (Northern Ireland) Ianis (Kenya), Aronas (Mexico), Joanna, (Australia), Sophia (Italy), Stefan (St Lucia), Sethika, Khasim and Ayaan (Fiji), Penelope (Antigua), Shay(Madagascar), Kamil (Palau), Bailey (Greece), Chajay (Singapore), Jack (Wales), Amari and Amelia D (New Zealand), Trey (India), Oghomwen (Germany),Daniela (China), Billy, Georgie-Mai, Katie, Lileerae, Jason, Ashantaye (USA), Jacob (Scotland) and Rianne (Brazil).

Star Mathematician Certificates

These children have enjoyed a fantastic week with their maths. Well done to Indigo, Daniel (Barbados), Alannah (Northern Ireland), Andrew (Kenya), Connie (Mexico), Freddie, (Australia), Eleni (Italy), Kimberley (St Lucia), Zymal (Fiji), Chloe and Aleena (Antigua),Aisha(Madagascar), Yasmeena (Palau), Lexi (Egypt), David (Greece), Zahi (Singapore), Taylor (Wales), Dani (New Zealand), Kemal (Germany), Ellie-Mae (India), Summer (China), Lilly (USA) Todor (Scotland), Daniel (Scotland), Ryan (Scotland) and Thereisa (Brazil).

Mathletics Award

Bronze certificate

Amy, Ignacy, Janvi, Daniel, Zuzanna, Amber and Ella (Egypt), Azrah, Alicia, Esther, Noura, Dawood, Ethan, Nikole and Jake (Barbados), Kaden, Samuel, David and Anna (Northern Ireland), Arsalaan, Nuhaa, Roman G. Mia and Taha (Kenya), Jessica, Nancy, Nathan K, Adriana, Emaan, David T, Kavi, Mahir (Australia), David, Sophia, Sienna, Max, Bogdan, Riley (Italy), Kane, Sethika, Victoria and Manha (Fiji), Olivia, Domas, Zelda, Emilia, Sebastian, Clio (Palau),  Vinny and Lavinia (Antigua), Esther, Malakai, Grace, Hollie,Aum,Shay, Leya, Michael N and David (Greece) Charlotte, Inaya, Henry, Justas and Rayan (New Zealand), Jacob, Victoria, Sofia, Jared (Germany) Mohammed (Scotland) Muhammed (Scotland) Layla (Scotland) Daniel K x 2 (Scotland) Majus x3(Scotland) and Daniel R (Scotland).

Silver certificate

Ria (Egypt), Alicia Noura (Barbados), Kaden and Samuel (Northern Ireland), Arsalaan, Nuhaa (Kenya), Adriana (Australia), Bogdan, Max, Olivia, Riley (Italy), Victoria (Fiji), Leya(Madagascar) Oguzcan (New Zealand), Jared (Germany) and Mohammed (Scotland).

Gold certificate

Victoria (Fiji) Lenny M and Akhila (New Zealand).

Golden Certificate

Congratulations to these children who have been awarded a Golden Certificate as they have made exceptionally good choices linked to The Mead Creed. These certificates are not easy to get so very well done to this week’s winners!

Barbados (YR)


St Lucia (YR)

Jose, Michael and Arnie

Antigua (YR)

Daria and Keira

New Zealand (Y1)


Palau (Y1)

Fiji (Y1)

Kelsie, Rosie and Ella

Australia (Y1)

David T

Madagascar (Y2)


Kenya (Y2)

Moksha / Maisy 

Egypt (Y2)

Scotland (Y3)

Luke, Amber

Wales (Y3)

Tyler, Maryam

Northern Ireland (Y3)

Amira and Antony

Italy (Y4)

Bentley, Dennis and Esmai, George

Greece (Y4)

Nathan and Michelle

Germany (Y4)

Matteo, Maya, Victoria, Jaion, Fran, Isabella

Brazil (Y5)

Yazmina, Dianna, Evie, Sofia

Mexico (Y5)

Sophie, Nathanuel and Katie

USA (Y5)

Michael, Ema, Sarah

India (Y6)

Aaliyah, Millie-Rae, Alfie

China (Y6)


Malaysia (Y6)

Macie, Brooke, Alexa and Rehan

Singapore (Y6)

Preston, Felicity


Well done to who all met their attendance target and were able to roll the dice!

Congratulations to everyone who achieved an award this week, we are very proud of you!