What a fantastic week Year 1 have had. Thank you to everyone that has been working hard on Mathletics at home.
These children have achieved 1000 points on Mathletics last week and have been awarded a Bronze certificate.
Well done to Jessica, Nathan K and Mahir in Australia, Rayan, Eishan, Victoria and Manha in Fiji, Olivia H, Lenny L, Lenny M and Akhila in New Zealand and Olivia, Domas, Kamil, Zelda, Emilia and Sebastian in Palau.
Silver certificates have been awarded to children that have achieved 5 bronze certificates.
Well done to Nathan K in Australia, Oguzcan and Lenny M in New Zealand and Zelda, Emilia and Sebastian in Palau.
Gold certificates have been awarded to children that have achieved 4 Silver Certificates.
Well done to Justas in New Zealand and Zelda in Palau.
Well done everyone we are so proud of you all!