Friday, 24 September 2021

Year 3 Star Writers!

 This week in Year 3 we have been using our knowledge of descriptive vocabulary to write descriptions about a forest setting! Children explored the forest to build vocabulary before writing up their final piece. All children have written some fantastic independent work this week and should be very proud.  Our Star Writers have created some fantastic setting descriptions, so well done David to in Scotland, Nicolae in Wales, and Anna in Northern Ireland!

Year One's Marvelous Medicines

In history, the children have been learning about Mary Seacole, a hero from the past. She was born in Jamaica and helped her mother before travelling the world as a nurse. Mary Seacole looked after soldiers in the Crimean war by creating herbal medicines. Just like Mary Seacole, the children made medicines using lemon, ginger, thyme, mint and honey. The children were excited to try their medicine and were proud of the medicine they created. Amirah said "I want to make some medicine for Mummy at home because she's not feeling well". 

Year 4 are Swimming Superstars!

Year 4 are Swimming Superstars!

These children have been swimming superstars last Monday and have swam either 1 width, 2 widths or a length of the swimming pool! Well done to all of these swimmers! Swimming continues every Monday so please ensure that your child has their full swimming kit, including their swimming hat.

These children swam 1 width this week! Lottie, Sophia, Sienna, Bogdan, Luka, Tommy, Alexis, Fareeda, Freddie, Nathan and Dev.

This children swam 2 widths! Sienna, Sophie, Lottie, Bogdan, Dev, Alexis and Fareeda in Italy.

They also swam 1 length! Sienna, Sophia, Lottie, Bogdan, Dev, Alexis and Fareeda in Italy.

These children swam 1 width! Sofia, Lenny, Bella-Leigh, Tehzeeb and Victoria in Germany.

They also swam 2 widths! Sofia, Lenny, Bella-Leigh, Tehzeeb and Victoria in Germany.

And also 1 length! Sofia, Lenny, Bella-Leigh, Tehzeeb and Victoria in Germany.

A real life superhero comes to Mead

The children in year one have been learning about superheroes this half term.  As part of our topic they learnt about real life heroes - otherwise known as 'people who help us'.  As a special treat they received a visit from PC Wayne who told them all about the role of a police officer.  He also showed them his uniform and many different gadgets.  The year ones then had the opportunity to ask PC Wayne questions.  The children had a great time and were super excited to meet a real life superhero!


Year 4 Mathletics Certificates!

 Year 4 Mathletics Certificates!

Congratulations to all of the Mathletics certificate winners in year 4! These children have been working hard at home to complete tasks and challenges on Mathletics to earn bronze, silver and gold certificates. Well done! Keep up the good work!

Sofia, Jokabus, Tilly, Jacob and Victoria in Germany.

Sophia, Sienna, Max, Olivia, David and Zachary in Italy.

There's some Monsters in Y6!

 For the past two weeks, Year 6 have been writing information texts about Monsters! Luckily, none of us have seen a real monster, but we have used our imaginations to create our very own creepy creatures. 

In Miss Hinchliffe's class, Kezrae taught us about The Boldie Goldie, who is made of solid gold and turns humans into golden statues! We also learnt about Toby's Vicious Viking who eats mutant fish using his sword. Luckily, they also wrote instructions on how to trap their monster if we ever see them.

A huge well done to all of Year 6 for their creative monster designs!

Great to see!


The children in Madagascar have been working really hard and have completed their Tracker books.👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 Mr D

Look what Sadie found in the loft!

Sadie in year three has found some amazing artefacts in her Grandfather's loft. A big fan of Frank Sinatra and his music, Sadie's grandfather has managed to collect some fascinating materials! Students at Mead are learning about Frank Sinatra for the month of September. Thank you for sharing this with us Sadie!

These give us a great window into Frank Sinatra's life as a person, as well as a musician! 

Weekly Newsletter 24/09/2021 - Important information

Dear Parents and Carers,


Well done to our Reception children who started their first full time week at school. Given the very disrupted nursery year most of our children had, it has been amazing to see how quickly they have settled. Huge thanks to the Reception staff for their hard work in preparing for this week and to our parents who have been so supportive.

Head of School Appointment

Following a rigorous interview process, I am pleased to announce that Ms Holmes has been appointed as the Head of School at Mead for the academic year. Ms Holmes is an experienced leader who held a similar position at a previous school and will oversee the day to day running Mead. Adding Ms Holmes to the school leadership team will mean we have greater capacity to further develop our school.

With Ms Holmes becoming the Head of School at Mead from 4th October, Miss Cunningham will assume the role of Acting Year Group Leader in Year 4; she is very much looking forward to starting this role and is already working closely with Ms Holmes as part of her handover process. We are currently speaking with a number of interested candidates regarding the class teaching role in Italy and hope to have news very soon.

School Photographs

Carmel Jane Photography will be visiting our school on the 21st October, to take individual photographs. Parents are requested to pre-register before the photography date above to enable access to your child’s photographs. Pre-registration is required for every photo shoot.

Registration only takes a minute. Please visit and enter the following code: JRG8A92

You will then be asked to pre-register with your child's full school register name. Once registered, as soon as the photos are available you will receive an automatic email notification to inform you that your child's photos are now ready to be viewed and can be purchased.

Flu Vaccine replies

Please return your reply slip by Thursday 30th September. We need these even if you do not wish for your child to have the vaccine. Thank you!


It is really important that the children are in school for the start of the day. We open the school doors at 8-30 and expect all children to be in at 8-40. We would really appreciate your support with this. Thank you.

Havering Catering

Havering Catering does not serve halal meat. We have been asked this by several parents and thought it easier to include in a newsletter.

Used Uniform

A Facebook page has just been launched by one of our parents which is dedicated to selling or donating Mead school uniform. This could be really useful to many parents, especially if you have a child who grows so very quickly and you are constantly having to update their uniform!

Governor vacancy

Due to the resignation of an experienced governor who has moved out of the area, we have a vacancy on the Governing Body of The Learning Federation. This is a fantastic opportunity to contribute towards the strategic direction of Broadford and Mead Primary Schools. If you would like to know more about the role or have any questions, please email our Chair of Governors, Alan Kemp.

Key Information and dates

Squid login

Havering Catering Lunch Menu

Monday 27th September Nursery part-time children start.

Thursday 21st October Individual School Photographs (see information above)

Friday 22nd October Last day of school.

Monday 1st November School Closed to children - Staff INSET day.

Tuesday 2nd November Back to school.

Friday 17th December Last day of school.

Have a lovely weekend and we look forward to seeing you on Monday.

Yours sincerely,

Mr D Denchfield

Executive Headteacher, The Learning Federation

Celebration Awards

Achievement Certificates

Well done to this week’s Achievement Certificate winners who are Amaan (Kenya), Merkhima (Scotland), Brenden (Germany), Janvi, Ignacy, Sandra, Amy, Sidiq and Domas (Egypt), Constantine, Visha, Leo, Gracie, Lily (Madagascar) and Jolin (China).

Malta’s Star of the Week

Many congratulations to Pio who was awarded the certificate for his enthusiasm throughout the week.

Star Writer Certificates

These children have excelled with their writing this week. Well done to Olivia (Palau), David (Scotland) Emilia (Kenya), Nicolae (Wales), Bogdan (Italy), Chloe (Germany), Dollie-Mae (China), Ellie-Mae (India), Manha (Fiji), Aum (Madagascar), Jacob (Egypt), Anna (Northern Ireland), Amelia (Australia), Michelle (Greece), Isla (New Zealand), Alex (Mexico), Anastasia (USA), Emily (Malaysia), Rehan (Malaysia) and Charlotte (Brazil).

Star Reader Certificates

These children have worked really hard on their reading this week. Well done to Milena (Palau), Alexander (Scotland) Taha (Kenya), James (Germany), Teddy (Malaysia), Riley (Italy), Ria (Egypt), Olivia (India), Kelsie (Fiji), Lenny (Madagascar), Matthew (Northern Ireland), Ivan (Greece), Nathan N (Australia), Livi (New Zealand), Isabel (Wales), Francesca (Mexico), Leona (USA), Dollie-Mae (China) and Riddhi (Brazil).

Star Mathematician Certificates

These children have enjoyed a fantastic week with their maths. Well done to Kamil (Palau), Majus (Scotland) Alexa (Kenya) Brenden (Germany), Mattumai (Wales), Destiny (Malaysia), Sulejman (China), Eva (Italy), Sandra (Egypt), Ender (Fiji), Grace (Madagascar), Antony (Northern Ireland), Tejan (Australia) Alfie (Greece), Sophie (New Zealand), Ava P (Mexico), Nathan (USA) and Lexi (Brazil).

Mathletics Award

Bronze certificate

Jacob, Jokubas, Victoria, Sofia and Tilly (Germany), Mohammad, Merkhima, Paulina, Majus, Janisha and Daniel R (Scotland) Ianis, Moksha, Nuha, Charley, Maisy and Taha (Kenya), Sidrah, Lexi, India, Sandra, Donovan, Ignacy, Janvi, Dora and Zuzanna (Egypt) Rayan, Jeff, Zakariya, Victoria and Manha (Fiji), Rehan, Matvejs, Jack, Melisa and Dinuki (Malaysia), Daniel (China), Austeja and Olivia (India), Grace, Andrey, Leo, Avyukt and Aum (Madagascar), David, Max, Olivia, Sophia, Sienna and Zachary (Italy), Vlad, Saam, Kaden and Vilte (Northern Ireland), Jessica, Sai and Nathan K (Australia), Milena, Olivia, Domas, Zelda, Emilia and Sebastian (Palau), Inaya, Callum, Henry, Amelia D, Oguzcan, Evelyn, Millie and Lenny M (New Zealand), Manvik, Alexander and Harry (Mexico), Nicole and Daisy (Brazil) Sadie, Josh, Anete, Izampela and Tommy (Wales)

Silver certificate

Sofia and Victoria (Germany), Majus (Scotland), Ella (Egypt), Rayan, Victoria and Manha (Fiji), Matvejs (Malaysia), Max, Olivia, Sophia and Zachary (Italy), Lenny L (New Zealand), Manvik (Mexico), Ugo and Izampela (Wales) and Nicole (Brazil)

Gold certificate

Amy (Egypt), Victoria (Fiji) and Maryam (Wales)

Golden Certificate

Congratulations to these children who have been awarded a Golden Certificate as they have made exceptionally good choices linked to The Mead Creed. These certificates are not easy to get so very well done to this week’s winners!

Malta (ARP)

England (YN)

Barbados (YR)

St Lucia (YR)

Antigua (YR)

New Zealand (Y1)


Palau (Y1)


Fiji (Y1)


Australia (Y1)

Sai, David T and Joanna

Madagascar (Y2)

Gracie and Hollie

Kenya (Y2)

Mekhi, Aubree and Karl

Egypt (Y2)

Jacob, Sidrah and Sandra

Scotland (Y3)


Wales (Y3)

Teddy and Diamond

Northern Ireland (Y3)

Elda and Alannah

Italy (Y4)

Daniel, Esmai and Isabella

Greece (Y4)

Seiar, Freddie, Tommy and Bailey

Germany (Y4)

Rose and Oghomwen

Brazil (Y5)


Mexico (Y5)

Sophie, Harry, Ordrey, Nathanuel and Alexander

USA (Y5)

Jovan, Olivia-Rose, Megan and Yanis

India (Y6)

Georgia, George, Afnan and Larkenz

China (Y6)

Ivan, Jolin, Daniela and Marcel

Malaysia (Y6)

Brooke T


Well done to Australia, Fiji, Kenya, Wales, Italy, Greece, Germany, Mexico, USA, India and China who all beat their attendance target for last week. A special ‘well done’ must go to Scotland who achieved 100% attendance for the week - amazing! They all got the chance to move their class sign on the Attendance-opoly board and may have won a class reward. Ask your child when they get home and they can tell you!

Congratulations to everyone who achieved an award this week, we are very proud of you!

Y6 spellings

Here are this weeks spellings, children will be tested on these on Friday 1st October.

Week 3

(Adjectives ending in -ant into nouns ending in -acne/-ancy )










Science in China class

 For the last two weeks, China class have been learning about light in their science lessons. We have investigated how light is formed, how shadows are made and how are eyes allow us to see. We have also created white light, colour and even made rainbows!

Year 6 Residential - Mersea Island

Thank you to all the parents & carers that attended yesterday's meeting, it was great to see you all!

If any parents or carers could not attend, but would like more information or have any questions relating to your child, please email us at and we will get back to you as soon as possible. We would love as many of our Year 6 children to attend as possible.

Thank you,

Miss Hinchliffe

Thursday, 23 September 2021

Mersea Meeting Reminder - Today!


Year 6 Residential - Mersea Island

We are delighted to inform you that a residential trip has been booked to Mersea Centre for Outdoor Learning at Mersea Island for Year 6 pupils. Children will leave on Monday 23rd May 2022 and return on Wednesday 25th May 2022.

There will be an information meeting on Thursday 23rd September at 3:30pm in the key stage 2 hall.

It is very important that you attend this meeting as we will be providing you with all of the information about the residential and payment options.

We look forward to seeing you later today,

The Year 6 Team

Wednesday, 22 September 2021

Well done!

 Well done Emily in China for your creative writing today! 

Attendance-opoly in China

Last week China class beat their attendance target, which meant they got to have a turn at our school attendance-opoly game. We landed on 'make paper airplanes', so we spent Friday afternoon making and playing with our creations! Toby managed to make the plane that made the furthest- however Miss Smiths' plane was a close second.

Tuesday, 21 September 2021

Flu immunisations

The immunisation team will be in school on Thursday 14th October.

All consent forms MUST to be returned to school by Thursday 30th September, regardless of consent or decline.

Please can we ask parents to call the flu team if they have any questions on 0203 432 6143 or email them at rather than call school.

If you want your child vaccinated but not in school, please contact the flu team who can book an appointment at one of their clinics.

Monday, 20 September 2021

Monday's Assembly

This morning we were joined by our MDA's for our Monday assembly. Our topic this week was about the importance of lunchtimes and how we can continue to improve the provision for our children and follow the Mead Creed.

Keeping Children Safe Online

A free online session.

Friday, 17 September 2021

Year 1 Mathletics Awards

What a fantastic week Year 1 have had. Thank you to everyone that has been working hard on Mathletics at home.

These children have achieved 1000 points on Mathletics last week and have been awarded a Bronze certificate.

Well done to Jessica, Nathan K and Mahir in Australia, Rayan, Eishan, Victoria and Manha in Fiji,  Olivia H, Lenny L, Lenny M and Akhila in New Zealand and Olivia, Domas, Kamil, Zelda, Emilia and Sebastian in Palau.

Silver certificates have been awarded to children that have achieved 5 bronze certificates.

Well done to Nathan K in Australia, Oguzcan and Lenny M in New Zealand and Zelda, Emilia and Sebastian in Palau. 

Gold certificates have been awarded to children that have achieved 4 Silver Certificates.

Well done to Justas in New Zealand and Zelda in Palau.

Well done everyone we are so proud of you all!

KS1 Celebration Assembly


Awards :  

Celebration Awards 17/09/21


Achievement Certificates

Well done to this week’s Achievement Certificate winners who are Layla (Kenya) and Andrey (Madagascar)

Malta’s Star of the Week

This week’s Star of the Week in Malta is Gracie who was awarded the certificate for her improvement in counting.

Star Writer Certificates

These children have excelled with their writing this week. Well done to Billie (Palau), Sienna (Australia), Oliver (Northern Ireland), Felicity (Malaysia), Marcel (China), Merkhima (Scotland), Josh (Wales), Zachary (Italy) Kajus (Kenya), Biddy ( Egypt), Lenny L (New Zealand), Avyukt(Madagascar), Gabriel (Greece), Zakariya (Fiji), Famata (China), Ian (Malaysia), Aamreen (Mexico), Amry (Germany), Sarah (USA) and Nicole (Brazil)

Star Reader Certificates

These children have worked really hard on their reading this week. Well done to Anabella ((Palau), Saivithun (Australia), Amira (Northern Ireland), Merkhima (Scotland), Logan (India), Charlotte F (Wales), Esmai (Italy), Zuzanna (Egypt) Karl (Kenya), Charlotte (New Zealand), Amelia (Madagascar), Seiar (Greece), Khasim (Fiji), Emily (Malaysia), Julia (China), Nathanuel (Mexico), Bella (Germany), Amin (USA) and Simeon (Brazil)

Star Mathematician Certificates

These children have excelled with their maths this week. Well done to Elwin (Palau), Gabriel (Australia), Vilte (Northern Ireland), Layla (Scotland), Dev (Italy), Darius (Egypt) Andrew (Kenya), Freddie (New Zealand), Rubi (Madagascar), Haydar (Greece), Amari (Fiji), Larkenz (India), Georgia (India), Brooke D (Malaysia), Lennon (China), Wadi (Mexico), Archie (Germany), Dami (USA) and Tommy R (Brazil)

Mathletics Award

Bronze certificate

Amelia, Domas, India, Sandra, Donovan, Ignacy, Dora, Zuzanna and Ella (Egypt), Jessica and Mahir (Australia), Muhammad, Paulina, Daniel K, Majus (Scotland) Layla, Nuhaa, Mia, Taha and Amaan (Kenya), Samhita and Avyukt (Madagascar) Ivan and Michael N (Greece), Rayan, Eishan, Victoria and Manha (Fiji), Olivia H, Lenny L, Lenny M and Akhila (New Zealand), Oliva (India), Zahi (Malaysia), Afnan (India), Olivia, Domas, Kamil, Zelda, Emilia and Sebastian (Palau).

Silver certificate

Nathan K (Australia), Daniel K, Muhammad (Scotland), Oguzcan and Lenny M (New Zealand), Aum and Grace (Madagascar), Michael N (Greece), Olivia (India), Zahi (Malaysia), Zelda, Emilia and Sebastian (Palau)

Gold certificate

Justas (New Zealand), Olivia (India) and Zelda (Palau).

Golden Certificate

Congratulations to these children who have been awarded a Golden Certificate as they have made exceptionally good choices linked to The Mead Creed. These certificates are not easy to get so very

well done to this week’s winners!

Malta (ARP)


England (YN)

Barbados (YR)

St Lucia (YR)

Antigua (YR)

New Zealand (Y1)


Palau (Y1)


Fiji (Y1)


Australia (Y1)


Madagascar (Y2)

Leya and Malakai

Kenya (Y2)

Egypt (Y2)


Scotland (Y3)


Wales (Y3)

Hazel, Renesmee and Amber

Northern Ireland (Y3)

Honey, Amaliah

Italy (Y4)

Freddie, Dev

Greece (Y4)

Haydar, Paige, Chloe and Seiar

Germany (Y4)

Tilly, Rose, Jokubas, Matteo, Jared, Lenny and Chloe

Brazil (Y5)


Mexico (Y5)

Ava J, Leo and Carter

USA (Y5)

Heath, Vansh 

India (Y6)

Afnan, Brea

China (Y6)


Malaysia (Y6)

Alexa, Joe, Zahi and Felicity


Well done to Madagascar, Egypt, Fiji, Australia, Malta, Scotland, N.Ireland, Wales, Greece, Germany, Mexico, USA, Brazil, India and China who all beat their attendance target for last week. They got the chance to move their class sign on the Attendance-opoly board and may have won a class reward. Ask your child when they get home and they can tell you!

Congratulations to everyone who achieved an award this week, we are very proud of you!