Welcome to our Nursery Newsletter. We will post a newsletter every week to offer information and talk about what we have been learning so you can talk to your child about their day.
Thank you so much for all of your support during the last few weeks. We can`t believe the children have nearly completed their first half term.Settling young children in is never easy for the children and their families but we appreciate you working with us to make this as smooth as possible. Most of the children are now really happy and settled.
During this settling time we are working with the children to get them used to their new environment, sharing with friends, developing relationships and for staff to learn about each child as an individual and their likes and dislikes.We have been asking the children to draw a picture and write their name as well as some counting and saying a Nursery rhyme.This shows us an on entry starting point so we can help your child develop to their best potential during their time at Nursery.
Please ,please help us by encouraging your child to put on their own coat.As you can imagine helping the children to prepare for outside time and home time can be quite a task so the more children that can do this the better.We will be giving stickers for children that are able to do this independently.
Thank you for your help.
Some of our parents have been asking us about applying for a Reception place.
Even though your child is attending Mead nursery you must apply for a place through Havering Admissions
You must apply for a primary school place by 15 January.
We will be running open school sessions, an opportunity to ask questions about Reception and have a look at the school environment. Please look out on Facebook for more details.
Feel free to ask Nursery staff for support with this.
Our school photographer is in school on Tuesday .The photographer will take individual photos of every child.If you would like a family photograph with siblings who do not, as yet, attend school, please come to the KS2 hall between 8:00am and 9:00am.
If you want siblings who attend school to have their photograph taken together please ensure you complete the form, sent home earlier this week, and return it to school.
Over the half term holiday could you look for a family photograph and send it in to school after half term.We would like to put these up in the home corner so the children can play families and be reminded of their own family.
Thank you.
.INSET Dates and Polling day for 2019-20
4th September
3rd April
20th July
21st July
22nd July
Last day of the summer term will be Friday 17th July 2020.
You can access Havering term dates for 2019-2010 here: https://www.havering.gov.uk/download/downloads/id/2023/term_dates_2019-2020.pdf
Please note that the Nursery will close after normal sessions on Friday 18th October and reopen for normal sessions on Monday 28th October
Please note that the Nursery will close after normal sessions on Friday 18th October and reopen for normal sessions on Monday 28th October
Some more of our Starting Nursery photos.Our first P.E session and fun inside and outside.
Well done to Oscar who won our Superstar award this week.He smiled from ear to ear all week.It was so wonderful to see.We are glad you are enjoying nursery Oscar.