Happy Halloween.
Thursday, 31 October 2019
Pumpkin Afternoon
Malta Class,
We need your help!
In Reception, our current maths learning focuses on 3D shapes.
We are asking for any kind donations of clean items which the children will be able to use in junk modelling activities next week.
The different shaped items will encourage the children to apply their growing knowledge and understanding by identifying 3D shapes and talking about their properties.
Junk modelling is also hugely beneficial to your child's development as they use their imagination and develop their problem-solving skills.
Examples of useful items you could bring in include:
yogurt pots
cereal boxes
empty kitchen roll
plastic bottles
bottle tops
egg cartons
Many thanks in advance,
The Reception Team
Parent Governor Election
Please click here to vote for the new Parent Governor representative on the Learning Federation governing board.
Year 6 Spellings
Here are the Year 6 spellings for this week. The children will be tested on these on Friday 13th December.
Year 1 Star Writers
Year 1 Star Writers
This weeks Year 1 Star Writers are:
Sadie from Australia
Marvellous from Palau
Francesca from New Zealand
Well done Year 1!
Before half term, Year 1 were writing letters to their favourite super hero . Children were asked to think about their sentence structure, remembering their full stops and capital letters.
This weeks Year 1 Star Writers are:
Sadie from Australia
Marvellous from Palau
Francesca from New Zealand
Well done Year 1!
Star Writer,
Wednesday, 30 October 2019
Reception reading workshop reminder
"Words are our most inexhaustible source of magic"
JK Rowling
Reading is a vital part of your child's development and it opens up a whole world to them. Here is why reading is so important:
1. Children who read often and widely get better at it.
After all, practice makes perfect in almost everything humans do, and reading in no different.
2. Reading exercises our brain.
Reading is a much more complex task for the human brain rather than watching TV, for example. Reading strengthens brains connections and builds NEW connections.
3. Reading improves concentration.
Children have to sit still and quietly so that they can focus on the story when they are reading. If the read often, they will develop the skill to do this for longer.
4. Reading teaches children about the world around them.
Through reading a variety of books children learn about people, places, and events outside of their own experience.
5. Reading improves vocabulary and language skills.
Children learn new words as they read. Subconsciously, they absorb information on how to structure sentences and how to use words and other language features effectively in their writing and speaking.
6. Reading develops a child's imagination.
As we read our brains translate the descriptions we read of people, places and things into pictures. While we are engaged in a story we are also imagining how a character is feeling. Young children then bring this knowledge into their everyday play.
7. Reading helps children to develop empathy.
As children develop they begin to imagine how they would feel in that situation.
8. Reading is a fun.
A book or an e-reader doesn't take up much space and is light to carry, so you take it anywhere so you can never be bored if you have a book in your bag.
9. Reading is a great way to spend time together.
Reading together on the sofa, bedtimes stories and visiting the library are just some ways of spending time together.
10. Children who read achieve better in school.
Reading promotes achievement in all subjects, not just English. Children who are good readers tend to achieve better across the curriculum.
After all, practice makes perfect in almost everything humans do, and reading in no different.
2. Reading exercises our brain.
Reading is a much more complex task for the human brain rather than watching TV, for example. Reading strengthens brains connections and builds NEW connections.
3. Reading improves concentration.
Children have to sit still and quietly so that they can focus on the story when they are reading. If the read often, they will develop the skill to do this for longer.
4. Reading teaches children about the world around them.
Through reading a variety of books children learn about people, places, and events outside of their own experience.
5. Reading improves vocabulary and language skills.
Children learn new words as they read. Subconsciously, they absorb information on how to structure sentences and how to use words and other language features effectively in their writing and speaking.
6. Reading develops a child's imagination.
As we read our brains translate the descriptions we read of people, places and things into pictures. While we are engaged in a story we are also imagining how a character is feeling. Young children then bring this knowledge into their everyday play.
7. Reading helps children to develop empathy.
As children develop they begin to imagine how they would feel in that situation.
8. Reading is a fun.
A book or an e-reader doesn't take up much space and is light to carry, so you take it anywhere so you can never be bored if you have a book in your bag.
9. Reading is a great way to spend time together.
Reading together on the sofa, bedtimes stories and visiting the library are just some ways of spending time together.
10. Children who read achieve better in school.
Reading promotes achievement in all subjects, not just English. Children who are good readers tend to achieve better across the curriculum.
We hope to welcome as many of you as possible to next weeks workshop.
Reception stay and read reminder
Reading morning in Reception
We will be holding our November reading morning on tomorrow from 8.30am. Please remember our gates close at 8.50, please ensure you arrive before this time. We are asking parents to come and join their child in their classes for at least 5 minutes reading a book to them or with them. We are continuing to promote a child's love of reading and we hope it will provide an opportunity for you to be able to share in this.
Year 4 Spellings - Autumn term 2- week 1
Here are the spellings that the year 4 children will be tested on on Friday 1st November. Please remember to practice these spellings every night for 15 minutes.
Tuesday, 29 October 2019
British Legion Poppy appeal
We will be selling poppies and other items, as shown in the photograph below, in aid of the Royal British Legion poppy appeal from Wednesday 30th October.
Please be reminded that any money sent into school should be in an envelope with your child's name clearly written on it and handed to the class teacher so it can be kept securely-Thank you

British Values,
Monday, 28 October 2019
Unfortunately Pudsey is unable to come to Mead this Wednesday (30th Oct) as he is otherwise engaged. He will, however, be in next Wednesday (6th Nov) instead to meet the children and sell merchandise.
fund raising
Year 3's Navigate Bedford's Park
Year 3 enjoyed a very adventurous trip to Bedford's Park as a part of our UK Studies and Stone Age topics. The children had great fun using bush craft to build a Stone Age shelter, orienteering to find clues with a map and using a compass and instructions to navigate their way around the park. Everybody had a brilliant, and muddy, time!
'I loved using the compass to find our way around the park!' Mervin, Scotland class.
'I really enjoyed learning about cave paintings and making our own paint using forest materials.' Francesca, Northern Ireland class.
'Finding the clues with the map and racing the rest of my class was my favourite part.' Charlie, Wales class.
Sunday, 27 October 2019
Nursery Newsletter Autumn 2 Week 1

Welcome to our Nursery Newsletter. We hope you have had a good half term and we look forward to seeing the children back at Nursery tomorrow.
This half term we will be looking at colour. This week we will have some activities based around pumpkins and be particularly looking at the colour orange. We will give the children the opportunity to mix red and yellow paint together and see the impact.
Some of our parents have been asking us about applying for a Reception place.
Even though your child is attending Mead nursery you must apply for a place through Havering Admissions. You must apply for a primary school place by 15 January.
We will be running open school sessions, an opportunity to ask questions about Reception and have a look at the school environment. The first of these is this Thursday 31st October at 10a.m.
Thank you for those parents who have already completed their appication. Feel free to ask Nursery staff if you need support with this.
We are continuing to ask for donations for our Harvest festival. Our Harvest Festival will take place on Tuesday and contributions will go towards the Harold Hill food bank. The food bank supports Harold Hill families in times of need. We ask that you send non perishables in as it might take a few days for all the food to be distributed.
Thank you so much to those parents that have been working on their child`s independance with putting their coat on.This was much improved during the week before half term so we really do appreciate your support.
We hope you have been able to find a family picture over half term.Please send these in and we will display these in our home corner.This is a really nice way of maintaining the connection between home and school.
We will be holding parent meetings on Tuesday 12th November and Thursday 14th November.
Please look out for the sign up sheet that will be going up early in the week.
.INSET Dates and Polling day for 2019-20
4th September
3rd April
20th July
21st July
22nd July
Last day of the summer term will be Friday 17th July 2020.
You can access Havering term dates for 2019-2010 here: https://www.havering.gov.uk/download/downloads/id/2023/term_dates_2019-2020.pdf
Reception Newsletter Autumn 2 Week 1
Autumn 2 28.10.19
Dear Parents/Carers
We hope you have had a lovely half term .We are looking forward to seeing the children back at school Tomorrow to start this very busy half term which of course leads us right up to the Christmas holiday.
This half term our topic is festivals and Celebrations and we will be starting by learning about Diwali.Diwali is the five-day festival of lights, celebrated by millions of Hindus, Sikhs and Jains across the world. The festival, which coincides with the Hindu New Year, celebrates new beginnings and the triumph of good over evil and light over darkness.The children will be making rangoli patterns in a range of ways and hearing the story of Rama and Sita.
If your family celebrate Diwali please send in some pictures so the other children can see how different families celebrate different things.It would also be great if any of our parents could pop in during the week to share their diwali family celebration stories
Red - Pork sausages with mash potato
Please note that the final day of the summer term will be on Friday 19th July, 2019.
This half term our topic is festivals and Celebrations and we will be starting by learning about Diwali.Diwali is the five-day festival of lights, celebrated by millions of Hindus, Sikhs and Jains across the world. The festival, which coincides with the Hindu New Year, celebrates new beginnings and the triumph of good over evil and light over darkness.The children will be making rangoli patterns in a range of ways and hearing the story of Rama and Sita.
If your family celebrate Diwali please send in some pictures so the other children can see how different families celebrate different things.It would also be great if any of our parents could pop in during the week to share their diwali family celebration stories
We will continue our Read, write inc sessions this week, learning the sounds u,b,f,e.
On Friday your child will bring home some sheets to practise their letter formation.Please help your child by reminding them of the rhyme and encouraging your child to say the rhyme. Please note your child is not required to return these back to school.
In maths this week we will be looking at 3 dimensional shapes.The children will be naming shapes and looking at the properties of each shape.We would appreciate you looking at the shapes of common household items and seeing if the children can spot cylinders,cubes,cuboids and spheres.
As a reminder the school day starts between 8.30 and-8.50am with a 3.00pm collection time.
Access in the mornings is through our main gate Gate 1 and at the end of the day via either Gate 1 or Gate 3.We would ask that you stand back from the doors in order to safely hand the children back to you. Please do not crowd the doors as this will delay us in handing your child over.
Please note we are asking parents not to bring buggies into the corridors as they become overcrowded at peak times and pose a health and safety risk. Please be assured a member of staff will be on hand to provide assistance in looking after buggies in the morning.
It is lovely to see so many children reading regularly and practising their sight words. We will change this book weekly and review the child`s progress. The expectation is your child reads at least 3 times or more each week. As we promoting a love of reading, we encourage your child to read a range of books and is not limited to the one we send home with them.

We are continuing to ask for donations for our Harvest festival.Our Harvest Festival will take place on Tuesday and contributions will go towards the Harold Hill food bank.The food bank supports Harold Hill families in times of need.We ask that you send non perishables in as it might take a few days for all the food to be distributed.

Please also remember to return your child's health check forms as soon as possible.

Please also remember to return your child's health check forms as soon as possible.
This week we will be on Week 1 of the Havering school menu. Monday's choices are:
Red - Pork sausages with mash potato
Blue - Ravioli pasta
Green- Vegetable fingers with mash potato
Here is a link to the menu choices https://www.haveringcatering.co.uk/schooldata/mead-infant-primary-school/
School Uniform -
Please be reminded that children are expected to continue to wear the appropriate uniform of:
- Black or grey trousers (Joggers in Nursery)
- White polo shirt with a bottle green jumper or cardigan
- Black shoes or plain black trainers (no boots)
- Black or grey skirt/dress
Children will not be permitted to wear Hoodies.
Only plain school coloured head bands can be worn- no oversized bows.
Only studs can we worn in school, please make sure these are removed for PE.
Please ensure children do not have makeup on or acrylic/painted nails.
Uniform will be given to those children who do not wear the correct uniform in the morning and will need to be returned before the end of school.
Messages –
- PLEASE NAME all items of clothing. This will help when returning lost items, particularly jumpers and cardigans with the right child.
- If your child has had any clothes from school could you please ensure these are washed and returned to back.
- Our PE day is Thursday. Please ensure your child has a named PE kit in school. If they wear earrings they need to be removed on this day.
- Thank you to all those parents who have sent in a named set of spare clothes. If you haven’t yet could you please ensure your child has a named set of spare clothes and underwear on their peg as soon as possible.
- Children can also bring in a pair of named wellies to leave in school. This would be great for use in the mud kitchen and on rainy days.
- If your child suffers with asthma please ensure their pump is in school and you have completed the relevant paperwork at the main office.
- If your child is unwell, please remember to call the school office on 01708 343616 and notify them of your child's absence.
Family news
This is a section of our blog where we celebrate any news from our Reception parents.If you have anyhing you would like to share please let us know. We would like to welcome all of the new children and their families who ahve joined Mead school this week.
Breakfast club is open from 7.45 am. Please make sure there is sufficient money on your child's sQuid account to make payment.
Important dates:
INSET Dates and Polling day for 2019-20
4th September
3rd April
20th July
21st July
22nd July
Last day of the summer term will be Friday 17th July 2020.
You can access Havering term dates for 2019-2010 here: https://www.havering.gov.uk/download/downloads/id/2023/term_dates_2019-2020.pdf
Dates for your diary
Autumn 2
| |
Monday 28th October
Pupils return to school
Thursday 7th November
Reception Reading workshop
Thursday 7th November
Reception stay and read
Tuesday 12th November
Friendship workshop for pupils
Friday 6th December
Stay and Play
Monday 9th December
Reception Christmas play PM (time to be confirmed)
Tuesday 10th December
Reception Christmas play AM (time to be confirmed)
Wednesday 18th December
St Pauls Church visit
Friday 20th December
Last day of term
Our learning objectives this term will be listed under these headings:
Personal, Social and Emotional
Can select and use activities and resources with help
Shows confidence in asking adults for help
Communication and Language
To follow directions
To use talk to connect ideas
To sometimes give meanings to the marks they draw and paint
Listens to and joins in with stories
Physical Development:
Runs skilfully and negotiates space
Mounts stairs, steps or climbing equipment
Beginning to recite numbers in order to 10
Knows that numbers identify how many objects are in a set
If you would like to contact a member of the EYFS team via email the address is:
We look forward to seeing you all tomorrow. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
Reception Team
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