Moving from "I can't do this" to "I can't do this yet"
Thank you to all of those parents who were able to attend our maths workshop this morning. We hope it was useful in providing some practical activities which you can do with your child at home and helped you gain a better understanding of the end of year expectations for reception children.
As promised here is a list of useful websites you can use to help support your child at home:
You Tube for
number stories, rhymes and songs
Cbeebies for grown-ups
We hope you all enjoyed carrying out some practical activities with your child and it gave an opportunity for them to share their knowledge with you!
Once again your feedback is much appreciated. As we are trying to come away from using worksheets, practical activities would prove more benefical to your child and allow them "to hold maths in their hands" . Examples being counting everyday objects, practising their number formation, solving addition and subtraction problems, ordering numbers, matching number and quantity, counting in 2's, 5s and 10s will also give your child a good next step for Year 1 and aid them when learning their times tables in Year 2.
Remember you can always approach your child's class teacher or refer to the targets in the Reception pupil passport and also the Year 1 passport if you feel your child needs further support or you would like to extend their learning and provide them with a 'challenge'.