Sunday 9 December 2018

Reception Newsletter Autumn 2 Week 7

Autumn 2 09.12.18

Dear Parent, Carers

What an exciting time we had last week. Those naughty elves have been up to mischief again this year and we are waiting in anticipation for what they might do next, keep your eyes peeled! Thank you to everyone who was able to attend our farm visit and our stay and read and our stay and make sessions on Friday. It was lovely to see so many of you there and we hope you had as much fun as the children.

We have another busy week ahead, with our visit to the church on Monday, our Christmas plays Wednesday and Thursday and Friday is Christmas jumper day.  If you still need to bring in your child’s black clothes for their part in the Christmas play, please ensure we have them in school tomorrow.

This week our story focus will be the ‘Stickman’ by Julia Donaldson. We will continue to talk about celebrations and we will be discussing our visit to the church. We will also be making our Christmas cards as well as some festive treats. In maths we will continue our work on subtraction and matching number and quantities.

In the mornings the children need to walk through the main gate and enter through the Reception area doors. If you arrive after the gate has closed, you will need to enter the main office where you will be recorded as late. At 3.00pm Gate 1 will be open for parents and the children will be released through the Reception area doors. Please do not crowd around the doors at the end of the day, it is causing delays in ensuring your child is handed over to you safely. We thank you again for your understanding and cooperation in leaving pushchairs at the door.

Your child will continue to bring home a reading book (which is changed weekly) and a set of sight words. The expectation is your child reads at least 3 times or more each week. As we are promoting a love of reading we encourage your child to read a range of books and is not limited to the one we send home with them. Please also remember to make a note of the title of the book your child has read to help them achieve their reading awards.

If your child has any comics at home that they have finished with we would be grateful for them in school. Children enjoy sharing these and having a variety of reading material helps their development.

Learning Challenge
Each half term we will be setting our pupils a challenge related to their learning. We believe that it is important for us to provide guidance for parents on how their children’s learning can be extended at home.

The learning challenge will include either a nursery rhyme, famous person, illustration or a piece of music. Please talk to your child about the challenge and help them to engage in their learning. The children can choose how they present their learning challenge outcomes to their teacher or class.

Poem/Song to learn: Five Little Men in a flying saucer
Person: Mr Maker
Composer/Piece of music: Vivaldi’s Four Seasons
Five little Men in a flying saucer.
Flew around the world one day,
They looked left and right,
But they didn’t like the sight,
So one man flew away,

Nursery Rhyme
Piece of music
.       1.  Learn it off by heart.
     2.    Draw a picture to illustrate the rhyme.
3.    Find out about stars.
  1. Listen to the piece of music.
  2. Create some movements to the music
  3. Draw an illustration to represent their feelings.
       1. Draw a portrait of the person.
     2.  Find out facts about the person.
3. Watch the person in action.

On Wednesdays we have our weekly P.E session. Please ensure your child’s P.E kit is returned to school and is clearly labelled. Children are starting to change for their PE sessions, as you can imagine this is currently taking quite a while so all you can do to help your child be independent in dressing is greatly appreciated.

We will be using the new Havering school menu which the children bought home before half term. We are on Week 1 of this menu. Monday’s choices are:
Beef burger in a bun with potato wedges
Cheesy tomato pasta pot
Vegetable burger in a bun with potato wedges

Messages –
  • PLEASE NAME all items of clothing. This will help when returning lost items, particularly jumpers and cardigans with the right child. We have accumulated a number of clothes already. Please check your child’s class if they are missing something.
  • Our PE days are Wednesday. Please ensure your child has a named PE kit in school. If they wear earrings they need to be removed on this day.
  • Thank you to all those parents who have sent in a named set of spare clothes. If you haven’t yet could you please ensure your child has a named set of spare clothes and underwear on their peg as soon as possible. Please note this does not need to be school uniform.
  • Children can also bring in a pair of named wellies to leave in school. This would be great for use in the mud kitchen and on rainy days.
  • If your child suffers with asthma please ensure their pump is in school and you have completed the relevant paperwork at the main office.
  • Please actively encourage your child to put away their book bag and hang up their coat in the morning. It would also be really helpful if you could discuss the menu choices with your child the previous night to help them independently find their cupcake and make their lunch choice.

December is proving to be a busy month. Please make a note of the following dates:

Autumn 2

Monday 10th December
Visit to St Paul’s church
Wednesday 12th December
Reception Christmas play at 2.15pm
Thursday 13th December
Reception Christmas play at 9.15am
Friday 14th December
Christmas jumper day
Monday 17th December
Reception Christmas parties
Tuesday 18th December
Christmas dinner day
Wednesday 19th December
Last day of the Autumn term

INSET Dates and Polling day for 2018-19
3rd September
4th September
7th January
29th April
5th June

Please note that the final day of the summer term will be on Friday 19th July, 2019.

Our learning objectives this term will be listed under these headings:

Personal, Social and Emotional:

Begins to accept the needs of others and can take turns and share resources, sometimes with support from others.

Can usually tolerate delay when needs are not immediately met, and understands wishes may not always be met.

Initiates play, offering cues to peers to join them.

Communication and Language:

Shows understanding of prepositions by carrying out an action or selecting correct picture.

Can retell a simple past event in correct order.

Questions why things happen and gives explanations. Asks e.g. who, what, when, how.


Enjoys an increasing range of books.

Describes main story settings, events and principal characters.

Hears and says initial sounds in words.

Physical Development:

Negotiates space successfully when playing racing and chasing games with other children, adjusting speed or changing direction to avoid obstacles.

Experiments with different ways of moving.

Moves with confidence in a range of ways, negotiating space.


Shows interest in shape by sustained construction activity or by talking about shapes or arrangements.

Selects a particular named shape.

Can describe their relative position such as 'behind' or 'next to'.

Finds the total number in two groups by counting all of them.

If you would like to contact a member of the EYFS team via email the address is:

We look forward to seeing you all tomorrow.

Reception Team