Dear Parent, Carers
We hope you have had a lovely weekend and here we are back for another busy week..
Last week we were busy in Nursery writing our letters to Father Christmas and this week we are hoping the weather stays nice enough that we can walk to the bost box and post them.This week we are going to continue with our Christmas activities including practising our Christmas songs so be prepared for some practising at home !!
Outside each of the classes is a class list in case your child would like to send their classmates a Christmas card.The children do love to receive cards in the run up to Christmas.
Please note we are asking parents not to bring buggies into the corridors as they become overcrowded at peak times and pose a health and safety risk. Please be assured a member of staff will be on hand to provide assistance in looking after buggies and little ones in the morning.Thank you to everybody who has left their buggies this week.
We are very sorry that there will be some disruption to pick up arrangements while the builders work on the extension to the Nursery. At the beginning and end of the school day the only access will be via gate 1 the main school entrance.Adults collecting Nursery children from the morning session and adults bringing the Nursery children to the afternoon session will enter via the gate 2 access road .
Thank you for your patience at this time.
Messages –
- PLEASE NAME all items of clothing. This will help when returning lost items, particularly jumpers and cardigans .
- If your child suffers with asthma please ensure their pump is in school and you have completed the relevant paperwork at the main office.
- Please ensure you have told Nursery staff of any medical conditions or food allergies.
School Places
We would like to remind you that you must register your child for a school place by January 15th,
Family news
Please let us know if you have any news you would like to share in this section.We love to share good news so just let us know.
Well Done to Poppy ,Grace and Aubree for having a really good week at Nursery
We are very proud of you all.
Important dates:
Tuesday 4th December-Nursery Farm open day-this is an opportunity for you to come and spend some time with your child at our very special Mead farm.The farm will be decorated for Christmas .
Look out for more details on our blog
Friday 7th December-Stay and Make-Christmas
Friday 14th December-Christmas jumper day
Friday 14th December-Nursery Christmas concert 10.30
Monday 17th December-Christmas parties
Wednesday 19th December-3.30 Nursery closes for Christmas
Please note that the final day of the summer term will be on Friday 19th July, 2019.
INSET Dates and Polling day for 2018-19
Thanks again for all your support
We would like to remind you that you must register your child for a school place by January 15th,
If you need any help staff will be pleased to help you.
30 hour places
Can we remind parents of our 30 hour children that you have to re validate your codes every 3 months.We would appreciate your support in making sure the codes are up to date,
Please let us know if you have any news you would like to share in this section.We love to share good news so just let us know.
Well Done to Poppy ,Grace and Aubree for having a really good week at Nursery
We are very proud of you all.
Important dates:
Tuesday 4th December-Nursery Farm open day-this is an opportunity for you to come and spend some time with your child at our very special Mead farm.The farm will be decorated for Christmas .
Look out for more details on our blog
Friday 7th December-Stay and Make-Christmas
Friday 14th December-Christmas jumper day
Friday 14th December-Nursery Christmas concert 10.30
Monday 17th December-Christmas parties
Wednesday 19th December-3.30 Nursery closes for Christmas
Please note that the final day of the summer term will be on Friday 19th July, 2019.
INSET Dates and Polling day for 2018-19
3rd September | 4th September | 7th January | 29th April | 5th June |
Thanks again for all your support
Kind Regards