Friday, 5 January 2018

Year 5 Spring Curriculum Letter

5th January 2018
Dear Parents and Carers,
Year 5 - Spring Curriculum Newsletter
Welcome back to the Spring Term! We hope you find this letter informative. Please do not hesitate to contact your child’s class teacher if you have any questions relating to the curriculum.
Our expectation at Mead is that every child should do the following every night:
  • 15 minutes reading to themselves or an adult and note in the reading record
  • 15 minutes practising spellings
  • 15 minutes rehearsing times tables facts (including multiplication and division)

If children would like to attempt an additional homework challenge, we have a new Learning Challenge for children to attempt each half of the Spring Term. All of the activities are based around a significant person, poem or painting. Children do not have to attempt every activity but instead select the activities that they are most interested in and compile a project that reflects the extra time and effort that they have put into their challenge. We hope that children will take their time with the challenge and be proud of the work they produce they should hand this into their teacher at the end of the Half Term.

Spellings have been given out for the half term. The children should practice their words every evening. In addition to practising their spellings, the children can find the definitions of the words and use them in sentences, which will allow them to earn an extra merit.
Curriculum Information
We have included a summary of the topics which the children will be covering this term. If you would like to make any suggestions of what you or your child would like to learn in relation to the topics taught, please complete the form attached and return it to your child’s class teacher. We welcome any suggestions you may have.

Yours Sincerely,

The year 5 team.

1st Half Term
2nd Half Term
Persuasive writing
Stories by significant authors
Biography and autobiography
Please fill in the reading journal after hearing your child read.
For a good selection of children’s books visit your local library.
Useful web links-
Number - Fractions, decimals, percentages
Useful websites:
We are architects - using Sketchup to create a virtual building.
You could visit the Science Museum. Admission is free. Located at Exhibition Road in South Kensington, London, SW7 2DD.
Dress: Vikings, Early British History, Ancient Greeks

Philosophy 4 Children topics
Philosophy 4 Children topics
Hockey, Basketball, Tennis
Musical genres- jazz and hip hop
Pulse and meter, and pitch
Art/ Design and Technology

Trips and Dates