Tuesday, 9 January 2018

Year 2 Curriculum Letter

Dear Parents and Carers,
Year 2 – Spring Curriculum Newsletter
Welcome back to the New Term! We hope you find this letter informative. This term, University of Mead begins! Each week on a Friday afternoon, the children will attend their chosen course, which they are very excited about. Later in the term children will ‘graduate’.

As agreed in the home school agreement that has been signed by you.
Our expectation at Mead is that every child should do the following every night:
      15 minutes reading to themselves or an adult and note in the reading record
      15 minutes practicing spellings
15 minutes rehearsing times tables facts/counting
Please ensure your child brings their bookbag and spelling book into school everyday. We are teaching children to be responsible for their learning and to be prepared.

If children would like to attempt an additional challenge, we have a new Learning Challenge for children to attempt this Spring which they have received in their homework folders. All of the activities are based around a significant person, poem or painting relating to our topics. Children do not have to attempt every activity but instead select the activities that they are most interested in and compile a project that reflects the extra time and effort that they have put into their challenge.
In Year 2 we also provide Bingo homework. This homework relates to the National Curriculum for Year 2 and is aimed at reinforcing the children’s learning. We hope that children will take their time with the homework and be proud of the work they produce they should hand this into their teacher at the end of the Half Term in their folders.

Spellings will be given out on Fridays. The children should practise their words every evening. The test will take place on Thursdays.
Trips & sharing assemblies
Year 2 will have a Sculpture workshop this term and will have a trip out which is yet to be confirmed. The Living Egg experience will take place before Easter where the children will have the opportunity to witness the hatching of live chicken eggs. In previous years the chickens have been kept and they still reside in the Mead Farm.
We will also be going to Hilldene School for our annual infant music festival.
You will be invited in to year 2 this half term for a meeting to chat about end of year assessment arrangements. Details of this will be provided in a separate letter.
Curriculum Information
We have included a summary of the topics which the children will be covering this term. If you would like to make any suggestions of what you or your child would like to learn in relation to the topics taught, please let the team know. We welcome any suggestions you may have.

Yours Sincerely,
Mrs Rolph          Miss Gibson          Miss Murray         
Madagascar Teacher
Year 2 Leader                Egypt teacher                  Kenya Teacher

1st Half Term
2nd Half Term
Fantastic Explorers - Oceans
Fantastic Explorers - Space
RWI and Literacy and Language
RWI and Literacy and Language
Please fill in the reading record after hearing your child read.
For a good selection of children books visit your local library.
Useful web links-
To promote a love of reading and books the children will be encouraged regularly to bring a library book home from the class libraries. 
Please encourage them to look after these books.
Multiplication & Division
Length & height
Please practice the times tables with your children.
We complete Rock Stars Maths daily.
Useful websites:
www.mymaths.co.uk (the children have their own log ins and there is a set activity for them to complete)
Google Earth/Maps
Coding-Expresso Coding and other apps.
For extra Coding opportunities go on the coding website www.espresso.co.uk and complete 1 whole unit. Try to debug your work. 
Log in- student12206          Password- mead60
Materials - toys
Materials - toys
You could visit the Science Museum. Admission is free. Located at Exhibition Road in South Kensington, London, SW7 2DD.
Christopher Columbus – compass points
The Oceans & Continents
Isambard Kingdom Brunel
Neil Armstrong - Space
You could visit The Cutty Sark and the Maritime museum.
PE Kits need to be in school.
Music lessons Tuesdays and Thursdays
Music lessons Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Art/ Design and Technology
Design and make a Windmill
Drawing skills-texture
P.H.S.E/ R.E
Learning Behaviours
(4 R’s Resilience, resourcefulness, reflectiveness and reciprocity)

 Thank you for your continued support.