Well done to U.S.A class who had the highest attendance in Y5&6 at 95.2% . N. Ireland had the highest attendance in LKS2 and at 96.6% and Egypt had the highest attendance in KS1 and overall at 96.7%. Well done to them!. The overall attendance was very disappointing at only 91% which is well below our target but I believe can be attributed to (not excused by) the very early return after the New Year (On Tuesday we had over 100 pupils absent from school!)
I cannot emphasise enough the importance of regular attendance:
- Attendance has a direct link to attainment. If a child is not in school regularly they are not fully accessing the curriculum and learning opportunities available to them.
- Achieving at school builds a child’s self-esteem, as well as enhancing their future prospects.
- Attending school and being part of the school’s community gives a child a sense of belonging and promotes their social development.
- Spending time with school staff teaches a child about society’s expectations with regards to behaviour and how to communicate with people in authority preparing them for adult life.
- Attending school gives a child the opportunity to experience positive separation from their parent(s)/carer(s), which builds their confidence and resistance