Saturday 5 October 2024

Amazing Attendance in Fiji Class!

Fiji class got to roll the attendance-opoly dice in our celebration assembly on Friday.  Our reward for excellent attendance was making paper aeroplanes.  What a fun way to finish off the week!  Well done Fiji class!

Friday 4 October 2024

Celebration Awards - 04.10.24


Amazing Awards!

Attendance Awards

A huge well done to the following classes who have all achieved 95% and above. Fiji, Madagascar, Wales, England, Germany, Spain, USA and Canada. They will all be enjoying their Attendanceoply treats next week!

Bingo Homework

Congratulations to Aaliyah,Zara, Leon , Atanas and Zoya (Morocco)

Malta Star of the Week

Congratulations to Noah for trying some different foods this week!

Star Writer Certificates

These children have excelled with their writing this week. Well done to David (Wales), Ivan (England), Beau (Egypt), Kaiyan (Fiji), Summer (Spain), Hannah (Greece), Emma (Mexico), Aiyana and Luna(Morocco), Artem (Palau),David (Malaysia), Samuel (New Zealand), Olivia (Northern Ireland) Ella (USA), Anastasia (Madagascar), Isha (Scotland), Elijah (Brazil), Jessica (Italy), Rosie (Kenya), Domas (Germany), Ugo (India), Layla (China)

Star Reader Certificates

These children have worked really hard on their reading this week. Well done to Azrah (Wales), Jake (England), Samiyah (Egypt), Holly (Fiji), Rayan S (Spain), Amelia D (Greece), Gabriel (Mexico),Zara (Morocco), Kaden (Malaysia), Ruby (New Zealand), Mark (Palau), Isaiah (Northern Ireland) William (USA), Emily (Madagascar), Katy (Scotland), Avy (Brazil), Nubian (Spain), Zakariya (Italy), Tommy C (Kenya), Camelia (Germany), Renesmee (India), Venbaa (China)

Star Mathematician Certificates

These children have enjoyed a fantastic week with their maths. Well done to Khadijah (Wales), Ellie (England), Leo (Egypt), Reggie (Fiji), Aleem (Spain), Kojo (Greece), Poppy (Mexico), Aaliyah (Morocco), Carter (Palau), Elda (Malaysia), Jamarb (New Zealand), April (Northern Ireland) Gracie- Anne (USA), Andrei G (Madagascar), Blake (Scotland), Jahshountea (Brazil), Jenson (Italy), Teddy (Kenya), Isla (Germany), Jett (India), Eneyla (China)

Achievement  Certificates 

These children have earned 20 Achievement points and are on their way to the Mead Roll of Honour. Well done to Ruby (Wales), Roens, Amelia (Italy), Sophie, Rayan S, Sai & Bella (Spain), Nathan K, Stephanie  and Sebastian (Greece), Ronnie and Aaliyah (Morocco), Chloe (Egypt), Nikolwe (Scotland),Harley (England), Kimberley (England)

Mathletics Award

Bronze certificate

Vlad, Eduard and Antony (Malaysia), Yasmin, Eric, Dawood, Ivan, Sofia, Amy, Olivia, Penelope (England) Kelsie, Domas, Zofia, Emilia (Germany), Callum, Sklyla, Ella B, Aleeza, Amelia D, Nathan, Amari (Greece), Harvey, Gabriel, Nancy, Elena, Sara, Zakariyah, Justus, Ahmet, Olivia H, Cat,Lenny (Italy) Victoria, Faith, David, Rayan A, Mahir, Milena, Sai, Nubian-Reign (Spain), Theo, Hamza, Thomas, Sofia M, Savannah, Shruthii, Maxim, Madhav, Maaz, Vivaan, Alma, Georgia (Fiji), Azrah, Alicia, Khadijah, David & Ethan (Wales) Lukas, Neel, Albie, Harry, Dulcie, Caitlin and Emma (New Zealand), Aria, Isabelle, Artem, Adrian, Sofia P, (Palau), April, Emily, Sara, Sydney, Nancy, Matas, Milena, Talula and Siyaa (Northern Ireland), Alex, Sebastian, Finn (Egypt), Andrei G, David , Sophie, Leonela, Anastasia, Brody, Daniel (Madagascar),Isha, Katy and Milena (Scotland), Sophie, Akshaj, Buddy, Rishi, Amelia, Rebecca, Teddy (Kenya)

Silver certificate

Manhar (Germany), Sebastian (Greece), Akhila & Tadei (Italy), Rayan S (Spain), Albert (Wales), Stefan (Northern Ireland)

September TTRS Status Award


Sophie & Freddie B (Spain)


Amirah (Spain)


Amirah (Spain)

Unsigned Act

Freddie B, Amirah, Victoria-Leigh (Spain)

Breakthrough Artist

Zelda, Manha( Germany), , David, Zion-Elijah, Victoria-Leigh (Spain)

Support Act

Faith (Spain) 

Rock Star

Olivia H (Italy), Sai (Spain)

Gone Green

Rayan S (Spain)

Golden Certificate

Congratulations to these children who have been awarded a Golden Certificate as they have made exceptionally good choices linked to The Mead Creed. These certificates are not easy to get so very well done to this week’s winners!

St Lucia (YR)

Antigua (YR)

Jamaica (R)

New Zealand (Y1)

Albie and Oscar

Palau (Y1)


Fiji (Y1)


Australia (Y1)

Madagascar (Y2)


Morocco (Y2)

Ronnie and Zoya

Egypt (Y2)

Millie D

Kenya (Y2)

Evie B

Wales (Y3)

Ruby, Ja’c, Phoebe & Heavenly 

Scotland (Y3)


England (Y3)


Northern Ireland (Y3)


Greece (Y4)

Italy (Y4)


Germany (Y4)


Spain (Y4)


Canada (Y5)

Brazil (Y5)


USA (Y5)


Mexico (Y5)


Malaysia (Y6)


China (Y6)


India (Y6)


Weekly Newsletter - 04.10.24


Weekly Newsletter - Important Information

Friday 4th October 2024

Dear Parents and carers,

We hope that you have had as much fun as we have this week! This week children in Year 3 have come to share their alternative traditional stories with me and I was blown away by their use of vocabulary and sentence structure. Well done to year 3.

Next week is our Harvest Festival week, we will be collecting donations for the Harold Hill food bank. If you are able to, please send in a donation of canned and packet foods throughout next week.

Tesco Stronger Starts 

You may have already seen that Mead ARP have been selected as one of the options for Tesco stronger starts (the blue tokens) to raise money to improve for the ARP playground. You can vote for our school now until January 2025 in over 15 different Tesco stores. Please help us by collecting the blue tokens and voting for us! 

Parents Evenings Year 1- 5 

We are looking forward to sharing all of the wonderful things your children have been learning with you during parents evening on Tuesday 15th and Wednesday 16th  October. Your child’s teacher will send out their availability via Ping this week.  If you are unable to attend your parents evening appointment please let your child’s teacher know in advance where possible. All KS2 appointments will be held in the dining hall.

Year 6 parents and carers will  receive a letter sharing the details of a Year 6 meeting on Tuesday 22nd October and Wednesday 23rd October. 

Nursery and Reception parents meetings will be held later in the Autumn term once the children are fully settled into their new routines. A letter will be sent out by the Reception team with dates and details of how to book online. 

Reception Open Days

Please book through the school website. The link can be found on the bottom of the home page. The next dates are:

  • Thursday 17th October at 10am, 

  • Thursday 24th October at 1.30pm, 

  • Friday 8th November at 1:30pm 

  • Wednesday 13th November at 10am

Meeting with staff

We are always happy to meet with parents and carers, should you have any questions or queries please speak directly to your child’s teacher at the end of the school day. Should you need to speak to them or a member of the senior leadership team, please contact the school to make an appointment to do so. You can contact the year group directly using the year group email address or contact should you need a longer meeting time or to talk in private.

Collecting children from the office 

When collecting your child earlier than the end of the day the office will ask you for the reason you are collecting early so that the children can be signed out. If you are attending an appointment you will be asked for evidence of the appointment so that the absence can be authorised. Any other reasons for collecting early will be unauthorised. 

The front office is becoming increasingly busy at the end of the school day. If you are collecting your child from here please let the office know that you are here and wait outside for your child to be seen out by a member of staff. We are hoping this will ensure that the space remains clearer and safer for all. 

Key Information and dates

School Ping

Squid login

Havering Catering Lunch Menu

Key Dates

Havering school term dates 2024-2025

Tuesday 15th and Wednesday 16th October

Parents Evening- More information to follow

Monday 28th October - Friday 1st November

Half term

Monday 4th November 


Tuesday 5th November

Children return to school

Monday 21st July and Tuesday 22nd July


Yours Sincerely,                 

Ms A Holmes


Mathletics Certificates in Year 2!


Mathletics and lunchtime certificates in year 3


Well done to the children in year 3 that have received Mathletics and lunchtime certificates this week.

Years 1,2 and 3 celebration assembly (4.10.24)

 Well done to the children in years 1, 2 and 3 that have received a certificate in assembly this week.

Mathletics Certificates in Year One!

 Well done to all the children in Year One who earned a Mathletics certificate this week 😊

Year 5 become traders!

 For our History topic this half term, Year 5 have been learning all about The Kingdom of Benin in preparation for our trip to the British Museum! This week we learnt all about trading and in Brazil class we set up our own market to test our trading (and our drama) skills!