Friday 5 July 2024

Celebration Awards - 5.7.24


Amazing Awards!

105 Books to Read Before You Leave Mead 

Well done to Barbados class, Jessiah, Eve E (Bronze), Esmay, Tyler (Silver) Amal and Zara (Gold) (New Zealand), Khadijah (Gold)(Madagascar)David and Jaxon (Gold), Flourish (Silver) (Palau)

Bingo Homework

Congratulations to Leon and Zara (New Zealand)

Malta Star of the Week

Congratulations to who has received Malta Star of the Week for

Star Writer Certificates

These children have excelled with their writing this week. Well done to Amelia (England), Rosie (Australia), Nevaeh (Egypt), Georgia (Barbados), Dawood (Kenya), Lils (USA), Aria (Antigua), Zara (New Zealand), Aisosa (Madagascar), Oscar (Wales), Violet (Scotland), Reggie (Northern Ireland), Harrison (Brazil), Angelo (Italy), Millie (Malaysia), Daniel (Palau), David (China), Chloe (India), Caine (Fiji), Scarlett-May (Jamaica), Majus (Mexico), Lily (Germany), Domas (Greece)

Star Reader Certificates

These children have worked really hard on their reading this week. Well done to Zion-Elijah (England), Nayel (Australia), Sydney (Egypt), Rose (Barbados), JJ (Kenya), Jett (USA), Teddy (Antigua), Eve E (New Zealand) Emily(Madagascar), Ella B (Scotland), Zachary & Kane (Wales), Tommy and Freddie (Northern Ireland), Dempcee (Brazil), Jeremiah (Italy), Summer (Malaysia), Phoebe(Palau), Arwyn (China), Eman (Fiji), Samuel (Jamaica), ,Amber (Mexico), Tehzeeb (India), Poppy (Greece), Natalia (Germany) 

Star Mathematician Certificates

These children have enjoyed a fantastic week with their maths. Well done to Ruby & Charlie (England), Akshaj (Australia), Sofiia (Egypt), Reggie (Barbados), Penelope (Kenya), Yara (USA), Holly (Antigua), Leon (New Zealand), Matas(Madagascar), Millie (Scotland), Eva & Yoyin (Wales), Aleem (Northern Ireland), Nevaeh (Brazil), Amaan (Italy), Michael T (Malaysia), Nisisn (Palau), Max (China), Millie D (Fiji), Johan (Jamaica), Daniel O (Mexico), Samson (India), Janvi (Greece), Samhita (Germany) 

Achievement  Certificates 

These children have earned 20 Achievement points and are on their way to the Mead Roll of Honour. Well done to Arsalaan, Izyan, Noah, Andrew, Moksha, Zara, Gloria, Taha (Italy), Olivia (Australia), Stefan (Egypt), Martyn and Vinnie (Kenya), Parin and Renesmee (USA), Aaliyah (New Zealand), Millie (Scotland), Amelia (England)

Aiman, Jake, Aisosa(Madagascar), Mahir, Manha, Kyrah & Kelsie (Wales), Shree and Sai (Northern Ireland), Nevaeh (Brazil), Sophie and Flourish (Palau), Muhammed (Mexico), Sidrah, Ustym, Bobbie, Darius, Rayya (Greece) Ollie (Germany) 

Roll of Honour 100 Points

These children have achieved 100 Achievement points. Aaliyah (New Zealand)

Mathletics Award

Bronze certificate

Hannah (Northern Ireland), David D (Brazil), Daniel O, Venbaa, Layla,Kaycie-Jo, Amber, Dolly-Rose, Allanah (Mexico)

Silver certificate

Faith (England), JJ (Kenya), Nifemi (New Zealand), Rishi and Abdullah (Australia), Muhammed, Alex & Kydeigh (Mexico), Benjamin (Fiji)

Gold certificate

Callum (Scotland), AIza (New Zealand), Khadijah, Emily(Madagascar), Antony (Brazil), Kydeigh & Siam (Mexico), Mia (Italy)


Dawood (Kenya), Aisosa(Madagascar), Kane (Wales), Gabriel (Northern Ireland), Siam (Mexico)


Azrah (Egypt), Besa (Australia)David (Madagascar), Alex (Fiji)


Sara and Sydney (Egypt), Akhila and Tadei (Scotland), Leon (New Zealand), Mahir (Northern Ireland)


Domas, Zelda, Emilia (England), Justas, Amelia D and Rayan (Scotland), Sara (Wales), Kavi (Northern Ireland), Vlad (Brazil), Sebastian (Fiji)


Olivia (England), Ethan (Egypt), Amy (Kenya), Lenny M (Scotland), Sophie (Australia)Jake, Eric (Madagascar), Rayan & Elena (Wales), David T (Northern Ireland), Majus, Christian & Daniel K (Mexico), Nuhaa (Italy)

Cool Legend


Super Legend 

Manha (Wales)

Diamond Legend

Maryam (USA), Jessica (Northern Ireland), Izyan (Italy)

Mythic Legend

Sebastian (England), Ahmet (Scotland), Adriana (Northern Ireland), Maryam (USA)

Legend Leader

Nathan K (Northern Ireland)

Golden Certificate

Congratulations to these children who have been awarded a Golden Certificate as they have made exceptionally good choices linked to The Mead Creed. These certificates are not easy to get so very well done to this week’s winners!

Barbados (YR)

Reggie, Elsie and Kaiyan

Antigua (YR)

Whole Class 

Jamaica (R)

New Zealand (Y1)


Palau (Y1)


Fiji (Y1)

Fiji Class

Australia (Y1)

Australia Class

Madagascar (Y2)

Madagascar Class

Morocco (Y2)

Whole class

Egypt (Y2)

Egypt Class

Kenya (Y2)

Wales (Y3)

Khasim & Victoria 

Scotland (Y3)


England (Y3)


Northern Ireland (Y3)


Greece (Y4)


Italy (Y4)


Germany (Y4)


Brazil (Y5)

USA (Y5)


Mexico (Y5)


Malaysia (Y6)


China (Y6)


India (Y6)

Sofia and Tehzeeb