Friday 5 July 2024

This week's Year 2 Star Writers are...

 Congratulations to Aisosa from Madagascar, Nevaeh  from Egypt, from Dawood Kenya. Amazing efforts this week, well done to you all! 

Fine motor skills in Nursery

 The Nursery children have been developing their fine motor skills this week with different activities. 

Sensory Workshop for families


Primary Inclusion Parent Survey


Dear Parent/ Carer 
Great News!
Mead Primary School is one of the schools that has been selected to take part in the national Partnership for Inclusion of Neurodiversity in Schools (PINS) Project.
This project has been created due to the success of the national Autism in Schools project. The approach of PINS has been developed around the key principles of the Autism in Schools:
·        Whole School Approach
·        Good quality training for staff
·        Parents Supporting Parents groups
·        Understanding students experience of schools
Partnerships for Inclusion of Neurodiversity in Schools (PINS) will bring health and education specialists and expert parent carers into mainstream primary settings to:
·        Help shape whole school SEND provision
·        Provide early interventions at a school level
·        Upskill school staff
·        Support strengthening of partnerships between schools and parent carers
As a parent forum we will be working with Health, Education and your school to support parents and we hope to take part/run coffee mornings and parent learning sessions with your school during the new school year.
To be able to do this we really need your help! In order for the Project Group to understand better the needs for each school, please could you take a few minutes to complete the survey below.
Or use the QR code
This is a whole school survey, not just for those with neurodivergent children. We very much welcome all viewpoints.
Best wishes
Havering SEND Family Voice Team 
Havering SEND Family Voice Team 
Tel: 07858 406 933 Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday Term Times  

Thursday 4 July 2024

Music exams

Huge congratulations to Olivia and Tehzeeb from year 6 for passing their piano exam last week. We are very proud of you and hope you will continue your music journey in secondary school and keep playing.

Wednesday 3 July 2024

Australia's Trip to the London Eye

 Today was Australia's turn to go to the London Eye! What a wonderful day we had.  We saw all the sights we have been learning about in 'The Queen's Hat'. We loved going up high and spotting Big Ben and Buckingham Palace and many more famous landmarks! Lunch was yummy and we enjoyed travelling on so many trains and buses!