The star writers for this term so far in Northern Ireland are Cameron, who wrote fantastic dialogue and Bella, who wrote an amazing mystery story. Well done!
Thursday, 31 January 2019
Potential school closure
This being the case there is a possibility school will be closed for Health and Safety reasons.
I will ensure the blog/facebook are updated at 6am tomorrow advising my decision.
Mrs L. Smith
Year 3 Volcano Learning Challenge
Well done to Daniel from Northern Ireland class who has made a very detailed model volcano for his learning challenge. The volcano had clear labels on it and was very useful to refer to during our lesson this week. Fantastic work Daniel! We are looking forward to seeing other amazing volcano models over the coming weeks.
Well done to Alfie and Milana from Northern Ireland who have created excellent factual posters about different famous Volcanoes.
Learning Challenge,
Tuesday, 29 January 2019
Karate Star
Matty in Northern Ireland Class has been working hard in his Karate classes. Through all this hard work he has achieved a medal. Well done Matty!
Year 4 Rainforest Learning Challenge
Well done to Lily, Reinaldas and Agata for taking part in the new learning challenge and creating a Rainforest model. The model looked amazing. We look forward to seeing more of the learning challenge homework over the next few weeks.
Learning Challenge,
Year 2 Star Writer's
Well done to our winners.
They wrote some great messages in bottles.
Jovan in Madagascar.
Ava in Kenya.
Feroz in Egypt.
Star Writer,
Monday, 28 January 2019
Sophia's Success
Sophia in Palau class has won yet another medal for her fantastic dancing. She received it for winning a competition at the weekend. Sophia showed her teachers and friends her lovely medal and even gave us a demonstration of her ballet moves. Congratulations Sophia.
Sunday, 27 January 2019
Reception Newsletter Spring term 1 week 4
Spring 1 27.01.19
Dear Parents, Carers
We hope you are all having a lovely weekend so far! We are enjoying working on our topic 'What's in a story', where we focus on traditional tales. The children thoroughly enjoyed our story last week of 'The Three Billy Goats Gruff'. The children visited our farm to see some real-life goats, bringing the story to life.
We all thoroughly enjoyed our visit from Charlie and we hope you enjoyed hearing your child retell the story of the rattle snake and his tribe.
This week we will be learning about the story of "The three little pigs". The children will be retelling the story, acting out key parts and producing writing based on their favourite part of the story. We will also be using junk modelling equipment to make our very own houses for the pigs. If you have any junk modelling equipment, we would very much appreciate you bringing this in.
In the mornings the children need to walk through the main gate and enter through the Reception area doors. If you arrive after the gate has closed, you will need to enter the main office where you will be recorded as late. At 3.00pm Gate 1 will be open for parents and the children will be released through the Reception area doors. Please do not crowd around the doors at the end of the day, it is causing delays in ensuring your child is handed over to you safely. We thank you again for your understanding and cooperation in leaving pushchairs at the door.
We will continue with our phonics programme Read, Write Inc, recapping our sounds and practising to blend and write words using their set 1 sounds. In maths we will be looking at weight and capacity. Using measuring cylinders and scales the children will carry out investigations to help them identify heavy/light objects and whether something is full, half full or empty.
Your child will continue to bring home a reading book (which is changed weekly) and a set of sight words. The expectation is your child reads at least 3 times or more each week. As we are promoting a love of reading, we encourage your child to read a range of books and is not limited to the one we send home with them. Please also remember to make a note of the title of the book your child has read to help them achieve their reading awards.
If your child has any comics at home that they have finished with we would be grateful for them in school. Children enjoy sharing these and having a variety of reading material helps their development.
We have a lost umbrella. If you could check that you have the right umbrella at home, we would very much appreciate it.
Learning Challenge:
Each half term we will be setting our pupils a challenge related to their learning. We believe that it is important for us to provide guidance for parents on how their children’s learning can be extended at home.
The learning challenge will include either a nursery rhyme, famous person, illustration or a piece of music. Please talk to your child about the challenge and help them to engage in their learning. The children can choose how they present their learning challenge outcomes to their teacher or class.
Person: Choose a Traditional Tale Character
Artist/Illustrator: Axel Scheffler
Poem/Song to learn: Teddy Bear Teddy Bear
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear,
Turn around
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear,
Touch the ground,
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear,
Reach up high,
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear,
Touch the sky.
Nursery Rhyme
· Learn it off by heart
· Draw a picture to illustrate the rhyme
· Find out about bears
· To find out facts about the illustrator.
· Produce a collage of other pictures by the illustrator.
· To draw a picture in a similar style.
· Draw a portrait of the person
· Find out facts about the person
· Watch the person in action.
We are on Week 3 of this menu. Monday’s choices are:
Pork Sausages with Mash Potato Cheesy Tomato Pasta Pot
Vegetable Fingers with Mash Potato
Messages –
- PLEASE NAME all items of clothing. This will help when returning lost items, particularly jumpers and cardigans with the right child. We are still accumulating a large number of items. Please check your child’s class if they are missing something.
- Our PE days are Wednesday. Please ensure your child has a named PE kit in school. If they wear earrings they need to be removed on this day.
- Thank you to all those parents who have sent in a named set of spare clothes. If you haven’t yet could you please ensure your child has a named set of spare clothes and underwear on their peg as soon as possible. Please note this does not need to be school uniform.
- Children can also bring in a pair of named wellies to leave in school. This would be great for use in the mud kitchen and on rainy days.
- Please actively encourage your child to put away their book bag and hang up their coat in the morning. It would also be really helpful if you could discuss the menu choices with your child the previous night to help them independently find their cupcake and make their lunch choice.
Spring 1 | |
Tuesday 12th February | Reading Morning |
Friday 15th February | School closes for half term |
Monday 25th February | School reopens |
Friday 29th March | Mother’s Day stay and play |
Friday 12th April | School closes for Easter holidays |
Monday 29th April | INSET DAY |
Tuesday 30th April | School reopens |
Monday 4th May | May day bank holiday |
INSET Dates and Polling day for 2018-19
We have two inset days left this academic year, please see the dates below:
3rd September
4th September
7th January
29th April
3rd June
Please note that the final day of the summer term will be on Friday 19th July, 2019.
Our learning objectives this term will be listed under these headings:
Personal, Social and Emotional:
Confident to speak to others about own needs, wants, interests and opinions.
Can describe self in positive terms and talk about abilities
Can usually adapt behaviour to different events, social situations and changes in routine.
Communication and Language:
Joins in with repeated refrains.
Can retell a simple story.
Builds up vocabulary that reflects the breadth of their experiences.
Describes main story settings, events and principal characters.
Beginning to be aware of the way stories are structured.
Joins in with repeated refrains and anticipated key events and phrases in rhymes and stories.
Physical Development:
Forms recognisable letters.
Can usually manage washing and drying hands.
Runs skilfully and negotiates spaces successfully.
To recap number recognition 0-10.
To recap number formation 0-10.
To confidently count to 20 and beyond demonstrating place value.
Understanding the World:
Remembers and talks about significant events in their own experiences.
Shows an interest in different ways of life.
Can talk about some of the things they have observed.
Expressive arts and design:
Constructs with a purpose in mind.
Manipulates material to achieve a planned effect.
Explores colour and how colour can be changed
If you would like to contact a member of the EYFS team via email the address is:
We look forward to seeing you all tomorrow.
Reception Team
Friday, 25 January 2019
Reading is our thing in Reception
Reading is taking off in Reception. A BIG thank you to all of those parents who were able to attend our first reading morning of 2019. It was lovely to see so many of you in attendance, delving into your imaginations and bringing the stories to life. It was lovely to hear so many children asking for their favourite books, "I want to read captain hook" said Ben. We look forward to welcoming you to our next reading morning on Tuesday 12th February.
Reception Star Writers
Well done to the following children who received star writer this week. They have been working really hard to hear and write the sounds in their words independently.
Barbados - Matthew
Jamaica - Ty
St Lucia - Carter
Barbados - Matthew
Jamaica - Ty
St Lucia - Carter
Star Writer
Learning Challenge Awards
Billy and Momina in Chile, Kerry in Brazil, Sadie in St Lucia and Pritika in Canada have been working hard at home and extending their knowledge through their learning challenge work.
Learning Challenge
Star Writers
These children have used a range of powerful vocabulary and techniques to become a Star Writer; Matthew in Barbados, Carter in St Lucia, Ty in Jamaica, Valentino in New Zealand, Joshua in Australia, Lottie in Palau, Jovan in Madagascar, Feroz in Egypt, Ava in Kenya, Bella in N. Ireland, Dinuki in Wales, Afnan in Scotland, Jessie-Leigh in Germany, Lexie in Italy, Evita in U.S.A, Lily-May in Canada, Amelia in Mexico, Jack in Chile, Taylah in Brazil and David in Argentina. Look out for examples of their work on the blog!
Reading Awards
The following pupils have read 10 books and receive a bookmark for their efforts, Aron in Kenya, Jaime in N.Ireland and Diamond in St Lucia.
Rianne, Charlie and Dovydas in Egypt, Abina in Barbados, Charlotte F and Joshua in St Lucia
Tomi in Greece and Seb in New Zealand have achieved bronze reading awards for reading 25 books.
Silver Reader awards go to Harrison B in Barbados and Charlotte in Egypt who have read 50 books. They each receive a silver certificate and a £5 book token for their efforts.
Austeja in Scotland has read 75 books and she gets a book of her choice for her fantastic effort.
Obi, Vinnie, Taylor, Riley, Grace, Amiyah, Lexie and Chloe in Italy class and Marley, Safiyya,Niharika, Maya, Kira and Justice in Greece class are now Free Readers. Well done.

Rianne, Charlie and Dovydas in Egypt, Abina in Barbados, Charlotte F and Joshua in St Lucia
Tomi in Greece and Seb in New Zealand have achieved bronze reading awards for reading 25 books.
Silver Reader awards go to Harrison B in Barbados and Charlotte in Egypt who have read 50 books. They each receive a silver certificate and a £5 book token for their efforts.
Austeja in Scotland has read 75 books and she gets a book of her choice for her fantastic effort.
Obi, Vinnie, Taylor, Riley, Grace, Amiyah, Lexie and Chloe in Italy class and Marley, Safiyya,Niharika, Maya, Kira and Justice in Greece class are now Free Readers. Well done.

WOW Award
WOW I have made my teacher happy
Dev in Palau for completing some of his homework bingo
Charleigh-May fantastic maths.
Isabel,Elma, Maya, Anya, Justice,Fizzah and Havin for completing their rainforest themed homework.
Frankie in Kenya for choosing to do lots of writing at home.
Kellis for completing her rainforest themed homework.
Marcel for moving up a book band in N.Ireland
Jannat (Germany class) for her excellent 3d rainforest model.
Jess in Mexico for practising the bus stop with remainders method at home
Daumantas for producing a picture in the style of Fauvism
Feroz, Rianne, Charlotte, Tommy R and Tommy C in Egypt for moving up a book band.
Ellie Mae in Scotland for her volcano themed homework.
Lileerae in Madagascar for quickly settling into Year 2.
Certificate of Presentation
Well done to Nisa and Dennis in Palau and Adam in Kenya for wonderful handwriting.
Presentation awards go to Anastasia in Wales, Rae-Louise, Bella-Leigh, Lenny, Tehzeeb, Chloe, Arjya and Arya in New Zealand and Rocco in Madagascar who have presented their work beautifully; They have shown pride in their work and taken care with their handwriting and number formation.
Presentation awards go to Anastasia in Wales, Rae-Louise, Bella-Leigh, Lenny, Tehzeeb, Chloe, Arjya and Arya in New Zealand and Rocco in Madagascar who have presented their work beautifully; They have shown pride in their work and taken care with their handwriting and number formation.
Tracker Awards
Congratulations to the latest pupils who have achieved their Bronze awards: Albert in Kenya, Tristan in New Zealand, Amanda and Alan in Mexico
Silver Tracker certificates are awarded to Daisy in Egypt, Ali, Ema and Katie in Kenya, Sade in Scotland and Tobey in Mexico. Well done to them!
Wahab in U.S.A, Dami, Vansh and Stephen in Madagascar receive Gold Tracker certificates in recognition of the fantastic effort they have made in learning.
Silver Tracker certificates are awarded to Daisy in Egypt, Ali, Ema and Katie in Kenya, Sade in Scotland and Tobey in Mexico. Well done to them!
Wahab in U.S.A, Dami, Vansh and Stephen in Madagascar receive Gold Tracker certificates in recognition of the fantastic effort they have made in learning.
E for Excellence Winners
These wonderful children have demonstrated excellence this week.
Jessie, Taylor and Harrison D in Barbados, Hazel in St Lucia, Keeley in Jamaica, Jared in New Zealand, Roberto in Australia, Freddie in Palau, Lilly in Madagascar, Hurairah in Egypt, Nathanuel in Kenya, Kezrae in N. Ireland, Freddie in Wales, Bailey in Scotland, Zehra in Germany, Anthony in Greece, Anmona in Italy Jimmy in U.S.A, Mihrac in Canada, Julia P in Mexico, Sophie C in Chile, Rosie in Brazil and Ruby in Argentina.
Jessie, Taylor and Harrison D in Barbados, Hazel in St Lucia, Keeley in Jamaica, Jared in New Zealand, Roberto in Australia, Freddie in Palau, Lilly in Madagascar, Hurairah in Egypt, Nathanuel in Kenya, Kezrae in N. Ireland, Freddie in Wales, Bailey in Scotland, Zehra in Germany, Anthony in Greece, Anmona in Italy Jimmy in U.S.A, Mihrac in Canada, Julia P in Mexico, Sophie C in Chile, Rosie in Brazil and Ruby in Argentina.
Lunchtime Awards
Kaden and Kydeigh in Barbados
Levi and Francesca in Jamaica
Albert and Ema in Kenya
Daniel and Alesha in St Lucia
Nisa, Freddie, Isabella and Sienna in Palau
Jayden, Hurairah and Thereisa in Egypt
All of Canada Class
All of Mexico
All of U.S.A class
Kezrae & Cameron in N.Ireland
Seb and Neve in New Zealand
Lucas and Kali in Wales
Luka and Junior in Australia
Sofia and Dovydas in Egypt
Michael, Deimantas and Ordrey in Kenya
Leo and Maxim in Australia
Sofia and Lenny in New Zealand
Albert and Ema in Kenya
Daniel and Alesha in St Lucia
Nisa, Freddie, Isabella and Sienna in Palau
Jayden, Hurairah and Thereisa in Egypt
All of Canada Class
All of Mexico
All of U.S.A class
Kezrae & Cameron in N.Ireland
Seb and Neve in New Zealand
Lucas and Kali in Wales
Luka and Junior in Australia
Sofia and Dovydas in Egypt
Michael, Deimantas and Ordrey in Kenya
Leo and Maxim in Australia
Sofia and Lenny in New Zealand
Learning Power Awards:
These are the awards we present to the pupils when they have demonstrated one of our four learning skills: Resilience, reciprocity, reflectiveness & resourcefulness.
Emily in Wales receives a certificate for reciprocity and Layla-Mai in Madagascar for reflectiveness. Well done to Tommy in Kenya, Jacob-Lee in Mexico, Millie-Rae in Scotland and Ava in Madagascar who receive certificates for resilience and Taylor in Wales and Amba in Mexico who have shown they can be very resourceful in school.
Weekly Newsletter 25th January 2019
Dear Parents,
Diary Dates
Monday 28th January- Flu immunisation for pupils who missed the session last term. During the afternoon some of our year 4 pupils will be joined by pupils from Broadford and Brookside for ‘Mary Poppins’ session 2.
Tuesday 29th January- During the afternoon Madagascar class are visiting the Hilldene Library.
Wednesday 30th January- Some of our year 3 pupils will be attending a Forest School session in the afternoon
Friday 1st February- Year 3 pupils are visiting The Natural History Museum.
Half Term -Monday 18th February - Friday 22nd February
Monday 25th February-Pupils come back to school
Monday 8th April and Tuesday 9th February -15:30-18:00 -Parents Evenings
Friday 12th April -last day of Spring Term
Monday 15th April- Friday 26th April -Easter Holidays
Monday 29th April-Inset Day-School closed
Tuesday 30th April- Pupils come back to school
Havering Catering Services
Week beginning 28th January is week 3 on the havering catering Services menu. All meals are served with unlimited salad and vegetables and cost £2.20.
Please be reminded to top up your child’s catering account as we cannot provide dinners for pupils whose accounts exceed a debt of £10.
Attendance Update
Well done to Argentina class who had the highest attendance in Y5&6 at - 97.8% . Northern Ireland had the highest attendance in LKS2 and overall at - 98.9% and Palau had the highest attendance in KS1 at - 94.5%. Well done to them! The overall attendance was disappointing at only 94% which is well below our target!
Have a fabulous weekend.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs L Smith
Diary Dates
Monday 28th January- Flu immunisation for pupils who missed the session last term. During the afternoon some of our year 4 pupils will be joined by pupils from Broadford and Brookside for ‘Mary Poppins’ session 2.
Tuesday 29th January- During the afternoon Madagascar class are visiting the Hilldene Library.
Wednesday 30th January- Some of our year 3 pupils will be attending a Forest School session in the afternoon
Friday 1st February- Year 3 pupils are visiting The Natural History Museum.
Half Term -Monday 18th February - Friday 22nd February
Monday 25th February-Pupils come back to school
Monday 8th April and Tuesday 9th February -15:30-18:00 -Parents Evenings
Friday 12th April -last day of Spring Term
Monday 15th April- Friday 26th April -Easter Holidays
Monday 29th April-Inset Day-School closed
Tuesday 30th April- Pupils come back to school
Havering Catering Services
Week beginning 28th January is week 3 on the havering catering Services menu. All meals are served with unlimited salad and vegetables and cost £2.20.
Please be reminded to top up your child’s catering account as we cannot provide dinners for pupils whose accounts exceed a debt of £10.
Attendance Update
Well done to Argentina class who had the highest attendance in Y5&6 at - 97.8% . Northern Ireland had the highest attendance in LKS2 and overall at - 98.9% and Palau had the highest attendance in KS1 at - 94.5%. Well done to them! The overall attendance was disappointing at only 94% which is well below our target!
Have a fabulous weekend.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs L Smith
Year 5 Spellings
The new spelling list is given to children each Friday. The children are asked to practise their spellings at home for 15 minutes each day. They can practise by putting the words into sentences this will help them to understand how to use each word in the correct contexts. We then encourage the children to use these words within their independent writing activities throughout the week.
Please remind children that their blue spelling book should be returned to school each Friday so we can give the children their spellings for the following week.
Children will be tested on these spellings the following Friday.
Year 4 Rainforest Learning Challenge
Well done to Anya for taking part in the new learning challenge and creating a Rainforest model. The model looked amazing. We look forward to seeing more of the learning challenge homework over the next few weeks.
Learning Challenge,
Year 4 Reading Awards
Well done to Greece Class with seventeen students; Ricky, Agata, Fizzah, Havin, Harman, Tomi, Emilia, Elma, Emilie, Abigail, Anyiah, Anthony, Lily, Memhet, Magdalena, Nina and Reinaldas, moving up a reading band. Keep up the reading at home!
Chile's Jump Reward
Thanks to our fantastic attendance Chile had a brilliant morning at jump!

The children and teachers tried everything and were even lucky enough to have free drinks after given by the lovely staff.

Hopefully we can earn another trip there in the summer term!
Well done to Chile class!
Year Six Spellings
The new spelling list is given to children each Friday. The children are asked to practise their spellings at home for 15 minutes each day. They can practise by putting the words into sentences this will help them to understand how to use each word in the correct contexts. We then encourage the children to use these words within their independent writing activities throughout the week.
Please remind children that their red spelling book should be returned to school each Friday so we can give the children their spellings for the following week.
Children will be tested on these spellings the following Friday.
Thursday, 24 January 2019
Reminder Reading Morning
A litle reminder we will be holding our first Reading morning of the spring term tomorrow from 8.30- 9am. We are asking parents to come and join their child in their classes for at least 5 minutes reading a book to them or with them. We are continuing to promote a child's love of reading and we hope it will provide an opportunity for you to be able to share in this.
We very much look forward to welcoming
you then.
Reception Team
Reception become storytellers
We can be just what we want to be in a story
Reception were very lucky today as they had a visit from Charlie Wilson, the storyteller. We had a day filled with immersing ourselves in make believe; using our imaginations and the power of music and words to bring the story alive. We were taught about sharing hands and to listen and have fun with a 'crick crack' story.
The children all thoroughly enjoyed themselves and I'm sure some of them were keen to share with you "that little story out of their head". Marvellous and Benjamin were heard saying "He is so funny"."I really like the pipe" said David and Harrison B and Amelie said "We liked the singing".
Reception were very lucky today as they had a visit from Charlie Wilson, the storyteller. We had a day filled with immersing ourselves in make believe; using our imaginations and the power of music and words to bring the story alive. We were taught about sharing hands and to listen and have fun with a 'crick crack' story.
The children all thoroughly enjoyed themselves and I'm sure some of them were keen to share with you "that little story out of their head". Marvellous and Benjamin were heard saying "He is so funny"."I really like the pipe" said David and Harrison B and Amelie said "We liked the singing".
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