Memhet and Fizzah in Greece -For creating work in their own language and translating it into English
Daniel and Cristian in Barbados class -For blending their sounds to make words.
Maya in Greece -For writing a Magic Box Poem
Cristian in Barbados class -For his participation in RWI
Sonny, Zahi, Alexa in Wales -For moving up a reading level
Jessie in Germany -For researching her own information on the Roman army and hand making her own sword.
Lukas, Lily in U.S.A -For completing addition work at home to develop their knowledge in a range of subjects.
Edward in N.Ireland -For writing a book about cars.
Ivan in N.Ireland -For moving up a book band.
Jake, Lara and Zachary in Palau -For moving up a book band.
Brendan, Iuliana and Arthur -For fantastic work in RWI and moving up a book band.
Vansh in Madagascar -For moving up a book band.
Nathanuel in Kenya -For moving up a book band.
Linh in Australia -For her amazing times tables and handwriting homework
Brendan, Iuliana and Arthur -For their excellent effort in RWI
Jessica and Alex in Mexico -For completing the maths challenge