Tuesday, 28 February 2023

Spring is in the air

What a lovely start back, Barbados class had to their forest school sessions. Today we used our senses and started to identify the signs of spring. Despite the chill in the air we saw blossom, buds and catkins starting to grow. 

We then had great fun using our sense of hearing to play a game called bat and moth and used our sense of touch to describe what we could feel in the feely bag. 

Some of us in Barbados class felt very brave today navigating ourselves across the obstacle course blindfolded. And lots of fun  was had creating memories on the rope swing. We are already looking forward to next weeks session.

Computing in Brazil

This term in computing we are looking at creating our own websites. This week we discovered how to edit the HTML code of a website. The children had great fun manipulating the text on their favorite websites, including the Mead Primary school site! Through this, we also realised how easy it is to create and spread fake news.

Year 3 visit The Natural History Museum

Year 3 had a brilliant time at The Natural History Museum last week. We started our day with an exciting train journey which allowed us to try out the new Elizabeth Line. When we first arrived we explored the Volcano and Earthquake area to consolidate our learning from our recent Geography lessons. We even went on an earthquake simulator which was a bit scary! We then Looked at ignious, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks and saw some stunning minerals. We had a bit of spare time to have a look at other areas of the museum; some of us saw the mammals and dinosurs, whilst others investigated the fossils and creepy crawlies. After working up an appetite we enjoyed our lunch before making the return train journey to school, happy but exhausted!

Tonal Self Portraits

In year 6 art, we are beginning a learning pathway with the theme of portraits.

We have looked carefully at black and white photographs of ourselves and explored using light, medium and dark coloured pencil on tracing paper to show tone.

Creativity Medals

In year one art, for our final 3D piece we created medals to award ourselves for all our brilliantly creative art work this year.

We used a variety of skills including: cutting, gluing, tying, threading, drawing,and decorating

Digital Leaders

 Mead Digital Leaders

We would like to introduce our Digital Leaders. The digital leaders will be trialing new equipment, helping run lunchtime clubs to teach other children how to use different programmes and will be supporting in assemblies and in class.

We have Bogdan, Tommy G, Tommy R, Daniel, Dovydas, Ema, Fareeda, Junior, David, Maria, Matteo, Nicole, Riddhi and Zach

TTRS Year 3 vs Year 4 Battle!

The competition is on. A battle has been set between year 3 and year 4 on Times Table Rock Stars! Can you help you class take the lead.
Good Luck!

Monday, 27 February 2023

Paper Sculptures

In year 3 art, for our final 3D piece, we learned how to twist, curl and fold paper in different ways to produce a sculpture.

We even learned how to make some quilling shapes. They were very fiddly to make but we persevered.

The final pieces were so very colourful, unique and amazing!

Flexible pots!

In year 5, for our final 3D piece, we made flexible pots using tissue paper and pva glue.

The mould was a plastic cup which we covered with cling film before layering the glue and paper.

The translucent nature of tissue paper gave some fantastic colourful effects in our designs!

Landscape challenges: ink

In year 5 art, we are learning about different mixed media that we can use when working on a landscape.

This week we began by using ink in 3 dilutions to make dark, medium and light shades. It was the first time that we had used ink and was quite tricky.

We looked at buildings from different cities around the world, then we used thin paint brushes to recreate them on the page as our landscapes.

It took a while and was very intricate but was worth it.

Year 4 Spellings

 The spellings for this week are: 











These will be tested on Friday, 3rd March.

CAMHS Virtual Drop ins 8th March 2023 9:00-1:00

 CAMHS host virtual drop ins for parents on the 8th of March  where they will discuss concerns about worries, anger, emotions,bullying,  sleep and coping skills. Please let Miss Calitz know if you would like to book a 15 minute slot. 

Saturday, 25 February 2023

Well done Year 3!

Congratulations to all of the Year 3 certificate winners this week. We are super proud of you!