Thursday 14 July 2022

Enterprise Week

 At Mead, we believe in the importance of helping our pupils to understand the world they live in and begin to help them develop the skills they need in life and work to help them prepare for their future.

We are participating this year in the Fiver Challenge, a national competition for children aged from 5 – 11 years. The Challenge is free and run by Young Enterprise ( the UK’s leading enterprise and financial education charity, helping young people to develop the skills they need for life and work.

The Fiver Challenge offers your child the opportunity to set up a mini business with £5 and create a product or a service they can then sell/deliver at a profit.

The children are in full control of any profits they make and will decide what they would like to collectively spend it on (something for year 6, something they buy as a legacy to the school or donate to charity).

The Fiver Challenge will take place on Monday 18th and Tuesday 19th July in the Key Stage playground from 3:00pm until 3:45pm- any support and encouragement you can give your child during this activity would really be appreciated but please let the children run the project without adult help.

We are all very excited about getting involved with this Challenge!  If you have any questions please come and see us.

Mrs Keen

Year Six lead