Tuesday, 29 September 2020
Friday, 25 September 2020
Year One's Marvellous Medicines
In History this week the children have been learning about the historical real life superhero, Mary Seacole. They learnt about the medicines she gave to the soldiers in the Crimean War and compared them to modern day medicines. The year ones then made their own herbal medicines using the ingredients that Mary Seacole would have used herself and some of the children even tasted their medicine!
"I love it! It tastes like ginger beer." Charley observed.
Year One have had another successful week!
Well done to Lexi, Ella, Ignacy, Zuzanna, Jacob, Dora, Poppy, Ria and Donovan in New Zealand class, and Maisy, Layla, Charley, Taha, Stanley, Angelo and Noah in Palau, who all achieved WOW Awards this week.
Grace and Damira in Australia, Zuzanna in New Zealand and Stanley in Palau received Handwriting Awards.
The Star Writer certificates were awarded to Ignacy in New Zealand, Aum in Australia and Aubree in Palau.
Lenny in Australia received a certificate for resilience.
And finally the E for Excellence certificates were awarded to Shayan in New Zealand, Logan in Australia and Emma in Palau.
Well done everybody, we are very proud of you all!
Y3's Return to Forest School!
Each week the children will be recording a video diary. This week's question was:
What was your favourite part of Forest School? Watch the video to find out the responses!
Y3 Certificates
A big well done to our Y3 certificate winners this week.
Year Two Awards
Well done to this week's winners of the following awards;
KS1 Marvellous Mathletics
KS1 Bronze Mathletics certificates from the 1st to 13th September have been awarded to Majus and Daniel O in Madagascar and Elda in Kenya.
Last week’s KS1 Bronze Mathletics certificates have been awarded to Nuhaa in Palau, David and Daniel K in Madagascar, Maryam in Egypt and Amen and Marvellous in Kenya.
Silver Certificates has been awarded to Elda in Kenya and Taha in Palau.
Well done everyone
Letter to parents and guardians: when you should book a coronavirus test for your child

Dear parents and guardians,
This is an important letter to share some information on how we can work together to make sure we can continue to give children and young people the best education in the safest way possible.
One important part of ensuring the safety and wellbeing of pupils, students, parents and our communities is testing for coronavirus. We all have a duty to make sure that the right people have access to get tested at the right time. Every time a test is used inappropriately, a person with COVID-19 symptoms may miss out on getting tested.
Therefore, I ask that you all follow these principles:
you should only book a test if your child has any of these 3 coronavirus symptoms:
a high temperature: any new high temperature where your child feels hot to touch on their chest or back (you do not need to measure the temperature)
a new continuous cough: coughing a lot for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours
a loss of, or change in, sense of smell or taste: a noticeable loss of smell or taste or things smell and taste different to normal
your child does not need a test if they have a runny nose, are sneezing or feeling unwell but do not have a temperature, cough or loss of, or change in, sense of smell or taste because these are not normally symptoms of coronavirus
if you are unsure about whether to get a test, please check the official list of symptoms on the NHS website, which is reviewed regularly
only the person with symptoms should get a test. You do not need to get a test for anyone else in the household unless they also have any of the 3 symptoms listed above. All members of the household need to self-isolate whilst waiting for the test result
if the person with symptoms’ test comes back positive, other members of their household should continue self-isolating for 14 days and only get a test if they develop coronavirus symptoms
if a pupil or student in a class or bubble tests positive for coronavirus, anyone who is advised to self-isolate does not require a test unless they subsequently develop symptoms.
No one else in the same class or bubble as the symptomatic person needs to take any action unless advised by the school or college. Schools and colleges have detailed guidance and access to a Department for Education and Public Health England helpline for advice and support.
Contacts of a person who has tested positive must follow the guidance carefully and in full, which means they must stay at home for 14 days. This is because it can take several days following contact with an infected person before an individual develops symptoms or the virus can be detected. Students should only book a test if they get symptoms.
The NHS has produced some guidance to help parents understand when their child can and cannot attend school which you may find useful.
It is vital for children and young people’s learning and future opportunities that they are able to return to school and college. It is therefore vitally important that all we work together and do our bit to make this possible.
Yours sincerely,
Professor Viv Bennett CBE
Chief Nurse and Director Maternity and Early Years, Public Health England
Dr Susan Hopkins
Interim Chief Medical Officer, NHS Test & Trace
Deputy Director, Public Health England
Consultant in Infectious Diseases & Microbiology, Royal Free, London
Weekly Newsletter - 25th September 2020
Dear Parent/carers,
Thank you for your cooperation- we have the morning drop off and afternoon collections off to a fine art and it’s so lovely to see the younger children developing their independence and bringing themselves into school from the gate.
Unfortunately the number of confirmed cases of Covid in Havering continues to rise and, with the large numbers of adults attending to drop off or collect pupils, social distancing is difficult. I would therefore request that parents consider wearing masks to safeguard themselves, their families and our community. If you intend coming on site I must now insist you wear a mask please.
We are very much looking forward to welcoming our part time nursery pupils next week but would ask that parents please drop off siblings prior to dropping off nursery children please.
Thursday October 1st is census day and we really need as many pupils as possible to order a school meal as our budget for next year is determined by the number of school dinners ordered. Our cook is going to put on a special menu for that day so please support us. A number of parents have asked when we will be offering hot food choices, especially as the weather gets colder-I’m pleased to say we will definitely be in a position to offer hot choices week beginning 5th October.
Please be aware that if your child or someone in your household develops coronavirus symptoms then you MUST telephone the school office immediately, keep your child off school and book in for a test. You can find information regarding symptoms from the NHS here. We will then discuss with you what happens next.
Reception collection
We have had a rethink about timings. As we are aware parents have to collect siblings at different times, to avoid you having to hang around in cold/wet conditions- Reception pupils can be collected from their classrooms between 12:30 and 13:00.
Year 6 Parents
As your child is in Year 6, you will need to make an application for him/her to start secondary school in September 2021. Without an application your child will not be offered a Secondary school place.
Please visit the Havering website www.havering.gov.uk/admissions/secondary where you will find a brochure titled ‘Transferring to a Havering Secondary School in September 2021’ along with a short presentation video which explains the application process and answers some of the most common questions asked by parents. You will also find a link to the application system (eAdmissions).
To ensure that you gain a clear understanding of the process we urge you to view these resources before you make any application.
If after reading the brochure and watching the video you have any further questions, please email the school admissions team via schooladmissions@havering.gov.uk or call the team on 01708 434600.
All applications for Secondary Schools must be submitted online by no later than 31 October 2020.
Diary Dates
Term Dates 2020-21
Autumn Term
Monday 7th September - Friday 23rd October
Monday 2nd November - Friday 18th December
Spring Term
Monday 4th January - Friday 12th February
Monday 22nd February - Thursday 1st April
Summer Term
Monday 19th April - Friday 28th May
Monday 7th June - Friday 23rd July
INSET Days 2020-2021
Thursday 3rd September | Friday 4th September | Monday 22nd February | Friday 28th May | Friday 23rd July |
After School Clubs
We are not able to run after school clubs this half term, but will review the situation at half term.
Attendance this week was 94%, which is below our target, but I appreciate in these unprecedented times we are all being very careful to protect ourselves and each other during this awful pandemic.
Please be reminded pupils can come to school with common colds, but not if they have a temperature or persistent cough.
Pupils are expected to attend ALL week and the Education Welfare Officer will be made aware of those who don’t attend on Fridays.
Havering Catering Services
Week beginning
Attendance Update
Year 5&6 | Year 3&4 | KS1 | Overall |
U.S.A-99% | Scotland-99% | Madagascar-99.4% | 94% |
Well done to U.S.A class who had the highest attendance in Y5&6 at 99% . Scotland had the highest attendance in LKS2 and overall at 99% and Madagascar had the highest attendance in KS1 and overall at 99.4%. Well done to them!. The overall attendance was 94% which is well below our target!.
Star Writers:
These children have used a range of powerful vocabulary and techniques to become a Star Writer; Ella in Germany, Luka in Northern Ireland, Merkhima in Madagascar, Nicolas in Kenya, Ignacy in New Zealand, Aubree in Palau, David in Scotland, Jacob in Wales, Felicity in U.S.A, Filip in Italy, River in Canada, Dollie-Mae in Mexico, Aum in Australia, Jacob in Chile, Teddy in Egypt, Justice in Brazil, Ema in Greece and Rebekah in Argentina. Look out for examples of their work on the blog!
Learning Power Awards:
These are the awards we present to the pupils when they have demonstrated one of our four learning skills: Resilience, reciprocity, reflectiveness & resourcefulness.
Well done to Jake in Germany and Lenny in Australia who receive certificates for resilience.
Certificate of Presentation:
Well done to Maria in Madagascar, Abina in Kenya, Isabel in Egypt, Zuzanna in New Zealand, Mia and Stanley in Palau, Fareeda in Scotland, Arjya in Wales and Damira and Grace in Australia who have presented their work beautifully; They have shown pride in their work and taken care with their handwriting and number formation.
I have made my teacher happy/WOW Award
Pupil | Reason |
Tommy R, Tommy C, Sofia, Charlotte, Nicole, Rahat, Rayyan, Riddhi, Chase, Dianna, Ronnie, Dovydas, Lexi, Kevin and Daisy from Germany. | For completing extra maths and literacy homework at home. |
Maisy, Layla, Charley, Taha, Stanley, Angelo and Noah in Palau | For completing their homework |
Todor in Madagascar | For completing work in Classdojo |
Lexi, Ella, Ignacy, Zuzanna, Jacob, Dora, Poppy, Ria, and Donovan in New Zealand | For completing homework on Class Dojo |
Sarah, Ema and Vansh in Greece | For fantastic Maths/Science work at home |
E for Excellence Winners:
These wonderful children have demonstrated excellence this week.
Barbados | All the children for settling in so well | Wales | Leonard |
Jamaica | All the children for settling in so well | Scotland | Olivia |
St Lucia | All the children for settling in so well | Germany | Dovydas |
New Zealand | Shayan | Greece | Billy |
Australia | Logan | Italy | Ian |
Palau | Emma | U.S.A | Brooke T |
Madagascar | Janisha | Canada | Georgia |
Egypt | Maryam | Mexico | Marcel |
Kenya | Amira | Chile | Harrison |
N. Ireland | Gabriel | Brazil | Abigail |
Argentina | Joshua C | Malta | Joseph |
Have a fabulous weekend.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs L Smith
First Week fun in Nursery
What a great first week our full time Nursery children have had. They have settled in so well and really loved the range of activities .
Here are some of the highlights of their first week.