Wednesday, 29 June 2016

Crime Lab After School Club

Did you know that some pupils from Year 3 and 4 have become crime scene investigators over the last 6 weeks?
They have been learning to use skills that the police and forensic scientists use during an investigation and have been able to apply these skills to a 'real' crime scene!

Dusting for finger prints, casting evidence, collecting vital clues and testing substances for poison are just some of the exciting things the children have been doing in the club every Thursday.

'It was so fun. I loved learning lots of new things that I never knew before about what the police do behind the scenes! I really enjoyed the session on poisonous pens because we were able to find out which suspect left the suspicious note behind by separating the inks in water.'
Hayden, Year 4

'My favourite part of Crime Lab was when we casted our thumbs. We did this because when police find footprints they cast the shape so they can take the evidence away with them to analyse. It was fascinating to see my finger prints on the thumb I casted!'
George, Year 4

'I just loved all it. I really want to be a forensic scientist when I grow up.'
Ryan, Year 3

If you would like to try first hand what it is like to be a crime scene investigator, then we will be running the club again from September.