Friday, 7 March 2025

Achievement Awards - 07.03.25


Amazing Awards!

Attendance Awards

A huge well done to the following classes who have all achieved 95% and above. Palau, Fiji, Kenya, Egypt, Madagascar, Morocco, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Italy. Greece, Germany, Spain, Mexico, USA and China. So many classes will get to roll the Attendanceoply dice this week due to an excellent week of attendance Well done!. Let’s keep it up!

Bingo Homework

David (Spain)


15 Books Certificates

Sebastian (New Zealand), Summer, Esmae, Scarlett-May, (Palau), Izabel (Egypt)

Malta Star of the Week

Congratulations to Gracie who is awarded Malta Star of the Week for using the toilet at school for the first time. Another congratulation to Zayyan who is also awarded Star of the Week, for a fantastic first week in Malta class!

Star Writer Certificates

These children have excelled with their writing this week. Well done to Erik (Wales), Ethan and Zara (Morocco), Evie (England), Poppy, Abdullah (Kenya), Gabriel (St Lucia), Ava (New Zealand), Kaden (Malaysia), Lavinia (USA), David (Spain), Chloe (Canada), Ruby (Mexico), Amelia (Brazil), April (Northern Ireland), Naomi (Scotland), Samson (Fiji), Gracie-Mai (Palau), Harper (Madagascar), Kojo (Greece), Freddie (Germany), Gabriel (Italy), Tommy H (Kenya), Alfie (Egypt) Dija (Jamaica), Levi (India), Venbaa (China), Andreea (Antigua)

Star Reader Certificates

These children have worked really hard on their reading this week. Well done to Chelsea & Dylan (Wales), Ifra (Morocco), Lilly (England), Maeve (St Lucia), Gabriela (New Zealand)Mekhi (USA), Freddy (Spain), Shay (Canada) Kajus (Mexico), Mia (Brazil), Olivia (Northern Ireland), Enki (Scotland), Reggie (Fiji), Vinnie (Palau), Andrei G (Madagascar), Millie (Greece), SIenna (Germany), Lily A (Italy), Sophie, Cory (Kenya), Millie M (Egypt) Sinan (Jamaica), Connie (India), Maria (China), Oliver (Antigua)

Star Mathematician Certificates

These children have enjoyed a fantastic week with their maths. Well done to Dylan (Wales), Kian and Luna(Morocco), Fletcher & Yasmin (England), Roman (St Lucia), Lukas (New Zealand), Eduard (Malaysia), Maryam (USA), Freddie (Spain), D’arcy (Canada) Ianis(Mexico), Elijah (Brazil), Amelia (Northern Ireland), Nikole (Scotland), Leo (Fiji),Aren (Palau), Phoebe (Madagascar), Amari (Greece), Charlotte (Germany), Jessica (Italy), Besa (Kenya), Leo (Egypt) Carter (Jamaica), Yara (India), Kydeigh (China), Priya (Antigua)

Achievement  Certificates 

These children have earned 20 Achievement points and are on their way to the Mead Roll of Honour.

Chelsea, Ella & Erik (Wales), Sofia (Morocco), Nevaeh (Malaysia), Sofia (Malaysia), Kaden (Malaysia), Rishi, Akshara, Evie G, Gemma (Kenya), Caitlin, Sebastian and Ava (New Zealand), Faith, Blessing, Aleem,Rayan A, Sai, Victoria, Ella, Vinnie, David (Spain), Grace, Chloe, Sidrah, Shay, Leo, Ustym, Andrey (Canada) Leona (Mexico) Biddy(Mexico) Ianis (Mexico) Ruby (Mexico) Della (Della), Vinny, April and Emily (Northern Ireland), Nikole and Varnika (Scotland), Savannah, Lilith, Maxim, Vivaan, Thomas, Sofia, Holly, Ivy-Rose and Leo (Fiji), D’E’j’a, Olivia, Lenny (Italy), Kojo (Greece), Marnie, Andrei C, Albert, Erica (Madagascar), Kimberleigh and Leo (Egypt), Kimberley and Isla (England), Izabela, Constantine, Jahshountea, Samhita (Brazil), Teddy, Taylor, Yara, Sabriyah, Fran, Kayleigh, Izampela, Kaycie & Ugo (India)

, Todor, Jacob, Daniel K (China)

Mathletics Award

Bronze certificate

Aliyah, Ivan (England), Evelyn, Zofia, Jamie (Germany), Nancy (Italy), Sofia J (Palau), Riley, Evie G, Briana (Kenya), Erica (Madagascar), 

Silver certificate

Harry, Jamarb, James and Sebastian (New Zealand), Nancy, Mahir (Italy), Kane, Aayan (Spain), Max (Wales), Alessia (Northern Ireland), Isha and Enki (Scotland), Benjamin (Egypt), Amelia (Kenya), Nisin (Madagascar), 

Gold Certificate

Mahir (Italy), Jacob, Mahir (Spain), Leonela (Madagascar), 

Platinum Certificate 

Yasmin, Jake (England) Zuzanna (USA), Domas, Zelda, Emilia (Germany), Jessica, Justas, Cat, Gabriel, Kavi (Italy), Shay (Canada), Azrah & David (Wales) Darius (Mexico), Sydney, Nancy and Milena (Northern Ireland), Katy (Scotland), Yani, Elhan (Palau), Sebastian, Finn (Egypt), Buddy, Abdullah (Kenya), Daniel, David, Brody (Madagascar),

Emerald Certificate

Amy, Olivia, Lilly (England), Luke and Emma (New Zealand), Domas, Emilia (Germany), Nathan (Greece) Ahmet. Olivia, Lenny, Elena, Sara, Zakariya, Tadei (Italy), Ustym (Canada), Ethan (Wales), Sara and Matas (Northern Ireland), Artem, Sofia P, Adrian (Palau), Alex (Egypt), Besa (Kenya), Zoya (Morocco), 

Diamond Certificate

Stefan (England). Sebastian (Greece), Olivia, Akhila. Tadei (Italy), Rayan A, Rayan S (Spain), Albert (Wales), Milena (Scotland), Sophie (Kenya), 

Epic Certificate

Aum (USA), Sebastian, 

February Year 4 Times Table Rock Star Awards


Lily A (Italy) 

Garage Rocker

Esmae( Germany)


Rosie (Germany)


Leo Ba (Germany). Sethika (Italy), Reggie (Spain), Oscar (Spain)

Support Act

Freddie (Germany)

Breakthrough Artist

Ella K, Lillie W (Italy), Kane (Spain)

Unsigned Act

Isla (Germany), Nancy (Italy)

Rock Hero

Roens (Italy)

Rock Legend

Milena (Spain)Nathan, Kelsie (Germany), Zakariya (Italy), Kavi (Spain)

Rock Star

Sienna, Charlotte, Camelia, Hayden, Zach  (Germany), Sky, Caterina. Akhila, Ruby M, Delia (Italy), Vinnie (Spain)

Gone Green

Nathan, Emilia (Germany), Zakariya, Sara, Elena (Italy), Aayan, Milena (Spain)

Well done to Spain class for winning the February Year 4 Battle. The top three scorers in each class were; Mahir, Faith & Aayan (Spain), Ollie, Kelsie & Nathan (Germany), Summer, Amelia R & Amelia D (Greece), Roens,Zakariya & Justas (Italy)

Golden Certificate

Congratulations to these children who have been awarded a Golden Certificate as they have made exceptionally good choices linked to The Mead Creed. These certificates are not easy to get so very well done to this week’s winners!

St Lucia (YR)


Antigua (YR)


Jamaica (YR)


New Zealand (Y1)


Palau (Y1)


Fiji (Y1)


Madagascar (Y2)


Morocco (Y2)

Sofia  and Eve 

Kenya (Y2)


Egypt (Y2)


Scotland (Y3)


Wales (Y3)


Northern Ireland (Y3)

Daniel and Emily

England (Y3)


Italy (Y4)


Greece (Y4)


Spain (Y4)


Germany (Y4)


Brazil (Y5)


Canada (Y5)


Mexico (Y5)


USA (Y5)


China (Y6)


Malaysia (Y6)


India (Y6)


Weekly Newsletter - 07.03.25


Weekly Newsletter - Important Information

Friday 7th March 2025

Dear parents and Carers,

It has been another great week at Mead, topped off with a brilliant World Book Day! The children looked fantastic in their book character costumes, and we were so impressed with the effort and creativity put into their outfits. A huge thank you to all parents and carers for your support!

We have also loved seeing the amazing science projects arriving for our first-ever Mead Science Fair. The children have worked incredibly hard, and we can’t wait to showcase their fantastic work next week!

Upcoming Roadworks at Gallows Corner – Expect Delays

From Monday 10th March until June 2025, there will be a series of lane closures on some roads leading to Gallows Corner roundabout. While all routes, including the flyover, will remain open, there may be significant traffic congestion, especially during peak hours.

Key points for parents:

Expect delays during drop-off and pick-up times – roads in the area will be very busy.
Lane restrictions will reduce some roads to one lane, increasing congestion.
Overnight closures will take place on the A127 and A12 (dates to be confirmed).

Mid-June to September 2025 – Full Closure⚠️

The entire Gallows Corner junction (roundabout and flyover) will be closed to all traffic except buses and emergency vehicles. Local diversions will be in place.

Please plan ahead, allow extra time for journeys, and check TfL updates for the latest travel information.

Find it Friday – Lost Property 🧥

Due to the high volume of lost property, we have introduced Find it Friday! Each week, large lost property containers will be placed in the EYFS/KS1, Year 3, and Year 4/5/6 playgrounds at the start and at the  end of the school day. Please check these regularly.

Pokémon Club 

From Monday we are introducing lunchtime Pokémon clubs in each Key Stage.

Years 4,5 and 6 will take place on a Monday at 12:30 - 1pm in Italy class.

Years 1,2 and 3 will take place on a Wednesday at 12:15- 12:45 pm in Kenya class.

To help manage this, we are reminding all children that:
✅ They must be played with sensibly and respectfully

✅ Pokémon cards can be used at the lunchtime club only

❌ Trading is not allowed—we will not be involved in sorting out trades or returning lost/swapped cards
❌ Cards must not be brought into lessons as they are disrupting learning

Science Week Roadshow- Friday, 14th March 

We have been blown away by the fantastic entries for the Science Roadshow. On Friday 14th March, between 3:15 - 3:45, parents are able to visit the Key Stage 2 hall to view all of the Science projects submitted by the children. Please enter the hall via the junior playground, and then enter through the main reception. Also, the last chance for any entries forgotten today is Monday. 

Support for Families

Washing Pods and Capsules - Child Accident Prevention Trust 

Young children are vulnerable to all sorts of dangers in the home. One of the most present issues can come in the form of everyday cleaning products. Some like sink unclogger can look like fruit juice. The thick consistency and similarity to apple juice in colour make it particularly enticing. However, one threat stands out from all others in this regard. The washing pod. Many washing pods bear a striking similarity to over the counter confectionery. For children the mistake can be easy to make, especially when washing pods may be kept in a lower location than other cleaning supplies. The Child Accident Prevention Trust has recently published a page that looks to offer guidance on this issue. If interested, please follow the link:  

Keeping safe online- parental controls

Internet Matters has published a guide dedicated to supporting adults in setting digital boundaries for children, so that they can make smart choices and build healthy online habits. In the Internet Matters guide you’ll find practical tips on managing content access, the use of safety controls, advice on setting boundaries and ways to educate children on how to stay secure online. If interested please follow the link below:

Havering SEND Family Voice

For information on upcoming SEND Family Voice workshops, please follow this link:
🔗 Havering SEND Family Voice Workshops

Kindest regards, 

Ms A Holmes  


Friday, 28 February 2025

Achievement Awards - 28.2.25

 Amazing Awards!

Attendance Awards

A huge well done to the following classes who have all achieved 95% and above. New Zealand, Palau, Madagascar, Scotland, Germany, Mexico, Canada and Malaysia. A pleasing week overall for attendance. Let’s keep it up!

Bingo Homework

Siyaa (Northern Ireland), Sapphire, Shawaiz and Sid (Scotland), Izabella, Sebastian and Nathan (Greece)

15 Books Certificates

Ja’c, Chelsea, Ella, Heavenly, Bobby & JJ (Bronze) (Wales), Gabriela,Ozil, Nicoleta, Emma,  James, Neel and Ruby (Bronze), Victoria (Silver) (New Zealand), Milena (Bronze) (Scotland) Sofiia- Silver (England)

Malta Star of the Week

Congratulations to Noah who is awarded Malta Star of the Week for his increased independence and confidence at navigating the Chromebook to type, during computing!

Star Writer Certificates

These children have excelled with their writing this week. Well done to Albert, Ella & Mujeeb (Wales), Amy (England), Ezra (Kenya), Oscar (New Zealand), Reggie (Fiji), Nevaeh (Malaysia), Jeremiah (USA), Jessiah(Morocco), Biddy(Mexico), David (Madagascar), Tommy (Northern Ireland), Harry (Scotland), Simeon (Antigua), Ruby (Greece), Sophia  Elena (Italy), Arlo (St Lucia), Scarlett-May (Palau), Skye (Jamaica), Emilia (Germany), Maryam (India), Egypt Class, Leya (Brazil)

Star Reader Certificates

These children have worked really hard on their reading this week. Well done to Heavenly (Wales), Martyn (England), Abdullah (Kenya), Re’niyah (New Zealand), Theo (Fiji), Lorienne (Canada) Andrew (USA), Atanas (Morocco), Della (Mexico) Zayeen (Madagascar), Leo (Northern Ireland), JJ (Scotland), Vilmalea (Antigua), Emaan (Greece), Ivy-May (St Lucia), Maddison (Kenya), Mark (Palau) Harper (Jamaica), Zelda (Germany), Elda (Malaysia), Charlotte (India), Anja (Egypt), Karl (Brazil)

Star Mathematician Certificates

These children have enjoyed a fantastic week with their maths. Well done to Parisha & Erik (Wales), Olivia (England), Tommy H (Kenya), Noor (New Zealand), Madhav (Fiji), Antony (Malaysia), Amelia, Poppy (Canada) Rayya (USA), Emma, Nifemi and Mickey(Morocco), Gloria(Mexico), Anastasia (Madagascar), Talula (Northern Ireland), Rayne (Scotland), Havana (Antigua), Summer (Greece), Freya, Clio & Jenson (Italy), Inaya (St Lucia), Aria (Palau), Kiyaan + Nina (Jamaica), Zofia (Germany), Ugo (India), Kimberleigh (Egypt), Amelia (Brazil)

Achievement  Certificates 

These children have earned 20 Achievement points and are on their way to the Mead Roll of Honour.

Dylan & Max (Wales), Evie B, Cory, Angelica, Buddy, Abdullah (Kenya), Lul, Sofia, Harley (Fiji), Anna (Malaysia), Taylor, Amelia, Amy (Canada), Nancy, Keira and Talula (Northern Ireland), Sid and Chloe (Scotland), Cat, Mahir, Harvey, Amelia, Roens (Italy), Albi and Billie (Greece), Charlotte, Renesmee, Levi, Parin, Gracelyn (India), Isabelle, Alex and Chloe (Egypt) Olivia, Ivan and Aliyah (England)

Mathletics Award

Bronze certificate

Riley (Kenya), Nisin (Madagascar), Ivan (England), Enki (Scotland) Sofia J (Palau)

Silver certificate

Harry (New Zealand), Benjamin (Egypt), Max &  Heavenly (Wales), Daruis(Mexico), Nuhaa (Mexico), Alessia (Northern Ireland), Isha, Chloe, David and Enki (Scotland), Izyan (Canada)

Gold Certificate

Anastasia, Leonela, Brody (Madagascar), Madhav (Fiji), Sid (Scotland)

Platinum Certificate 

Luke, Sebastian and Jamarb (New Zealand), Abdullah (Kenya), David, Sophie (Madagascar), Denizhan (Morocco), Maaz, Jaxson-Bridge (Fiji), Azrah, Alicia & Ethan (Wales), Andrey, Leo (Canada), Yasmin, Jake, Lilly (England), Sara, Sydney, Nancy, Matas and Milena (Northern Ireland), Katy (Scotland), Yani, Elhan (Palau), 

Emerald Certificate

Emma (New Zealand), Sophie, Besa (Kenya), Andrei G (Madagascar), Vivaan, Thomas, Sofia, Georgia, Maxim, Jaxson-Bridge (Fiji), Amy, Ustym (Canada), Amy, Olivia, Lilly (England), Milena (Scotland), Aahil, Artem, Sofia P, Adrian (Palau), 

Diamond Certificate

Albert (Wales), Stefan (England)

Golden Certificate

Congratulations to these children who have been awarded a Golden Certificate as they have made exceptionally good choices linked to The Mead Creed. These certificates are not easy to get so very well done to this week’s winners!

St Lucia (YR)


Antigua (YR)


Jamaica (YR)


New Zealand (Y1)

Samuel and Elsie

Palau (Y1)


Fiji (Y1)

Vivaan (Fiji)

Madagascar (Y2)


Morocco (Y2)

Aiyanna, JJ and Sophia J

Kenya (Y2)

Tommy C

Egypt (Y2)


Scotland (Y3)


Wales (Y3)


Northern Ireland (Y3)


England (Y3)


Italy (Y4)


Greece (Y4)


Spain (Y4)

Germany (Y4)


Brazil (Y5)

Canada (Y5)


Mexico (Y5)


USA (Y5)


China (Y6)

Malaysia (Y6)


India (Y6)
