Friday, 14 July 2023

Weekly Newsletter - 14/07/23


Dear Parents and Carers,

It was lovely to see so many of the children in bright colours to support St Francis Hospice on Thursday. We would like to thank you all for your generous donations.

Summer Fete

A huge thank you to the Parent Hub for organising a brilliant summer fete. The level of planning, organisation and dedication it took to achieve the successful day has not gone unnoticed. Thank you all for your continued support of the school. We look forward to many more community events in the future!


School reports will be sent out to parents today. On Monday 17th July we will be holding an open afternoon 3pm-3:45pm to view your children's work and speak to a member of staff about your child’s report.

Meet the teacher

Your child would have spent time with their new teacher today. They will bring home a letter introducing the year group team and key information that you need to know for September. At the beginning of the new academic year, dates will be sent out for you to come in and meet these teams and find out more information about your child's learning.

Mobile phone Agreements- September 2024

Mead Primary School does not permit mobile phones to be brought into school. Phones are expensive items and we cannot guarantee safety or security. This rule is also in place for safeguarding reasons – we cannot filter content to ensure it is appropriate for children if this is accessed on mobile phones. In addition the taking of photographs etc. needs to be strictly controlled according to parental wishes.

However, we also recognise there may be occasional exceptional circumstances where it is helpful for a pupil to bring a mobile phone into school, for instance, if they walk to school unaccompanied or they are being collected by a different carer one day a week. Whilst we will not permit the use of the phone during the school day, in these exceptional circumstances we will consider a parental request for a pupil to be able to access a phone, before or after school (NOT merely because a pupil wants to have their phone).

In these circumstances we ask parents and carers to read the following agreement and sign the request, stating the specific reason for a phone to be in school.

Reading Volunteers

Thank you to those who have signed up already, we will be in touch. If you would like to volunteer to read with the children in school next year then please complete the link here.

Key Information and dates

School Ping

Squid login

Havering Catering Lunch Menu

Monday 17th July Rock steady Concert 9:30am

Monday 17th July Open afternoon 3-3:45pm

Monday 17th July Year 6 Leavers Assembly 2pm KS2 Hall

Monday 17th July Malta Sport Day 1.30pm

19th-21st July Year 6 Residential to Danbury

Inset dates for 2023-2024

Monday 4th September 2023

Tuesday 5th September 2023

Monday 30th October 2023

Monday 15th April 2024

Wednesday 24th July 2024

Yours sincerely,

Ms A Holmes
