Dear Parents and Carers,
It is hard to believe that we have come to the end of the academic year! The children and staff have worked incredibly hard throughout this year. This week has been filled with lots of end of year activities. We started with the Year 6 leavers Assembly before they went on their residential to Danbury. The children have had a fantastic time working together and completing new adventures.
Today we not only say farewell to Year 6 but we also say goodbye to some staff members who are also moving on. We wish Mrs Carey, Mrs Gladman, Mrs Adams (Attendance and Admin Officer), Mrs Aboiye and Miss Perkins all the very best for the future and thank them all for their commitment and hard work to support the children throughout their time at Mead.
Information for September
School Gates
The school gates on both KS1 and KS2 entrances and exits will be opened from 8:25am each day by a member of staff. There will be no access to the school grounds before this time.
Further information regarding morning and afterschool clubs will be shared once the clubs are up and running in September.
Access to ABACUS Breakfast and Afterschool Club
From September Access to Breakfast and Afterschool club will be via Gate 2. There will be no access via the KS2 playground. Access to Breakfast and Afterschool club will be via Gate 2 from Wednesday 6th September. This is a pedestrian access only route and no vehicles should be beyond the gates. Abacus will have a doorbell in to notify them that you have arrived and they will meet you at the gate.
Year 3 Drop off and Pick up from September
Here is the pick up point for Year 3 from September.
School uniform
Please ensure that your child wears the correct school uniform to school every day. All children should wear: A bottle green sweatshirt or cardigan, collared white t-shirt, and black/grey trousers or tailored skirt. Leggings are not part of the uniform policy and should not be worn to school. Children may wear flat ankle boots (no heels). We have also requested that school fleeces be made available with the uniform provider and we will inform you when they are available. If you need support with uniform costs please speak to the office as you may be eligible for uniform vouchers if you have not already received this.
PE Kits: plain black/grey jogging bottoms or black/green shorts and white t-shirt with appropriate footwear.
Water bottles
It is useful for all children to have a water bottle in school to use throughout the day. Please make sure that the bottles are plastic and not glass. Prime bottles are not allowed to be used as a water bottle in school.
Mobile phone Agreements
Please remember to return the mobile phone agreement in September if there is a particular reason for your child to have a phone in school. You will be asked to collect any phones that are brought into school without the signed agreement. Thank you for your continued support.
Contact information
Should you have any worries, concerns or questions please do not hesitate to contact school. Each Year group has a dedicated email which is monitored by the Year Group Leaders. Please use the email addresses below.
School Ping
Squid login
Havering Catering Lunch Menu
Dates for the Diary
Monday 4th September INSET DAY
Tuesday 5th September INSET Day
Wednesday 6th September Children return to school
Thursday 21st September FOMS Coffee Morning
Monday 30th October INSET DAY
Monday 15th April INSET DAY
Wednesday 24th July INSET DAY
We hope that you have a wonderful Summer with your families and friends. We welcome the children back to school on Wednesday 6th September from 8:30am.
Yours sincerely,
Ms A Holmes