Monday 19 December 2022

Weekly Newsletter - 16/12/22

Dear Parents and Carers,

This week Year 3 and 4 started off the Christmas season with their show- Babushka. The children did a wonderful job in performing and told a beautiful story of kindness and love.

Performance Information

We ask that all parents and carers enter through the junior playground and green gate for Year 2, 5 and 6 performances and outside of the nursery entrance for Nursery, Reception and Year 1 performances. Once all of the children are in place parents and carers will be invited to take a seat in the hall.

Where afternoon performances start at 2:15pm (not year 2), you will be able to collect your child from the playground afterwards. The teachers will release the children in the usual way. You will not be able to collect siblings early as we do not have the staffing capacity to support this.

We look forward to seeing more of you next week!

Morning Clubs

Morning sports clubs start at 7:45am. Please make sure that your child is accompanied by an adult until this time. Access to the school office should be through the playground and the green gate that leads to the office. Children should not be walking through the carpark.

Christmas Dinner Day

Christmas Dinner Day is Friday 16th December so there will be a change to the menu next week. The children will have Friday’s option on Thursday. Children and staff are also invited to wear their Christmas jumpers. This is not a non-uniform day and all children should wear their school uniform.

School uniform

Please ensure that your child wears the correct school uniform to school every day. All children should wear: A bottle green sweatshirt or cardigan, collared white t-shirt, and black trousers or tailored skirt. Leggings are not part of the uniform policy and should not be worn to school. Children may wear flat ankle boots (no heels). We have also requested that school fleeces be made available with the uniform provider and we will inform you when they are available. If you need support with uniform costs please speak to the office as you may be eligible for uniform vouchers if you have not already received these this school year. PE Kits: plain black/grey jogging bottoms or black/green shorts and white t-shirt with appropriate footwear.

Key Information and dates

School Ping

Squid login

Havering Catering Lunch Menu

Monday 12th December Barbados and St Lucia class Christmas Production 2pm

Monday 12th December Year 1 Production 9:15am

Tuesday 13th December KS1 School Pantomime

Tuesday 13th December Antigua and Jamaica class Christmas Production 2pm

Tuesday 13th December Year 5 & 6 Christmas Production 9:15am

Wednesday 14th December Year 5 & 6 Christmas Production 2:15pm

Wednesday 14th December Year 2 Production 1:15pm

Thursday 15th December KS2 School Pantomime

Friday 16th December Year 2 Production 9:15am

Friday 16th December Year 1 Production 2:00pm

Monday 19th December Christmas Parties

Tuesday 20th December Last day of term. School ends at normal time

Thursday 5th January Back to School

Wednesday 18th January Maths Parent Partnership Meeting- 9am

Monday 20th February INSET Day

Wednesday 19th April Reading Parent Partnership Meeting- 9am

Monday 5th June INSET Day

Yours sincerely,

Ms A Holmes

Head of School

Achievement Books

Zelda and Kojo (Kenya), Hazel, Ugo and Izampela (Greece) Sydney, Vinny and Ava (Fiji),Nathan K, Kavi, David T, Mahir, Robert, Stephanie (Madagascar) and Akhila (Egypt),

Bingo Homework

Nathan K (Madagascar) Nicole, Riddhi, Dianna, Jasmine, Sofia, Kajus, Chase, Mahir, Dovydas and Kevin (China).

Malta’s Star of the Week

Many congratulations to Nathan who has been awarded Malta’s Star of the Week for settling in so well.

Star Writer Certificates

These children have excelled with their writing this week. Well done to Billie (Kenya), Rebecca (Barbados), Julian (Jamaica), Flora (Antigua), Dawood (Palau), Marnie (St Lucia), Umer ( New Zealand), Anete (Greece), Georgie-Mai (India), Isla (Egypt), Khasim (Morocco), Aleem(Madagascar), Sandra and Ignacy (Wales), Ava P (Malaysia), Rubi (Scotland), Maisy (Northern Ireland). Millie (Germany), Majus (Italy), Max (Brazil) and Tommy R (China).

Star Reader Certificates

These children have worked really hard on their reading this week. Well done to Ellison (Kenya), Finn (Jamaica), Princess (Antigua), Noura (Palau), Iyaz (Barbados), Charlie (St Lucia), Izampela (Greece), Lileerae (India), Amelia (Madagascar)Nevaeh (Fiji), Amelia D (Egypt), Leo (Morocco), Daisy-Rose (Wales), Katie (Malaysia), Lorena (Scotland), Ryan (Northern Ireland), Vlad (Germany), Amber & Paulina (Italy), Arwyn (Brazil) and Dovydas (China).

Star Mathematician Certificates

These children have enjoyed a fantastic week with their maths. Well done to Sebastian (Kenya), Alex and Jessiah (Jamaica), Chloe (Antigua), Erik (Palau), Aria (St Lucia), Micheal D (New Zealand), Indigo-Brooke (Greece), Katie (India), Blake (Fiji), Rayan (Egypt), Mahir (Morocco), Ifra (Barbados), Joanna(Madagascar), William (Wales), Alex Re, Alexander Ri (Malaysia), Andrey (Scotland), Mekhi (Northern Ireland), David (Brazil), Anna (Germany), Jacob (Italy) and Riddhi (China).

Mathletics Award

Bronze certificate

Alicia, Daniel, Albert, Dawood, Zion, Sara, Ethan, Nikole & Jake (Palau), Eric, Emily, Ava and Milena (Fiji) Domas, Ellison, Emilia, Elwin, Sebastian, Faith, Milena, Olivia, Zelda and Zofia (Kenya), Anete and Maryam (Greece) Ender, Victoria, Manha, Rayan, Ruby, Jacob, Kane, Amari, Sarah & Skyla (Morocco),

Sai, Joanna, Jessica, Nathan K, Adriana, David T, Kavi, Mahir(Madagascar), Justas, Livi, Oguzcan, Olivia, Sophie, Cat, Lenny M, Akhila, Rayan (Egypt), Mariia (Malaysia),, David, Max, Olivia, Sophia and Zachary (Brazil),Antony, Vlad, Aayan, Vilte, Zaydh (Germany), Malakai, Grace, Andrey,Aum, Shay, Isla, Avyukt, Samhita (Scotland), Amy, India, Donovan, Janvi, Ustym, Zuzanna, David, Amber (Wales).   Izyan, Nuhaa, Mia x2, Kelvin, Taha, Lexi (Northern Ireland) Majus, Muhammad, Merkhima, Daniel K(Italy) Mahir, Lukas, Lexi, Vanya, Dovydas, Chase and Jasmine (China).

Silver certificate

Alicia (Palau), Eric (Fiji), Domas and Ellison (Kenya) Ender & Skyla (Morocco), Blessing(Madagascar), Oguzcan, Sophie, Akhila, Rayan (Egypt), Izyan (Northern Ireland), Olivia (Brazil), Zuzanna, David (Wales), Vlad (Germany),  Isla, Avyukt, Samhita (Scotland), Majus (Italy) Mahir, Lukas, Jasmine (China)

Gold certificate

Domas (Kenya) Ender (Morocco), Akhila (Egypt), Olivia (Brazil), Samhita (Scotland) and Jasmine (China).

Golden Certificate

Congratulations to these children who have been awarded a Golden Certificate as they have made exceptionally good choices linked to The Mead Creed. These certificates are not easy to get so very well done to this week’s winners!

Barbados (YR)

Sophie B and Sophie R

St Lucia (YR)


Jamaica (YR)

Amelia, Finn, Sophie

Antigua (YR)

Emily and Cameron

Palau (Y1)

Lina & Bobby

New Zealand (Y1)


Fiji (Y1)


Morocco (Y2)


Madagascar (Y2)


Kenya (Y2)


Egypt (Y2)

Freddie, Olivia

Scotland (Y3)


Wales (Y3)


Northern Ireland (Y3)

Stanley & Nuhaa

Italy (Y4)

Renaz, Yasmin

Greece (Y4)

Hazel, Sabriyah, Nicolae and Roqaya 

Germany (Y4)

Harrison, Scarlett and Eduard

Brazil (Y5)


Mexico (Y5)

Michael T

USA (Y5)


India (Y6)

Lilly, Dami

China (Y6)

Kevin and Maisie

Malaysia (Y6)


Well done to Scotland, Wales, Greece, USA and Malaysia who achieved their class attendance target last week and have rolled the dice this week.

Congratulations to everyone who achieved an award this week, we are very proud of you!