Friday, 17 April 2020

School closure information

Dear Parents,

We hope that you are all well and keeping safe. 

As you would have seen on the news we now know the lockdown is to continue for at least another 3 weeks so we want to make you aware of the provision we are making for your child. 
As most of you already know EYFS and KS1 children can access tasks on the internet through Classdojo and KS2 through google class room. It has been so pleasing to see the results from you using this provision.

Under normal circumstances the children would be returning to school this coming Monday 20th April but as this is not possible teachers will be setting tasks on a daily basis though the online classrooms. We take our responsibility to educate your children and support our families seriously and hope you will encourage your children to complete the tasks so as far as possible they stay on track with their learning.  

For those that are unable to access the online classrooms learning packs are being prepared which will be available for collection from school on a Monday. We hope you will encourage your child/children to complete the work prepared and return it to school when you collect the next pack.

We know this is a difficult time and that most of you are not trained educators so hopefully this will help keep your child progressing with their learning. 

As you may be aware Miss Bloom is doing an amazing job with her 'story time' for our younger children -As of Monday I will be doing story time for our older pupils via facebook at 2:30 every day- hopefully your children will be able to join me.

In the meantime Good Luck and Stay safe.

Kind Regards
Lin Smith