Thursday 17 October 2024

Madagascar Attendance Reward

 Madagascar Class loved their Parachute Time reward for achieving 95% attendance last week! Well done everyone!

Year 3 lear about Shabbat

 In RE this half term the children in year 3 have been learning about Judaism. This week they learnt about why Jewish people keep Shabbat and then created their own artwork inspired by the Shabbat Queen.

Scotland Class speak Spanish

 Today the children in Scotland Class have been learning how to ask their partner how they are and what their name is.  As you can see, their conversational skills are very impressive already.

Year 5 face failure!

 As part of our English unit 'One Small Step', Year 5 have been exploring the feeling of failure and what it takes to keep going when you feel like you won't or can't achieve your goals. Here are some characteristics that we believe can help you carry on when things get tough and some pictures of our successful origami rocket launch (that took a lot of patience)!


Wednesday 16 October 2024

The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs in year 3

 This half term, year 3 have been reading 'The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs' We wrote a story as a class based on the book. For our independent write we wrote our own 'True' stories about Goldilocks and the 3 Bears. To finish off the unit we wrote a balanced argument looking at if the wolf was good or bad in the 3 Little Pigs. The children came up with some good arguments for both sides. To help improve our writing we then edited our own work and read it to our partner.

Data collection

Yesterday, Italy class went on a nature walk to collect data. As they were walking around the local environment, the pupils needed to write down any plants that they saw and keep a tally chart recording how many of each plant they saw. They saw lots of different types of plants such as thistles, pyracantha crenulata, berberis, dandelions, black nightshade, summer lilac and rosehip.

England Class History Lesson

 England class were answering the Big Question in history: How has civilization changed since the Stone Age? We enjoyed acting out ways that civilisation has changed.