Tuesday 15 October 2024

England Class - Black History Month Live Assembly

 Today, we joined the Black History Month live assembly. It was really fun and interesting!

Monday 14 October 2024

Maths in England class

 England class enjoyed adding and subtracting ones using a variety of manipulatives. 

Friday 11 October 2024

Celebration Awards - 11.10.24

 Amazing Awards!

Attendance Awards

A huge well done to the following classes who have all achieved 95% and above. Fiji, Madagascar, Wales, England, Germany, Spain, USA and Canada. They will all be enjoying their Attendanceoply treats next week!

Bingo Homework

Congratulations to Aaliyah, Zara, Leon , Atanas and Zoya (Morocco), Ava (Wales)

Malta Star of the Week

Congratulations to Ralph who has achieved Malta Star of the Week for lots of lovely engagement during Attention Autism “bucket” sessions this week!

Star Writer Certificates

These children have excelled with their writing this week. Well done to Lily (Wales), Leyton (England), Ronnie (Egypt), Lillith (Fiji), Hannah (Greece), Rubi (Mexico), Aiyana and Luna(Morocco), Artem (Palau),David (Malaysia), Samuel (New Zealand), Olivia (Northern Ireland) Maryam (USA), Anastasia (Madagascar), Varnika (Scotland), Arsalaan (Brazil),  Rosie (Kenya), Ugo (India), Layla (China), Johnny (Canada), Sofia J (Palau), Mahir (Italy), Robert (Germany), Victoria (Spain), Muhammad (China), Tereza (Antigua), Tyler (India)

Star Reader Certificates

These children have worked really hard on their reading this week. Well done to JJ (Wales), Evie (England), Finn (Egypt), Kaine (Fiji), Kane (Spain), Amelia D (Greece), Roman (Mexico),Zara (Morocco), Kaden (Malaysia), Ruby (New Zealand), Mark (Palau), Isaiah (Northern Ireland) Ria (USA), Emily (Madagascar), Chloe (Scotland), Alex (Brazil), Nubian (Spain), Tommy C (Kenya), Renesmee (India), Venbaa (China), Amy (Canada), Karma (Palau), Lenny (Italy), Eva (Germany), Daniel K (China), Zachary (Antigua), Kaycie (India)

Star Mathematician Certificates

These children have enjoyed a fantastic week with their maths. Well done to Albert (Wales), Harley (England), Dennis (Egypt), Jaxson-Bridge (Fiji), Freddie(Spain), who Kojo (Greece), Tommy (Mexico), Aaliyah (Morocco), Carter (Palau), Elda (Malaysia), Jamarb (New Zealand), April (Northern Ireland) Amber (USA), Andrei G (Madagascar), Harry (Scotland), Izabela (Brazil), Jenson (Italy), Teddy (Kenya), Jett (India), Eneyla (China), Andrey (Canada), Aahil (Palau), Harvey (Italy), Nathan (Germany), Daniel O (China), Ivy-Rose (Antigua), Teddy (India)

Achievement  Certificates 

These children have earned 20 Achievement points and are on their way to the Mead Roll of Honour. Well done to Ruby (Wales), Elena, Akhila, Cat (Italy), Sophie, Rayan S, Sai & Bella (Spain), Nathan K, Stephanie  and Sebastian (Greece), Ronnie and Aaliyah (Morocco), Chloe (Egypt), Rayne and Milena (Scotland),Harley (England), Kimberley (England), Elena, Akhila, Cat (Italy), Georgia and Vivaan (Fiji), Elhan and Eleanor (Palau), Tyler (Germany), Milena, Blessing, Tommy-Sean, Ella, Summer, Faith, Amirah (Spain), Millie (Greece), Albert (Wales)

Mathletics Award

Bronze certificate

Maisy,Grace, Leo, Shay, Andrey, Sidrah, Ustym, Amy (Canada), Maaz, Vivaan, Hamza, Samson, Thomas. Sofia, Shruthii, Georgia, Maxim (Fiji), Yani, Aahil, Artem, Adrian, Sofia P (Palau), Charlotte A, Eva B, Amelia F, Domas, Zelda, Emilia M, Sienna (Germany) Stephanie, Amelia  (Greece) Jessica, Nancy, Justas, Ahmet, Cat, Lenny, Ruby, Gabriel, Elena, Zakariya, Lillie W (Italy) Sai, Aayan R, Nubian, Victoria, David, Mahir, Oscar (Spain), Mia, Visha, Shayan, Emilia, Jason (Brazil), Alex, Sebastian,Evelina, Finn, Emmanuel, Izabel, Alfie (Egypt)

Nuhaa. Darius, Kajus, Gabriel and Kevin (Mexico), Vlad, Robert and Sofia (Malaysia), Khadijah, Azrah, Heavenly, Alicia, David & Max (Wales)

Silver certificate

Nathan (Germany), Olivia, Akhila, Sara, Tadei (Italy), Rayan A, Rayan S (Spain), Albert (Wales)

Gold certificate

Sebastian (Greece)

Golden Certificate

Congratulations to these children who have been awarded a Golden Certificate as they have made exceptionally good choices linked to The Mead Creed. These certificates are not easy to get so very well done to this week’s winners!

St Lucia (YR)

Antigua (YR)


Jamaica (R)

New Zealand (Y1)

Palau (Y1)

Sofia P 

Fiji (Y1)


Madagascar (Y2)

Whole Class

Morocco (Y2)

Whole Class and Sofia

Egypt (Y2)

Whole Class and William

Kenya (Y2)

Whole Class

Wales (Y3)


Scotland (Y3)


England (Y3)


Italy (Y4)


Germany (Y4)


Spain (Y4)


Canada (Y5)


Brazil (Y5)


USA (Y5)


Mexico (Y5)


Malaysia (Y6)

China (Y6)


India (Y6)


Weekly Newsletter - 11.10.24

Weekly Newsletter - Important Information

Friday 11th October 2024

Dear Parents and carers,

We hope that you have had a great week. This week I have been very impressed with Year 2 as they have  been fantastic role models during their trip to the Fire Station. They were well mannered and very sensible during their visit, asking lots of questions to help them with their topic ‘The Great Fire of London’. It didn’t end there for year 2 as I was lucky enough  to see Mastering Number in action, the children were using their stem sentences to explain their understanding  and I was very impressed with their hard work! Well done Year 2.

Parents Evening

We are really looking forward to you joining us for Year 1- 5 parents evening next Tuesday 15th and Wednesday 16th October. Your children’s books will be available for you to look through while you wait for your appointment. Please remember that appointments are only 10 minutes each so if there is something that you wish to discuss that may need more time, please arrange to meet the teacher at a different time after school so that you have enough time to discuss this in more detail.

Harvest Festival 

Thank you to those who have kindly donated to our Harvest appeal. We are starting to build up lots of donations. You are still able to donate throughout the next two weeks of the half term as we will be delivering the donations just before the end of half term. 

Year 6 Secondary School Admissions

Parents and Carers with children in Year 6 must apply for a school place by Thursday 31st October using this link  https://www.eadmissions.org.uk/.  If you don’t apply by this date your child will not be allocated a Secondary School. If you need support in applying for a school place, please contact the school and we will arrange a time to come in.

Individual and Sibling School Photographs  

School Photos are now live!  A message from Carmel Jane Photography:  We are excited to share that the photographs are ready, and they look amazing! If you pre-registered, please check your inbox for your unique access link.  If not, please contact us on www.carmeljane.co.uk/pre-registration-support and Insert school code: JRFF236CYG There are limited time discounts available, so act fast! All photographs will be sent straight to your home address   

Raising Concerns

Our priority is to ensure that any concerns are properly addressed for every individual pupil and family.  If concerns are raised by groups or via anonymous complaints this can present us with extreme challenges and difficulties in resolving them successfully.  As a school we believe wholeheartedly in working in partnership with our community and that addressing concerns openly and transparently allows us to arrive at far better outcomes and improved solutions and support for our individual pupils.

We have a clear process set out in our complaints procedure about how to share any concerns you may have with the school. The first step is an informal stage and we would encourage you to schedule a meeting with your child's teacher in the first instance. This will provide an opportunity for you to share your concerns and for the teacher to give you feedback or share further context. If you would like to speak to the teacher with another member of staff present, the Year Group Leaders are available to support. If the issue persists, please make an appointment to speak to the Year Group Leader, Assistant Headteacher, Deputy Headteacher  or Headteacher. 

Key Information and dates

School Ping

Squid login

Havering Catering Lunch Menu

Key Dates

Havering school term dates 2024-2025

Tuesday 15th and Wednesday 16th October

Parents Evening- More information to follow

Monday 28th October - Friday 1st November

Half term

Monday 4th November 


Tuesday 5th November

Children return to school

Monday 21st July and Tuesday 22nd July


Yours Sincerely,                 

Ms A Holmes


Palau Marble Jar Reward!

Palau class filled up their Marble Jar and enjoyed some extra time in our outside area as a reward. Well done everyone!

Year One Mathletics Certificates.

Well done to all the children in year one who earned a Mathletics Certificate this week!

Northern Ireland Marble reward

 Northern Ireland have filled their marble jar this week so we decided to have some extra play. Well done Northern Ireland.