Friday, 3 February 2023


 A big well done to the USA Mathletic winners.

Tag Rugby

 A massive well done

to the Year 5/6 Mead Tag Rugby team. Who won their group and are through to the final taking place next week.

Well done and Good luck!

Year 4 Spellings

 The spellings for next week are:

1. girls’

2. boys’

3. babies’

4. parents’

5. teachers’

6. women’s

7. men’s

8. children’s

9. people’s

10. mice’s

These will be tested on Friday 10th February. 

Thursday, 2 February 2023

Year 1 library trip!

Today Fiji class visited Harold Hill library. We got the chance to take a tour of the children's library, and listen to a story. Children chose a book, which they have brought back to school to enjoy. Everybody set a great example for Mead and had a fantastic time!

Malaysia Beat their Attendance Target!

As a reward for reaching their attendance target, Malaysia class enjoyed a "Wheels are us" session. Well done Malaysia, keep up the good work!

Chinese New Year in Reception

At the turn of the lunar new year, our reception classes learned about Chinese New Year traditions. Children were able to taste traditional foods in their classrooms, and create a menu for their Chinese restaurant outside. 

Our children were particulary awed by London's 2023 celebration, watching the acrobatics of the dragons as they danced. 

In class, we practiced writing chinese numerals, pattern making and looked at the pattern of the Chinese zodiac. 

Happy Year of the Rabbit!

All about the orchestral families

In year 4 music for the last three weeks, we have been exploring instruments of the orchestra. We had the opportunity to try some of them, we listened to their timbre and watched the orchestra in action.

We also learned about the pizzicato - a playing technique that involves plucking the string of a string instrument. We had fun using percussion instruments to imitate the pizzicato method to one of the most famous pizzicato pieces 'Pizzicato' by Leo Delibes.