Friday, 7 February 2025

Achievement Awards - 7.2.25


Amazing Awards!

Attendance Awards

A huge well done to the following classes who have all achieved 95% and above.. China, Canada, USA, England and Scotland. A disappointing week in terms of attendance this week. Can I once again remind you that coughs and colds are not legitimate reasons to keep your child absent from school. Whilst we recognise we are in the winter months where we see a rise in the incidence of cough and colds, please try and ensure your child still attends school.

Bingo Homework

Luke, Lukas, Neel, Dulcie, Ved, Caitilin, Sebastian, James, Albie, Samuel, Jamarb, Harry, Emma and Elsie (New Zealand), Alicia & Heavenly (Wales), Adrian, Tyler, Elhan, Summer, Scarlett-May, Aahil, Aria, Aren and Artem (Palau), Alessia, Amelia, Sara and Stefan (Northern Ireland), Zoya,Nifemi and Princess (Morocco)

15 Books Certificates

Well done to Carter and Karma (Palau), Zoya  (Morocco), Sara (Northern Ireland), Sophie (Egypt)

Malta Star of the Week

Congratulations to Bella  who is awarded Malta Star of the Week for fantastic exploration and initiation in Art this week!

Star Writer Certificates

These children have excelled with their writing this week. Well done to Aliyah (England), Charlie (Greece), Samuel (Malaysia), Lucille (Mexico), Paula (St Lucia), Lennie (Fiji) Johnny (USA), Leo Bass (Germany), Blessing (Spain), Ethan & Khadijah (Wales), Keyaan (Palau), Poppy (Madagascar), Victoria (Morocco), Robbie (New Zealand), Lucian (Northern Ireland), Ustym (Canada), Amelia (Italy), Kiyaan (Jamaica), Riley (Kenya), Milena (Scotland), Anja (Egypt), Aubree (Brazil), Renesmee (India) Johnny (USA), Jacob (China)

Star Reader Certificates

These children have worked really hard on their reading this week. Well done to Ja’c (Wales), Sofiia (England), Khasim (Greece), Anna (Malaysia), Aysha (Mexico), Rojus (St Lucia), Lilith (Fiji) Amber (USA), Ollie (Germany), Vinnie (Spain), Ishaq (Palau), Erica (Madagascar), Ethan(Morocco), Rois (New Zealand), Alessia (Northern Ireland), Renat (Canada), Ruby (Italy), Dija (Jamaica), Nikole (Scotland), Poppy (Kenya), William (Egypt), Elijah (Brazil), Joshua (India), Renaz (China)

Star Mathematician Certificates

These children have enjoyed a fantastic week with their maths. Well done to Chloe (Wales), Dawood (England), Millie (Greece), Halimah (Malaysia),  Freddie (Mexico), Maisie-Mae (St Lucia), Amelia (Fiji) Aum (USA), Amelia (Germany), Dennie (Spain) , Aria (Palau), Ellie (Madagascar), Aaliyah and Alessia (Morocco), Ava (New Zealand), Emily (Northern Ireland), Hollie (Canada), Sethika (Italy), Ralph (Jamaica), Ezra (Kenya), Zion (Scotland), Ella (Egypt), Mia (Brazil), Izampela (India), Tiana (China)

Achievement  Certificates 

These children have earned 20 Achievement points and are on their way to the Mead Roll of Honour. Well done to Ruby (Greece)  Noah(Mexico), Stanley, (Mexico), Aysha (Mexico)  Sidiq (Mexico), Hamza, Vivaan, Samson (Fiji)  Johnny, (USA), Domas & Nathan (Germany), Amy, Maddison-Rose, Sofiia (England), Ava & Albert (Wales), David, Jaks (Madagascar), Amelia, Monelen, Siyaa and Matas (Northern Ireland), Natalia (Canada), Ruby, Sethika, Justas (Italy), Sophie, Poppy, Hezekiah, Amelia, Besa, Iyaz, Olivia, Tommy C (Kenya), Nikole (Scotland), Beau, Sebastian, Ella and Evelina (Egypt), Visha, Haider, Leya, Emilia (Brazil), Hazel, Connie, Gracelyn, Tommy, Izampela, Joshua & Nicolae (India) Malakai Ella (USA), Layla, Millie & Ryan (China)

Mathletics Award

Bronze certificate

Aliyah, Sophie, Penelope (England), Victoria and Ved (New Zealand), Nicolas (Fiji), Charlotte (Germany), Henry, Olivia, Millie, Emaan (Greece). Delia (Italy), Zion-Elijah, Aayan, Tommy-Sean (Spain), Ruby (Wales), Michael D (Northern Ireland), Lexi, Grace (Canada), Hezekiah, Olivia (Kenya), Emily, Erica (Madagascar), Alessia, Princess (Morocco), Chloe, Enki, Varnika, Nikole (Scotland)

Silver certificate

Samson (Fij), Eva (Germany),  Violet (Greece), Kane, Jacob (Spain), Heavenly (Wales), Alessia (Northern Ireland), Benjamin (Egypt), Evie B, Amelia, Rishi (Kenya), Leonela (Madagascar), Oluwanifemi (Morocco), Sid, David (Scotland)

Gold Certificate

Yasmin (England), Sebastian and Jamarb (New Zealand)Yani, Elhan (Palau), Amelia, Zelda (Germany), Callum (Greece), David, Kavi (Spain), David (Wales), Emily, Daniel, Sydney and Nancy (Northern Ireland), Shay (Canada), Sebastian, Finn (Egypt), Abdullah (Kenya), Daniel, Brody, Sophie (Madagascar), Zara (Morocco), Katy (Scotland)

Platinum Certificate 

Amy, Olivia, Jake, Lilly (England), Luke and Emma (New Zealand), Artem, Aahil and Sofia P (Palau), Thomas, Jaxson-Bridge, Georgia (Fiji) Isla, Zuzanna (USA) Nuhaa (Mexico), Kajus (Mexico), Emilia (Germany), Jessica, Justas, Ahmet, Cat, Lenny, Zakariya (Italy), Alicia (Wales), Sara, Matas and Milena (Northern Ireland), Ustym, Leo (Canada), Buddy, Besa (Kenya), Andrei G, David (Madagascar), 

Emerald Certificate

Adrian (Palau), Vivaan, Maxim (Fiji), Nathan (Greece), Olivia, Akhila, Elena, Sara, Tadei (Italy), Rayan A (Spain), Albert (Wales), Stefan (Northern Ireland), Alex (Egypt), Sophie (Kenya), Milena (Scotland)

Diamond Certificate

Aum (USA), Sebastian (Greece)

January Year 4 Times Table Rock Star Awards


Tyler (Germany), Amelia D (Greece)

Garage Rocker

Nancy (Italy)


Caterina, Ruby, Jack, Mahir (Italy), Adriana, Bella, Jacob (Spain)

Support Act

Amelia, Satara (Germany), Ezra (Italy), Reggie (Spain)

Breakthrough Artist

Leo Ba (Germany), Kamil (Greece), Sethika (Italy), Oscar (Spain)

Unsigned Act

Ellison (Germany), Clio (Italy)

Rock Legend

Domas, Eva, Ollie (Germany), Gabriel (Italy), Zion-Elijah, Aayan, Blessing (Spain)

Rock Star

Leo Br, Evelyn, Zofia, Kelsie, Manha (Germany), Elena (Italy), Kavi, Amirah, Melina, Nubian (Spain)

Gone Green

Zach (Germany), Gabriel, Ahmet (Italy), Faith, Victoria (Spain)

Well done to Italy  class for winning the January Year 4 Battle. 

Golden Certificate

Congratulations to these children who have been awarded a Golden Certificate as they have made exceptionally good choices linked to The Mead Creed. These certificates are not easy to get so very well done to this week’s winners!

St Lucia (YR)


Antigua (YR)

Jamaica (YR)


New Zealand (Y1)


Palau (Y1)


Fiji (Y1)

Kaisan & Shruthii

Madagascar (Y2)


Morocco (Y2)

Eve A

Kenya (Y2)


Egypt (Y2)


Scotland (Y3)


Wales (Y3)


Northern Ireland (Y3)


England (Y3)


Italy (Y4)

Ezra, Jack

Greece (Y4)


Spain (Y4)


Germany (Y4)

Germany Class 

Brazil (Y5)


Canada (Y5)


Mexico (Y5)


USA (Y5)


China (Y6)


Malaysia (Y6)


India (Y6)



Havering School Term and Holiday Dates 2024-2025

Weekly Newsletter - 7.2.25

Weekly Newsletter - Important Information

Friday 7th February 2025

Dear Parents and Carers,

This week, our assemblies focused on resilience and the importance of supporting each other. We have been encouraging children to keep going when faced with challenges and to celebrate each other’s successes. It was wonderful to see so many of you at Parents' Evening, sharing in your children’s progress—we truly appreciate your support.

We also took time to remember Ms. Wolf, marking one year since her passing. As you know, we now have Buddy Benches in her memory, symbolising the kindness and inclusivity she brought to our school. On Wednesday, we welcomed NEU representatives, who visited to pay their respects. They were met by members of our Pupil Parliament, who spoke about Ms. Wolf’s impact and how we continue to honour her legacy. The NEU will also be adding a plaque to the Buddy Benches in recognition of her dedication to education.

Miss Smith’s Baby News!

We are delighted to share that Miss Smith has welcomed a beautiful baby girl earlier than expected! Both mum and baby are doing well.

Miss Callan has been working closely with Miss Smith over the past few weeks to ensure a smooth transition and will be taking over as the class teacher for Greece Class. I am really pleased that many of you got to meet Miss Callan during your parents meetings. 

We send our warmest congratulations to Miss Smith and look forward to meeting the newest addition to the Mead family soon!

CAP Coffee Morning

Before Christmas, I shared information about our partnership with CAP (Christians Against Poverty). On 11th February at 9:00 AM, we will host a Parent Coffee Morning to provide more information about the incredible work CAP does and how they can support you, your friends, or family members.

Drinks and refreshments will be available, and Mrs. Kinchella will be co-hosting this session, so you’ll see a friendly and familiar face. Please come along and join us in the Conference Room (Gate 1, main reception

Pokémon Cards in School

We love seeing children interact and play together, and we know that Pokémon cards can be a great way to develop social skills. However, they have started to cause disruptions in class, and we want to ensure that learning remains the priority.

To help manage this, we are reminding all children that:
✅ Pokémon cards can be used at break and lunchtime only
✅ They must be played with sensibly and respectfully

❌ Trading is not allowed—we will not be involved in sorting out trades or returning lost/swapped cards
❌ Cards must not be brought into lessons as they are disrupting learning

If issues continue, we may need to review whether Pokémon cards can be brought into school. We appreciate your support in reinforcing these expectations with your child. 

Parental Consents – Photo & Video Sharing

As a school, we regularly celebrate our pupils’ achievements by sharing photos and videos on our website, social media and other school communications. This helps us keep our community informed, promote our school values and create an inspiring learning environment.

In light of recent insights and best practice guidance, we are now reviewing our approach to photo and video sharing. As part of this process, we are asking all parents and carers to review and resubmit their consent.

You can withdraw or update your consent at any time by making a written request. Additionally, we are implementing immediate changes, including limiting public photo-sharing and using private channels such as School Ping where necessary.

👉 Please complete the updated consent form by Friday, 14th February, at the latest.
Until we have received this information, we will not be sharing photographs or videos of children on our Facebook page.

Upcoming Events

Tuesday 11th February

Greece class trip to the British Museum

Tuesday 11th February

Year 5 and 6 Girls football Quarter Finals

Tuesday 11th February

Safer Internet Day

Tuesday 11th February

Year 6 boosters

Wednesday 12th February 

Friends of Mead coffee morning (see attached poster) 

Thursday 13th February

Itay class trip to the British Museum

Thursday 13th February 

Parent webinar on supporting children with additional needs with toilet training (see attached poster) 

Thursday 13th February

Year 6 boosters

Thursday 13th February

England and NI trip to Natural History Museum

Thursday 13th February

Year 3 and 4 Indoor Athletics Comp

Friday 14th February

Scotland and Wales trip to Natural History Museum

17th - 21st February

Half term

Next week is our final week of this half term. We will finish school on Friday 14th February and return on Monday 24th February. 

Kindest regards, 

Ms A Holmes
