Well done to Jaion in Jamaica and Rylan in Canada who receive bookmarks for reading 10 books
Lola and Gabriel in St. Lucia, Jay-Jay and Rehan in Madagascar, Aiden in Germany, Maisie in Italy and Maisie in Canada have achieved bronze reading awards for reading 25 books.
Silver Reader awards go to Sebastian and Victoria in Jamaica, Daniel W in St. Lucia, Louisa in Egypt, Aminata and Charlie in Wales and Amanda in Germany who have read 50 books. They each receive a silver certificate and a £5 book token for their efforts.
Rocco and Sarah in Palau and Nicole and Marcel in Kenya have read 75 books and they get a book of their choice for their fantastic effort.
A massive well done to Francesca in Palau, Amelia, Jannat, Wajeeha and Alex in Wales and Grace in U.S.A who have read 100 books and receive a Gold certificate and trophy