Nursery Newsletter Summer 2 Week 6
Dear Parents and Carers,
We hope you are enjoying your weekend and making the most of the lovely weather and the very exciting sporting events.
We had a fun week with our bouncy castle day on Wednesday and lots of time enjoying our lovely outside area, We also practised for our graduation which we know you will love. Please bring your tissues as the children`s singing is very moving.
Last Week Reminders

Friday 20th July

New Term Reminders
Pupils return to school on Wednesday 5th September (Monday 3rd and Tuesday 4th September are inset days)
Wednesday 5th-Thursday 6th September-Reception home visits conducted for all new to Reception parents
Friday 7th September-Reception Stay and Play
Monday 10th September Our reception pupils start- 1/2 day initially
Monday 24th September-All children in Full time
We would like to thank you all for your support this year. We have had a lovely year and loved working with you and your children. For those moving on we would like to wish you all the best and for those staying we look forward to watching our children continue to grow in Reception.
We would also like to wish you a very happy Summer and hope this lovely weather continues.
Best Regards
The Nursery Team
We had a fun week with our bouncy castle day on Wednesday and lots of time enjoying our lovely outside area, We also practised for our graduation which we know you will love. Please bring your tissues as the children`s singing is very moving.
Last Week Reminders
Tuesday 17th July -Nursery graduation-10.00-11.00 2.00-3.00
Doors open 9.50 and 1.50
We would love to see you at our Nursery graduation. A celebration of your child`s year and a chance for us to wish the children good luck as they move into Reception.

Thursday 19th July-Class Parties

Thursday 19th July-Class Parties

Friday 20th July

New Term Reminders
Pupils return to school on Wednesday 5th September (Monday 3rd and Tuesday 4th September are inset days)
Wednesday 5th-Thursday 6th September-Reception home visits conducted for all new to Reception parents
Friday 7th September-Reception Stay and Play
Monday 10th September Our reception pupils start- 1/2 day initially
Monday 24th September-All children in Full time
We would like to thank you all for your support this year. We have had a lovely year and loved working with you and your children. For those moving on we would like to wish you all the best and for those staying we look forward to watching our children continue to grow in Reception.
We would also like to wish you a very happy Summer and hope this lovely weather continues.
Best Regards
The Nursery Team